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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Never mind the quality feel the wallet syndrome is always in the air here ????
  2. It will all end up a sniveling slobbering $hit show no doubt ????
  3. My mate had a blowup one but it was always going down on him I said there must be a pinprick in it somewhere ????
  4. The hoards of Xi will be upon you blocking every isle of Makro in a week as every variant under the sun is imminent LOS ????
  5. What could possibly go wrong.. may the cluster be with you Anutin ????
  6. Brexit the gift that keeps taking but not for Boris a million quid for 4 speeches the only tangible benefit so far ????
  7. They must mean first at embezzlement and keeping the minority sustained ????
  8. What is an example of a Force Majeure? Typical Force Majeure events include natural causes (fire, storms, floods), governmental or societal actions (war, invasion, civil unrest, labor strikes), infrastructure failures (transportation, energy), etc including a dipstick of a health minister ????
  9. Yep they have disappeared from HH to????
  10. Last year I changed enough cash for a year at 45.5 to the £ this year its 40.7 so got no choice but to wait and change small when it absolutely runs out????
  11. What license to suspend will be the most asked question I suspect ????
  12. Anyone jumping into the sea in Pattaya has a mental health issue quickly followed by a waterborne disease ????
  13. Deputy prime minister! could literally be anyone there are thousands of them ????
  14. It was only a few months ago the Russian arrival was a savior for tourism but as predicted the departures will need a smart car or two not forgetting a pointing stick and vinyl board also ????
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