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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. It looked like a version of cotton eyed Joe on the video 🤔
  2. I can supply the 3 legged stool and piano wire even the foot to kick it just need the nearest lamppost 🤔
  3. Tony baloney's miracle cure will be on sale at the weed counter 🤔
  4. Tony the timeline so far this year exile, return, jail, deathbed, parole, miracle recovery, winkle out PM, disband elected party , install daughter, settle the scores 🤔
  5. Must be a skint unconnected nobody denied bail 🤔
  6. Is Major Bribery Ring the name of the commanding officer also known as Big Ring aka Big Bung 🤔
  7. How on earth did those blue pants not turn brown? that's what you call amazing Thailand🤔
  8. There will surely be a general in the planning stages of making himself much richer under the guise of stabilization of the hen house 🤔
  9. Rather unfortunate the lynching was prevented 🤔
  10. Lace up the nearest tree departure time 🤔
  11. Welcome to a year in Tony's life from exile to prison, to released in a day, to at death's door, to parole, to organizing the fall of the elected party, to sacking off the PM, to installing his daughter as the defecto one, to now making decisions of who goes where ..the most to the most corrupt country laid bare . You've been hearing about the UK's two tier Kier, this is Thailand's Ten tier Tony 🤔
  12. The cop is just pointing out his finders fee 🤔
  13. My inlaws regular snake expert handling qualities on their shrimp farm involve a machete and a mess 🤔
  14. Escort him where exactly I'm confused she surely can't be a pro that's illegal🤔
  15. On the bright side his new confident chat up line is do you want to see my python 🤔
  16. The terminal far from being in a shocking state now looks like a couple of villas a brace of Ferraris and some shiny stuff 🤔
  17. It was no coincidence Prawit looked a right Charlie🤔
  18. Celebrate with a big bowl of rice and a bottle of Uncle Tony's cure all judge paralyzing mixture 🤔
  19. Did he promise faithfully not to shoot anyone else or the judge in this lunatic decision 🤔
  20. So it's only a red bull red notice that doesn't work then🤔
  21. Three legged stool piano wire and a lampost time again for those who like justice videos 🤔
  22. Tony easily removes any problem courts, PM's, sentences, hospitals, parole and parts waves on Sundays 🤔
  23. The video was sickening to unfortunately watch, and no bystander bravery didn't help 🤔Rip
  24. Should be called peacock land where corruption is on full display all day every day put that in the next phone call🤔
  25. The land of the bizarre where sack off the party that won the election fire the replacement PM install someone who no one voted for all in the space of a week and up goes the Baht ..fishy very fishy 🤔
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