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Posts posted by Keesters

  1. On 2/17/2021 at 3:19 AM, lujanit said:

    The answer is simple.  Just ban motor scooters.

    May I remind you that the figures quoted are those that died and does not state the kind of vehicle that caused the death. Every day on my scooter I have to take emergency action to avoid being killed by some larger vehicle seemingly out to murder me. Any accident I've ever had here on my scooter has been caused by a car. When I had a car the only accidents I was involved in were caused by another car. And that is in 40 years of driving/riding here. I would contend that if there were only two wheelers on the roads the death rate would be close to zero. So perhaps we should ban all 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc. wheel vehicles. 

  2. On 2/18/2021 at 6:04 AM, KhunG said:

    Because it's true.  Many people, like us,  don't know anyone who has had the virus.  It's rare.  The fact that you're surrounded by people who have passed doesn't change that.  I also don't know anyone who has committed suicide.  That doesn't mean it doesn't happen.  It speaks to it's rarity.

    Agree it is rare. I've been asking since it began and until Sunday last hadn't found anybody that knew of anybody who had contracted covid. I've also not found anybody who has committed suicide or died from malnutrition/starvation. 

  3. On 2/17/2021 at 11:42 AM, Eaglekott said:


    A guy I knew died from Covid-19 15 April 2020. He was only 51 Years old. Only underlaying condition was pre-stage of Diabetes type 2. Not something considered being life threatening.

    And I know one 89 year old disabled guy in UK who hasn't had it. All depends on your exposure to it. As I see many farang here wandering around without masks or wearing them improperly I can only imagine the stupidity going on in their home countries. 

  4. On 2/17/2021 at 10:14 AM, shackleton said:

    I have being  saying this for a while why is Bangkok  red 

    With no alcohol in restaurants bars ect

    When people can freely travel in and out with no restrictions to other provinces 

    The sooner the ban is lifted the better


    Perhaps you should really be asking why does Bangkok have no restrictions on travel while it is a red zone. 


    Is the glass half empty or half full?


    For me I'd be more considerate of the 50 million outside of Bangkok than the 10 million in it and lock it down. 

  5. 1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

    This ban is so asinine and causing so many businesses in the capital to shut up shop, that is makes me wonder if CP and the Generals are planning a massive venture into the hospitality business, shortly before things miraculously open up again.


    In the meantime, I like many others will simply leave the capital for the weekend to go somewhere where the ban is not in place (for the third weekend in a row). How that is supposed to help stop Covid I have no idea.



    You shouldn't be going anywhere if you live in a red zone. Responsible person NOT. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Samui Bodoh said:
    Wow. Years and years after everyone else in the country started suffering, there is (finally!) sympathy from a Bangkokian who is personally affected. How touching.
    Forgive me, but I genuinely hope that Bangkok suffers a great deal more; that the filth coats every person, every car, every temple, every building, every outdoor space and finally seeps into each and every house/condo/apartment. Let me be clear; I bear no ill-will against the people of Bangkok, but we all know that no action will be taken until you all start to suffer a downside. So, suffer a bit for the good of the nation.
    In the larger sense, this is the fundamental problem in Thailand, and until it changes, I don't really believe that the country will progress much. Low education standards in Isaan? No worries; they are high in Bangkok. Bad public transport in Phuket? No worries, there is a new train opening in Bangkok. Low levels of health care in Nakhon Nowhere? No worries, there is lots available in Bangkok. Not much of a political voice in the South and/or the North? No worries, Bangkok will speak for you. Polluting power generation in Krabi? No worries, it'll help keep pollution down in Bangkok. Regional economic stimulus needed? No worries, we'll build more stuff in Bangkok. Etc. Etc. Etc.
    If ever there was a country that badly needed economic, social, political and environmental policy decentralization, Thailand is it. Alas, as political power is concentrated in the capital, nothing else matters and nothing will change.
    Shame; there are so many possibilities here and now is such a great time for change, but...
    Welcome to the country of 'Bangkok and Surrounding Areas', formerly known as Thailand.

    Absolutely spot on. I'm often caught saying "if it's good enough for Bangkok, it's good enough for the rest of the country." Unfortunately it has been falling on deaf ears these last 4 decades. 

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  7. 8 hours ago, Ron jeremy said:

    The whole country and its people are on the verge, they had no choice but to open.

    Are they? All of the places I would go to pre-covid are still operating. Supermarkets, shops, pharmacies, barber, mom&pop stores, home improvement, building supplies, etc. Some have even extended / enlarged / refurbished their premises. I do see a lot of places now closed and remember visiting some of them before, recalling the service nonexistent, the prices exorbitant and wonder that they even lasted as long as they did. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Is this why they have not tested the rest of Thailands population as they are truly afraid of what the numbers might be, and they would loose FACE.  

    You and many like you really do want it to go wrong. Can't stand it that the west has failed miserably and want the same here to save the WEST'S FACE. 

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, 2530Ubon said:

    Unsubstantiated? I think not.


    It's a fact that they are not testing outside of the big cities close to BKK.


    It's a fact that Thais / migrants / farang have to pay for tests in a hospital.


    It's a fact that many people have been arrested in Ubon for illegally transporting illegal migrants from the border to BKK.


    It's a fact that people were travelling up and down the country over New Year during the 2nd wave.


    It's a fact that those sick migrants they found with COVID had to go shopping for basic neccesities like food, water, entertainment. Amazingly the Thai population seems to be immune. 

    Saying something is a fact is not substantiating anything except your ability to BS. 

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