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Posts posted by lemoncake

  1. Both are pretty much the same, but iPhone 5 is faster.

    4s is cheaper now, but why buy an older model.

    On the other hand why pay more for pretty much identical phone but faster.

    Depends what you will be using it for. Size wise I prefer the 4s, speed wise the 5

    I have had iPhones from 3GS to 5(now)

    Functionality wise 5 is the best , size wise the worst

  2. I find this thread and OP particularly interesting, considering that not so long ago, OP was bragging about owning a factory with a few dozen employees, company opened through BOI and was able to compete with China and Vietnam making fish hooks(something like mango fishing), but now as it turns out he does visa runs?whistling.gif

    Always thought company's opened through BOI, the owners had proper visa's instead of 14 day stamps

    Even more strange when he claimed to be married to a Thai with kids.

    I guess it's hard to remember the truth when frequently lying.

  3. How about free desexing for humans?'that will fix it.

    Seriously though what do they expect when thousands have kids by the age of 15-16.

    Clearly something is not working

    PS. Perhaps a law punishing those who knowingly keep having unprotected sex would help. Few months ago was a good show/interview with a prostitute who openly admitted being HIV and continue to work and insist on no condom. Her reason was, someone made her sick so now she want to give to others

  4. I can next see tourism of thailand promoting dog parks to highend travelers within LOS ..

    gee, how dare the government of bangkok not to think about tourists firstrolleyes.gif

    dog park is for people of bangkok and is a bloody good idea, there is absolutely no need to make fun of it or slam it just for the sake of it

    Is it OK when I smile (inwardly at least) about 'dog park is for people of bangkok' ? smile.png

    it is, OK< after all i am yet to see a home pet drive it self to the the dog park.

    common sense is a rare commodity these days

  5. there is another angle to look at today's events and possibly it was a plan or part of it

    1. Court ruled against the government and rally was legitimate

    Government went against court ruling and was blocking people from attending

    2. 500 or so people were allowed to dismantle the barb wires/road blocks and then fired upon. Keep in mind police outnumbered the protesters like 3 to 1, they stood by, allowing them to dismantle before taking any actions, which shows police intent or perhaps police orders.

    I am not law expert, but i think there is already grounds for some legal action against the government.

    The aim of this group and protest is to oust the government, which ever way possible, may be setting up traps was/is the plan

  6. Anyone living in Thailand for the past decade has witnessed a series of protests and surely has heard people on both sides call for coups and deaths and revoloutions of all sorts. They have urged their followers to occupy government buildings, airports, public spaces. We have seen grenade attacks, gunfire in the streets, and many people die. Some may be shocked at such antics and feel that a protest that uses these tools would be illegitimate. Here in Thailand that is what happens because it has been effective. The current government decided that it would actively undermine this protest even before it started. Yes what the Pitak Siam was calling for was not a good option, but the government gave them what they wanted and demonstrated how heavy handed they were and how intolerant of any dissent they are.

    As someone not involved with either side, I do wonder if the government has made this a thousand times worse. Behind the scenes, the army must feel humiliated and disgraced. It has nothing to do with the rally organizer pe se but with the symbol of national authority seemingly being given over to the police. The army, in effect, has been told to shut up, put on parades, and leave the defense of the country to policeman. It's like the SS state establishing rule over the Wehrmacht. What will the army do in light of the immense loss of face they have just suffered? Best for all outsiders to just sit back and watch, I think, instead of take sides.

    The army are the bad guys,who kicked out the last free elected government,so why current government should get involved with the army?

    keep your friends close and your enemies closerwai2.gif

  7. Watching the news on channel 7 now,see the scum already attacking the police

    why are they scum? is it because they attacking police or because they are in the opposition of who you support?

    for me they are scum because:

    1/ they are attacking the Police who are there to keep order

    2/ they are attacking the democratically elected government

    enough said

    did you have same thoughts when reds not only attacked, police but just citizens walking by, not to mention all other damage

  8. IF someone is capable of killing a living animal, it is only the matter of time for them to kill a human being, because clearly murder is not a problem for them

    most dangerous are those who murder... mosquitos or cockroaches. then think of all the butchers who murder all kinds of animals or the old lady murderers in rural Thailand who murder a chicken for a tasty curry.

    are you for real man? crazy.gif

    did not realize the old lady stabbed chicken 17 times, sure helps to think sometimesthumbsup.gif

  9. Apparently, if the government don't step down, the plan is for the protesters to collect blood and spread it in a couple of places during the week. Then next weekend, they'll be doing a mobile rally around Bangkok. Then they're going to confront the police and tell them to move from their stationing areas. Following that, the protesters will move to a major shopping area.

    The government can't argue with that plan, can they?

    Just in the news, police fired tear gas into protesters, i guess thats the 3rd party Chalerm was worried about

  10. Because they are scum, same as the yellows and same as the reds that were violent, simple, don't be confused by my avatar.

    As for you still waiting for a link, I obliged you on the previous page about the well known FACT.

    Right ploenchit fair time with my wonderful family, leave the bickering to those with nothing better to do

    must be a special channel 7, did it also show police firing tear gas into protesters already? and its only 9.30 am

  11. Do a bit of research, lemoncake.

    You have to be kidding, baiting or trying to joke.

    i am still waiting for the source where nurses were shot, might be waiting for a whilewhistling.gif

    Do look it it up....................

    Can't be that difficult for you.

    Nice , cute smiley by the way, my 6yr old likes them.

    still waiting...........whistling.gif

    ps. good to see your 6 year old likes to read about politicsthumbsup.gif or does he only look at the smiley's like his dad?rolleyes.gif

  12. there are yellow shirts, red shirts, so who are the 3rd hand? PTP keeps talking about this 3rd hand, but what are they and who do they support and represent?

    PTP is bringing in volunteers, who are they? sourced from where?

    Can not be "yellows" supporters, very much doubt the neutrals, not the police, so the red shirts or army? but Police General was put in charge not the Army general.

    The whole things is so confusing and twisted that anything can be made out to fit anyone's agenda

  13. an antibiotic called "bactrim"

    antibiotic for flu?

    it worked smile.png

    It means there was a bacterial infection not flu. The name says it all.

    so may be its a bacterial flue :), i donot know but symptoms seem to be the same in most people, i also ate aspirin every 4 hours :)

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