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Posts posted by Keesters

  1. i was hoping it was some kind of weapon ...i see a small child killed recently ...literally ripped to pieces by two dogs ..the kid was three yrs old rip

    Two dogs out of about 74 million. Most dogs are harmless and man's best friend. One person murders another, does that make you a murderer?

  2. You cannot move away from the dogs. Sure, you can move to a village, that has a policy of keeping them out, but outside the village, there are dogs.

    The only real answer is to round them up. yeah, you can ask the man in Mabprachan, to take them, and he might even do that, but he has his limits also, but have you ever tried to catch a soi dog and put it in your car? Take the dog to the temple, now thats a good one!! Take your problem to someone elses living area. Feed the dogs along the highway? Thats even a better one! Many are being fed along the Mabprachan lake, hanging around the hiway, waiting for more food, and getting hit by cars. You cannot walk or especially jog at night around the lake, you will be attacked by these dogs. Anyone out here, walking at night, must carry a stick, I even carry a stick in the village at night. Even people collar some soi dogs, because they feel sorry for them, and dont want them to be taken away. But if you feel sorry for them, then take care of them! Give them medical treatment, medicines, good food, dont just dump your garbage by the side of the road, and pretend you are helping soi dogs. Feed the dogs on your OWN property, not where other people are going to be attacked by these dogs.

    Well said. In my opinion if you feed a dog you become its owner and are therefore responsible for it.

    You mention going for a walk and how dangerous that can be. Try taking your own dog for a walk and see how you get on. Dogs come from everywhere to have a sniff or worse. There are so many stray or unleashed dogs in my area now that taking mine out for exercise has become impossible.

  3. Strangely enough, not many people know that Jack Russell's are among the worst man eaters. What happens is that a couple bring home a new born infant and Jack gets kicked out to the back yard. The dog sees the child as an interloper that's taken his place and, if given the chance, will attack. It's called terrier jealousy. It pays to know your breeds.

    Any breed of dog could do this if it feels its place in the family is threatened. A Labrador killed a 9 day old infant in Bangkok only a few weeks ago. It happens between children as well where older sibling murders younger. Children and dogs can mix well but ALWAYS with proper supervision.

  4. I think over the past 10 years I have been to every pet store that exists in and around Pattaya. Never seen one. A friend in UK got me one and posted it here along with some other doggy stuff like a pointer, whistle etc.

    To be honest I don't think you need one. Both my Labrador and Golden Retrievers haven't responded well to it. I use a treat or a pat on the head or a sweet "GOOD GIRL" when they do well and a gruff "BAD" when they do wrong.

    You could always use something else that makes a sound to register "well done". It doesn't have to be a dog clicker. Just be consistent.

  5. From The Next Web:

    "The Swedish government has agreed to give 400 million Swedish Kronor ($59.4 million) to Cambodia for various reasons, including democratic development, human rights, education, environment protection, climate change, sustainable development, and poverty reduction. You name it... (just don’t say international arrests)"

    Surprising what can be BOUGHT these days.

  6. Why doesn't the headline say Norwegian owned company, why does it say "farang"? Farang means Caucasian, totally a racist article.

    Farang owned DTAC operator fined Bt10mn for service failure

    Caucasian owned DTAC operator fined......... bah.gif

    I believe 'farang' is better translated to English as 'foreigner' (anyone who is non-Thai) and, in my view and experience, does not have racial connotations. However, I have started to use the word 'alien' to differentiate Thai social/cultural values from mine, if that helps. I don't imply any racist/bigoted/prejudiced connotations to it either. I simply consider it to be a stronger and more descriptive word.

    Asian who are not Thai are NOT referred to as farang. They are Chin, Yippoon, Kowlee, etc. Farang are as gr8fldanielle said Caucasian.

  7. So, does it mean somebody is now going to fine Electric Authority of Samui for constant power interruptions and fluctuations in voltage? The main hindrance and lifestyle crasher here are these power cuts. The power is only available during good weather. Any rain or wind will cause the power cut lasting between 2 seconds and few hours. These 2 second cuts together with voltage fluctuations are the main cause of equipment failure and cost me big $$ in repairs to air-conditioners, fridges, light fittings and electronics. When there is no power I not only have to do without the lights, Internet, TV but also without water since I'm on my own supply and need the pumps to deliver water to every tap. So, I think my life is much more affected by power cuts than the Dtac customers were affected by the 1 hour outage. Are the any chance that the same authorities who acted against Dtac are also going to square things up and fine Samui Electrics? And if not why not???????????

