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Posts posted by Keesters

  1. 14 hours ago, twocatsmac said:


    As mentioned above, most normal people don’t use face ache.


    "In 2019, the number of Facebook users in Thailand reached around 48.5 million, up from around 47 million in 2018. As of the second quarter of 2019, the social network was accessed by close to two billion users on a monthly basis." 


    So 48.5+ million Thais are not normal people? How do you define normal? 

  2. 18 hours ago, RocketDog said:

    'fine' is a very subjective term. 


    Your 'fine' may be a cloistered, drab, and boring existence for another person who is open to new experiences and willing to search for 'finer' things. Many people who live quite differently from you also think they have a fine life. Get it? 


    In any event, you are attempting to force your definition on every person on earth. Not cool. Just another form of bigotry. 

    You are welcome to embrace your life. Why not extend that courtesy to others? 

    And yet you questioned why I'd never tried it. Pot, kettle, black. 

    • Like 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, mr mr said:

    shall i carry your chariot into the stadium for you ? can i take you out for a glass of fine wine or perhaps a single malt whisky ? 


    No need my friend. I can do everything I need without assistance or aid from anybody or any substance. 

    • Like 1
  4. Just how many Thais need to learn English in order to live and work their daily lives? 1 million, 10 million, all of them. I would think the number quite small. I can on a regular basis meet Thais who have never seen a farang let alone needed to communicate with them. But my 4yo grandson is doing not so bad coming home from school with a new word or phrase learnt on the playground. W T F (in full) was a recent one even though he's no idea what it means. Another was "Double tête" that he got from a half french lad. And his knowledge of flora & fauna in English just amazes people. Thank you youtube. 

    • Like 1
  5. 22 hours ago, xylophone said:

    I also quoted a friend of mine who lost his villa here because the judge ruled that he had bought it using a Thai lawyer nominee company, so the villa was never legally his in the first place, and it was taken from him.

    Interesting. When i discussed this with a retired Thai barrister many years ago he said a judge should rule based on where the money came from. While you may not own the property you own the money. Always keep accurate records of the money flow.

  6. 2 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

    Our governments and authorities don't have the minerals to implement reciprocal laws.


    Totally spineless and inept.


    The Thais are laughing! Well off Thais can do pretty much anything they want in Britain.

    It is not for countries other than Thailand to change their laws so that Thais can't do in those countries what foreigners can't do here. That would be against the free enterprise, non racist, non protectionist, non discriminatory nature and spirit of those countries lowering themselves to Thai standards. If Thailand feels I.E. foreign ownership of land wrong then it should be wrong for Thais to own land in a foreign country under Thai law. All foreign land owned by Thais should be confiscated by the Thai government and given to the governments of where the land is. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Lazada is an awful website with an awful layout. Don’t you just love when you type something in and it says “we’ve detected some unusual activity” so you have to slide the bar. And then is often the case you have to keep sliding the bar ‘til you’ve done it perfectly. And then, to top it all off and p*** you off some more, you have to reenter what you typed in in the first place. 

    A website like Amazon is far superior in every way. 

    Never had a problem with Lazada. I find its android app very good and easy to use. Its search engine could do with a major overhaul though with boolean AND / OR options. 

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