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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Now Minnie has been arrested Will they be naming Mickey as the only straight cop left also known as AJ Another Joke ????
  2. They forgot the 3 gazillion needed in digging a big hole to throw the 50 billion in but it looks like a goer anyway ????
  3. Personally I don't fancy anything with brownies in the description it always leaves a bad taste ????
  4. Welcome a police escort has been arranged to take you directly to your gambling den and call Centre don't forget your cut to the police or army enjoy ????
  5. Police has a very different meaning here its all a criminal front top to bottom and inside out ????
  6. Have any UK pensions paid into it then transfer it thorough a third party would be "wise" for starters and anything else you may require a UK account for now or in the future ????
  7. I believe that those who applied to the court for the warrant deceived the court ..names and addresses please????
  8. Apparently BJ's name and none of his cohorts were named on the court documents and only his address was on the search warrant hence why he refused entry .. I can only imagine what you can get down a toilet and on a BBQ until the paperwork is in order but I bet there is some frenetic movements going on now ????
  9. OMG its all hit the fan now BJ in his pants ????
  10. Never tell a bank where you live use the account to withdraw/transfer or use the "ATM" card here maintain a UK address at all costs its not rocket science ????
  11. Its not seats but courts one in particular you need to win back then votes don't matter ????
  12. I'm as confused as the policeman who now has 50 extra pills to shift ????
  13. Its a world class foul stench Mr. deputy mayor, look forward to your bathing photos after the clean up ????
  14. Ivan collect your shovel and black bag on arrival your off on holiday again ????
  15. Just how are you going to get this green genie back in the bottle PM its growing everywhere ????
  16. 1 trillion for the project and 9 trillion trousered will be the cost for sure ????
  17. I will kick the bidding off with a bowl of fruit any advance ????
  18. Cheaper to go with no plates at all and blend in ????
  19. I'm still trying to find the struggling Baht in this fairytale story ????
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