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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Shocked by the contents of "---- you" that can now be used inside a couple of quotation marks ..." but not really " 🤔
  2. Not forgetting this is the land where the Red Bull heir wiped out a copper and eluded any form of justice 🤔
  3. No blurring of photos for these crims hopefully they will proceed with a defamation case in a couple of years or so 🤔
  4. Check his box he has been on the gear for sure 🤔
  5. One Swiss Wai and a packet of crisps will be made into a soap saga and lottery for sure 🤔
  6. Please collect your free UNESCO super soaker in the baggage reclaim hall 🤔
  7. Ever been involved in a speedboat accident? then call today here at swindlers are us for a jolly good rinsing 🤔
  8. Newsflash all cops are fake here just ask Big joke 🤔
  9. It takes 4 weeks to arrive and that's past the due date of 3 weeks that then makes you panic, courier costs £20 and arrives in 5 days both cards did arrive but I already canceled the first snail mail one 🤔
  10. A lampost piano wire and a 3 leg stool spring to mind for this detritus 🤔
  11. Welcome to the cum-voyeur world where your guaranteed an eyeful or a lens full in this case by the looks 🤔
  12. Get the engine out you fools it's needed in a sub 🤔
  13. But looking at that list where has the quality gone this year 🤔
  14. Thank god for this info I thought I'd pissed myself on wakening🤔
  15. Is the 100kg+ Swiss known as Rollie 🤔
  16. I have given up going to the beach here as parking is the number one issue, followed by no beach side bars/restaurants, and semi lay flat deck chairs that seem to pull out my spine getting in and out, and not forgetting a marauding troupe of monkeys that tried to mug me the last time I visited . Unless you know different and I have missed something ? 🤔
  17. You are in the wrong country to question hygiene surely 🤔
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