    Heh not just Samui! Here in Pattaya I am subjected to many power failures . On Monday it went off twice. Hardly a week goes by without at least one power cut. The PEA are a total disgrace.

  8. In addition to my previous mail: there is a roadsign that says "80" - meaning that is the top-speed you are allowed to go- you check your meter.

    If your meter says "120" and you are not slowing down...or you don't even bother checking it...it is no mistake, no error, not unintentional, no tragic accident!

    It is careless (as in "I don't care"!) or negligent...to say the least!

    Not enough that this whole family in question makes sad excuses for the tragic loss of innocent life- you do, too!

    So, you have never accidentally sped? Wow.

    I myself have been doing 120KM when the zone changed to 80KM and I DID NOT SEE THE SIGN. One brief moment of looking away, small distraction of any kind, and now I am speeding recklessly. Is it because I "don't care" as you seem to think? No, its not.

    You don't really need a sign to tell you what is the safe maximum speed of a particular section of road. Proper training, experience and judgement are what is needed. Even though a sign may say 80kmph at certain times 40kmph may be the safe speed due to exceptional road conditions, fog, rain, heavy traffic etc. Just because the sign says 80kmph doesn't mean you have to drive at 80kmph.

    In Thailand however I have witnessed many road signs showing max speeds that make no sense. Many I have encountered suddenly drop the speed but the road conditions are the same or even better. Don't notice the sign and carry on at your previously entitled max speed and a policeman jumps out to stop and fine you. Thai friends have told me that such signs as those are placed for money-making and have nothing to do at all with what is safe or not.

    The road running parallel to the rail track in Pattaya has a general speed limit of 50kmph. However there is one section, a dangerous 'S' bend where the posted speed limit is INCREASED to 80kmph. I would love to know the Thai reasoning/logic behind that one.

    • Like 1
  9. As for streaming...maybe if you can stream to disc i.e. save it. With the often flaky internet here watching a streamed movie in real time could be frustrating. Heck I can't even listen to the BBC world service radio without it jittering, coughing, spluttering all the time.

    From here maybe. But Netflix works great over cable modem in the US.

    Well of course here...this forum is a Thailand forum not a US one.

    In addition to flaky Internet I forgot to mention power brown outs. Yesterday had two. First one while they fiddled with some cables in the road that they've fiddled with every day last week and still haven't got right. Second when it threatened to rain but didn't. Streaming real time here would just about be impossible.

  10. I'm not sure what the reason is that those sites are only available from US IP addresses.

    They are afraid the content will be distributed freely as opposed to being paid for. Like is done so widely here, right?

    Maybe but I'm not sure that's an effective deterrent to piracy as long as they still are distributing physical media In the case of Amazon Unbox, the content is delivered in the form of DRM protected files. While I'm sure there are people who know how to strip off the DRM, my own efforts to do so have failed. And in the case of Netflix, they are doing streaming rather than downloads of files. Neither strikes me as a big asset to pirates, still the easiest thing to do is to use a PC to rip content from a DVD or a BlueRay disc. Netflix, in particular, seems to me to be something that could be very successful here (assuming sufficient bandwidth in Thailand). Their deal is $7.99 a month for an unlimited number of movies streamed direct to you. That's cheap enough that for most people it wouldn't be worth stealing content.

    BTW, in the case of music, there might be some legit sites download sites that are accessible from Thailand. For example, though they aren't cheap, HDTracks.com seems to work.

    DRM raises so many questions that I'd not go near it. While not having tried to strip the DRM, (why would I, that'd be illegal wouldn't it?), how do I 1) make a copy for backup purposes in case my computer fails. 2) How do I watch it on my 32" TV when I've downloaded it on my 12" screened laptop. 3) how can I take it over to my mates place and watch it with him on his 53" TV. All these of course I can do with a disc and player. But with a downloaded DRM file I understand it becomes difficult to impossible.

    As for streaming...maybe if you can stream to disc i.e. save it. With the often flaky internet here watching a streamed movie in real time could be frustrating. Heck I can't even listen to the BBC world service radio without it jittering, coughing, spluttering all the time.

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  11. I'm not sure what the reason is that those sites are only available from US IP addresses.

    They are afraid the content will be distributed freely as opposed to being paid for. Like is done so widely here, right?

    And US residents DON'T distribute free copies of movies, music etc. to their friends. Duh! Get real. Piracy is alive and well in the USA as much as anywhere.

    • Like 1
  12. While I can see some valid reasoning, piracy, copyright etc., behind shutting down torrent sites like TPB and file hosting sites like megaupload I do however have one reservation. Where's the legal alternative?

