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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Welcome your relatives will receive a basket of fruit and a Wai upon your horizontal departure until then spend as much as you can and can I recommend a boat trip to speed things up enjoy ????
  2. If you can't beat your rivals shoot them in the tried and tested taxi way ????
  3. He is wearing a champion tee shirt for a reason I suspect ????
  4. Next year all purchases will be from the trouser pocket and then they can make him a general ????
  5. I think their algorithm is set on pissing customers off especially the search engine and logging on has a problem if your device is in English so the Mrs. takes over and nothing gets ordered that is my experience ????
  6. They measure corruption in country miles here he needs to try harder a dead friend would be useful ????
  7. But when is the lunar launch going ahead or was that all just cheese ????
  8. Let me tell you and witnessed for years the captain kirks are the world leaders in cash extraction from old ladies and they also have the strongest stomachs ever created ????
  9. The very hazy world of Thai lawsuits that never appear to follow a coherent path ????
  10. How unlucky was that the warranty for combustion was only 6 days ????
  11. The general is now filling his nappy twice before emptying ????
  12. Suggest buying back all of the weapons held by the Buddhist public for starters ????
  13. And next the psychiatric team showed up late with straight jackets plastic bags and rocket launchers by the sound of this lunacy ????
  14. Wonder what the safety record will be of these things falling out of the sky with an autonomous Thai hand at the joystick.. suggest start looking up in Nakhon Sawan a lot ????
  15. First rule always wear a Timex or Casio watch when in public to save any misunderstandings ????
  16. Artificial intelligence is already running the banking system here right along side no intelligence at all ????
  17. Of the 119.44 billion Baht spent how much was voluntary? and how much of this exacting figure ended up down the back of the sofa ????
  18. Thaksin Houdini breaks out of the shackles in 8 hours anyone would think this escape looked planed ????
  19. They rushed him to the hospital where he was further rinsed and bled dry ????
  20. Please note you can't grow your kids by planting them even in this lunatic asylum ????
  21. The country is now awash with people called "Vladimir" with more to come I suspect ????
  22. My understanding is this is the crazy world of Arthur Brown here ????
  23. Hopeful the vison has a clear view of which officers drive a Ferrari Lamborghini or Lexus ????
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