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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Dry as a kangaroos jock strap in HH unless you count the sweat dripping off me ????
  2. This is a very interesting story involving 21 police officers a headman with 2billion in the bank and now BJ ????
  3. Its ok Xi they fitted a Chinese engine in the Benz ????
  4. Stuff the Germans at 6,600HP get it in a sub but take the wheels off first ????
  5. CM after 10 never again over and out ????
  6. Principles a load of old bulls there's free food at the canteen for starters ..promises what promises ????
  7. It will all be cleared up when they show they all have taken the oath of malfeasance and passed with flying colors ????
  8. Looks like a forest of corruption I just can't see the wood for the trees anymore ????
  9. There's a contraflow on the silk road as your now finding out, how amusing ????
  10. Its now so world class you only get beat up by 4 bouncers instead of 6 when you quibble the bill ????
  11. I would like to go a little further and limit all Thais to a horse and cart after the lunacy I witnessed today ????
  12. Mum/Dad should have got down there fast defrocked the pervert and hung him with it ????
  13. There's duty free shopping and the basket in there somewhere also ????
  14. Think the public were expecting Pita to solve their problems first????
  15. The minors probably tunneled in and the police probably own it next ????
  16. That will inevitably be the 10 for us 1 for you tried and tested disbursement free for all it always has been with everyone and his dog ending up in the courthouse in the near future ????
  17. The only coup-proofing achievable here is a new roof on the hen house ????
  18. He had the the right job title Minister of Culture as corruption is the culture ????
  19. With so many draft dodgers and deserters now there Dmitry Medvedev will be threatening to nuke it ASAP????
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