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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. OK it can't get any worse invite them all they are all bound to be a dead friend of someone or other here 🤔
  2. Wonder how many times the phrase "in the ensuing chaos" has been used in a police operation here 🤔
  3. The guest after dinner speaker can now be penciled in 🤔
  4. Sometimes selling your own grannie for a few Baht will backfire who next for an invite Mr. Kim? 🤔
  5. Disappointment is an understatement hopefully he has destroyed tourism and reputation in one sickening photo the man is a disgrace to this country if that's possible and he has invited the child snatching mass murdering mafia psycho madman wanted war criminal to diner 🤔
  6. We were on the piss now they are taking it said one disgruntled partygoer 🤔
  7. Unfortunately not a kindly policeman just bought it for cash 🤔
  8. The cure would be to tell him his sentence only starts when he is actually located in prison 🤔
  9. Who's fretting now ..sign the contract you are in the Somachi Clark Five 🤔
  10. It looks like one of them ate the other to me 🤔
  11. Srettha will be along to shake your hand just as soon as he has finished shaking hands with satan 🤔
  12. Now look what you have done Big Tor Suk Sak another hospital bill for me and my sides stitched back up I will be asking for a zip this time as this story is getting very expensive 🤔
  13. They are still processing the scat samples he left in the Forest and the JCB they sent to remove it ..And some things stay with you for a long time the older you get I'm finding unfortunately 🤔
  14. Get the BBQ on the fat hunter with a big gun is coming back to town ..Panthers beware 🤔
  15. Hang on guys as soon as Srettha is finished sucking up with terrorists and war criminals and general lowlifes in China you will have his attention and your bills ????
  16. Just drop in the word foreign to alleged drunk and you have a news story to outrage the nation ????
  17. To add some more nonsense to this story ..In a reciprocal agreement Myanmar supports a ceasefire in shopping malls gold shops and BJ's lexus ????
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