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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Government help is what we need, and we need it soon. Not from this blatantly anti pensioner two tier all the free gear Keir you won't 🤔
  2. OMG' anyone with school kids going on trips must be very nervous I know I Am' my 10 year old is supposed to be going on one Thursday I was already before this, starting to feel uneasy. This countries appalling school safety laid burning bare in a few photos sickening kids failed by adults Rip.🤔
  3. Factory closures Rising unemployment Reduced consumer spending Halted industrial investments Increased household and business debt Higher bank loan costs due to rising bad debt reserves Banks limiting loans to struggling businesses Reduced government tax revenues and budget cuts Lower government spending A shrinking GDP Declining foreign currency reserves And with that news up goes the Baht Impervious to bad news good news any news 🤔
  4. To answer your question fairly accurately it took 9 years for the £ to go from 43 to 47.5 and 2 months to return to 43 🤔
  5. Got that right now the Houthis' are getting educated 🤔
  6. Well that was some turn out said one drunken bum 🤔
  7. It hit a nine year high versus the £ on the 20th' of July and been falling since the 21st' good news , bad news any kin' news it goes up that's the diamond encrusted kevlar Baht but how and why is most mysterious 🤔
  8. Hunt him down like a rabid dog and neutralize on the spot 🤔
  9. Some good news for a change from this rancid unelected government 🤔
  10. My crystal ball is out and it's saying your a future taxi driver Kris you can start tomorrow 🤔
  11. My near perfect 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer keeps telling me borrow some dosh and change me but can't ever see that happening my once very painfully expensive love 🤔
  12. The one that got punched in the face is now a red Indian🤔
  13. No worries about the Baht borrow any number you like and up it will go 🤔
  14. Good smash the living daylights out of them, turbans firing rockets need to be educated not pandered to 🤔
  15. His dead friend wanted his watches back 🤔
  16. Prawit was simply holding a seance by phone and the payments were for some old watches 🤔
  17. Is the dog still barking or is it just the people 🤔
  18. Sounds like she inexplicably thought the monitor lizard would be preferential. get well soon and buy a lottery ticket 🤔
  19. I had a £100k in a Turkish bank and made sometimes £6.5k in a morning on the exchange rate times were great then Erdogan' the coup faker showed up and my luck ran out I left and the £100k was now worth £54k (today worth £1208) with even more Erdogan'. Fed up with the hammering I shifted it here and after delay after delay it arrived here on the morning of the Brexit result shock horror the pound fell off mount Everest never to recover (A river of tears). On the 20th of july the pound hit 47.5=47.00 at the bank time to change after a 9 year wait, a nine year high! but it was a weekend and by Monday it was on a one way bullet train decline again. Lucky for me I had inheritance at the right time bought a house and slashed costs the thought of falling into two Tier Kiers UK clutches is a price too high to pay 🤔
  20. Is trying to enter her condo a euphemism Mlud 🤔
  21. The kevlar coated titanium carbon fiber Baht is impervious to any logical force especially if it sniffs a £ I found🤔
  22. UK address Uk phone number Metro Bank "never use a card here"! wise account with card for transfers =hassle free banking 🤔
  23. Thai news has been hysterical with it and so is my Mrs. so I will go along with sure 🤔
  24. Look on Thai news before posting your usual nonsense 🤔
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