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Posts posted by Keesters

  1. If Thailand can by land in another country then the retired expats in Thailand should be able to buy land in Thailand.

    why only retired expats, this is blatant discrimination, I work here and pay Thai tax...If some old wrinkly is allowed to buy land then people who are working here legitimately should be allowed as well, in fact they should have priority over the old wrinklies

    Your priority idea is also discriminatory. Everyone should have equal opportunity.

  2. I can't see why any country, not just the US, would issue a visa or allow entry to its shores to a known convicted criminal who has not yet served his/her prison sentence because they are a fugitive on the run. This goes especially for Cambodia and Laos, Thailand neighbors; Dubai who allow him to reside; Montenegro who give him nationality. They are all as corrupt as he is.

  3. In Thailand Fat = Wealthy.....chubby kids are considered cute while scrawny ones are ignored.

    How often do you see kids walking or cycling to school? Most get driven or ride their parents motorcycle there. A case of showing off how affluent you are rather than getting some exercise.

    Visit the beach, how many kids swim? Far less then used to. They sit with their booze guzzling / face stuffing parents playing games on their mobiles or tablet computers.

    Time to tell those 3 kids in the OP picture that they'll never get laid, unless they pay for it, and they'll probably be dead by the time they're 30.

  4. Last year I tried to sign up for Bangkok Bank Internet banking, on the signup form you enter an email address.

    It could ONLY be @yahoo.com or @hotmail.com I was staggered to say the least. I asked why.

    The reply "Because it's only a real email address if it ends in @yahoo.com or hotmail.com" said the senior girl behind the desk.

    Totally unbelieivable, but totally true.

    So all the Bangkok Bank email addresses e.g. [email protected] would be fake then according to her.

  5. thebox, thepiratebay, theempire all route through on either my 3bb or my true connection. Difference is that True can pass forward while 3bb gets stuck there and times out. seems to be located in Sweden. Why can some IPs pass and other IPs fail. Simple.... appears to be blocking some, which includes 3BB, IP addresses while letting others, like True and some VPNs, pass. Not hard for to work out who is who on the internet and block certain IP address ranges. The more important question to me is WHY and unless 3BB can come up with a solution they will lose a lot of customers.

  6. Same with me, will not connect with 3bb Premier but fine using VPN. It looks like they are blocking it and if this continues I too will cancel.sad.png

    My 3bb connection is a premier (3MB/1MB) one too. IP address 183.88.26.*

    Only way I know of for portlane to block 3BB would be by IP address. That's why VPN works, portlane sees you on a non-3BB IP.

    Like to know if this is happening on their regular connections as well which would be using different IP ranges

    Did a tracert on thepiratebay.se and 3BB stops at the same portlane IP. A different routing might work but I don't know how to do that or even if I can control what route 3bb takes to go anywhere.

  7. thebox, theempire & thepiratebay all not working for me in my 3bb connection. All ok however with my True connection. If 3bb continue with this I'll definately cancel.

    Lots of other, mostly private, torrent sites however are OK.

    tracert on thebox.....

    3bb & true show same destination IP

    both trace up to & inc. (portlane.net)

    3bb times out after that while true continues to dest.

    portlane seem to be blocking 3bb from continuing further. Your guess as good as mine why that is.

  8. A wild guess.....

    Having made pots of dough the "concerned officials" now facing ever increasing bad publicity have decided to shut down this scam and move on to something else just as, or perhaps more, lucrative. Perhaps it's the "booze in car" as one poster has suggested, perhaps it's something else we shall not be aware of (fall for) for some time. Whatever it is you can be sure that corruption and scamming of tourists will continue.

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