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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Just minor infringements it's not like he seized power by force this time is it .. That's not one of the free hats is it?????
  2. Cough it up python a 100k and a handbag for hunters could be up for grabs ????
  3. Well done now just remove all sharp instruments and guns from everyone that knows ????
  4. There was only 216 MP'S in the chamber as the rest had a crop to harvest ????
  5. Next time impersonate a general there are millions of them ????
  6. Were those people down there for an impending trouser incident? one lady looks ready ????
  7. With any luck he will slipup on the slobbering slime fall on the drug baron and bring this walrus show to an end ????
  8. Sounds like 1840 at the corral what a nuthouse this gun culture place is becoming ????
  9. No mention of the event where a military helicopter hovered above a tent with 100s of kids in it blowing everything away in a downdraft scaring the life out of them then ????
  10. Fear not the health minister has a plan when Kraken bites his Harris .. blame the west ????
  11. Have a think after a few long cigarettes first then get the tool of choice the calculator out and things will get much clearer ????
  12. Anyone know what Dr google virus Yong dose when he is not bashing his keyboard ????
  13. Attention 125 Unusually wealthy senators at the double ????
  14. Team rob and plunder having some power seizing reminiscing by the sound of it ????
  15. No I wasn't there but I so remember the final gates opened at 11am I had no idea until about 12.30 that I had a ticket to the wrong end so no cheering Don Rogers for me the fat lip came from a Swindon supporter on the coach home. I even remember his name Micky Fitzgerald .. only about 5 years ago I met his sister who was one of my dads careers I asked to meet up with him to return the lip but my message was declined ????
  16. If the pound keeps on its current trajectory that will be about 300 quid to get in ????
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