    It must have occurred to the movie industry that downloading movies to watch at home is popular. And that is not only because it is free. It is extremely convenient and does little to harm the environment. No driving to or catching the bus to a movie theatre. No purchase of an unwanted plastic disc in a plastic box wrapped in plastic, placed into a plastic bag all of which would one day end up on a garbage tip. The hardware manufacturers have made it easy for us to enjoy the fruits of our downloading. Computers all have software, built into the operating system, allowing these downloaded movies to be watched. Modern TV screens all have USB sockets and built in codecs to allows these downloaded movies to be played directly to the TV from UBS sticks or external hard drives. Media player devices abound, some designed and manufactured by large US companies, allowing more advanced features / storage than USB sticks and external devices have. Where are the attacks on these hardware manufacturers who assist us to watch in a similar way that TPB assists us download these movies. Remember that TPB does not host the movies any more than Samsung who made my TV that can play downloadable movies does.

    I'd reckon that the downloading of movies as an alternative to visiting the cinema or buying a Blu-Ray disc will never go away. It is now up to the movie companies, Sony, Warner etc., to provide an alternative to the places that they so desperately want shut down. When megaupload was closed I read that one of the charges against the sites owners was money laundrying. Figures in the hundreds of millions of dollars was quoted. If there is so much money to be made from this why aren't there legitimate places making this money? I've looked. Amazon has a few in its instant movies section. Blockbuster, not available outside the US. CinemaNow, coming soon. The choice is appalling.

    So until the lazy movies companies get of their fat <deleted> and provide me with a legal alternative I'll continue using TPB and places like it.

    In the US examples of legal alternatives would be Netflix and Amazon Unbox. There's a problem though -- access to those is blocked to people that have non-US IP addresses. For people in Thailand, I'm not sure that there are legal downloading alternatives.

    So much for the global village. Your quoted alternatives only add to the stupidity and laziness of the movie companies. Don't they want my money. My Thai baht converted to US dollars is the same as an American's dollar.

  13. While I can see some valid reasoning, piracy, copyright etc., behind shutting down torrent sites like TPB and file hosting sites like megaupload I do however have one reservation. Where's the legal alternative?

    It must have occurred to the movie industry that downloading movies to watch at home is popular. And that is not only because it is free. It is extremely convenient and does little to harm the environment. No driving to or catching the bus to a movie theatre. No purchase of an unwanted plastic disc in a plastic box wrapped in plastic, placed into a plastic bag all of which would one day end up on a garbage tip. The hardware manufacturers have made it easy for us to enjoy the fruits of our downloading. Computers all have software, built into the operating system, allowing these downloaded movies to be watched. Modern TV screens all have USB sockets and built in codecs to allows these downloaded movies to be played directly to the TV from UBS sticks or external hard drives. Media player devices abound, some designed and manufactured by large US companies, allowing more advanced features / storage than USB sticks and external devices have. Where are the attacks on these hardware manufacturers who assist us to watch in a similar way that TPB assists us download these movies. Remember that TPB does not host the movies any more than Samsung who made my TV that can play downloadable movies does.

    I'd reckon that the downloading of movies as an alternative to visiting the cinema or buying a Blu-Ray disc will never go away. It is now up to the movie companies, Sony, Warner etc., to provide an alternative to the places that they so desperately want shut down. When megaupload was closed I read that one of the charges against the sites owners was money laundrying. Figures in the hundreds of millions of dollars was quoted. If there is so much money to be made from this why aren't there legitimate places making this money? I've looked. Amazon has a few in its instant movies section. Blockbuster, not available outside the US. CinemaNow, coming soon. The choice is appalling.

    So until the lazy movies companies get of their fat <deleted> and provide me with a legal alternative I'll continue using TPB and places like it.

  14. What concerns me about this sentence is not the fact that a 16 year old girl has been handed the sentence of that of a minor - thats fair enough.

    No responsibility or blame has been laid at the hands of those who were in her charge and permitted her to drive the car in the first place.

    If a parent allows an 8 year old to play with a live gun and the 8 year old kills 9 people in the process who is really to blame ?

    IF a 16 year old child is being tried as a minor, someone is then responsible for allowing her to drive the car illegally.

    What is really concerning is that there appears to be no learning. No message to other parents that by allowing their child to drive a vehicle underage they themselves are accountable and are breaking the law.

    Yes the parents should be charged. With what I'm not sure but they were responsible for letting her drive and therefore responsible for the deaths. The justice metered out so far does not do justice to the crime. My heart goes out to the families of the victims. They have been robbed of closure by an obviously flawed justice system.

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