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Posts posted by lemoncake

  1. this was a premeditated act

    he fetched the weapon from the house

    he admitted it was his intent to return to confront the dog with the knife

    he took his own dog back to the scene and risked his own dog being injured to provoke an attack

    he had expectations that the retriever would react in the same way it had done before and as he had planned, he used the dogs second attack as an excuse to kill it

    if it was a person he had planned to execute in the same way, it would be called murder

    simple as that

    The dog wouldn't go away so he went back into the house to get a weapon to drive the dog away. It doesn't say he took his dog with him. Most likely he lost control of his own do

    the dog always went for his dog. not for him. He went back into the house to get the knife with clear intent to kill the other dog. He did not pick a stick but a knife and intent is clear

    • Like 1
  2. Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

    BS! I'm a dog lover - yet when people are not responcible enough to keep their pets in their yard or on a lease - what happens happens! The owners of the golden retriever should be charged for letting their pet roam freely - they caused their own pet's death.

    I totally understand the "frenzied" attack - when a loved one is hurt (human or pet) - rage takes over. My dogs mean as much to me as my own child.

    So if you child is beat up by another child, do you pick up a knife and stab him as well?

    Definitely not. But what do you do in the case of an attack from a dog. Stand there and take it! You might not want to kill but sometimes you have little choice, especially as the owner had ignored previous warning about letting his unruly animal onto the public street.

    you avoid confrontation, as i posted earlier take a different route, take a water spray and do not start to scream like a little girl, because not only it excites the other dog but also makes your dog more insecure.

    If i see some dog charging towards mine, i stand infront of my dog and in a calm, deep voice tell the other dog to stop, i assert dominance by not only showing the other dog i am the alpha but also reassuring mine its safe.

    There are hundreds of books and sites which teach the basics of dog ownership and dog control.

    As i said earlier i have 3 dogs and never have a problem with soi dogs, only have a problem with retarded owners like the German who do not have a basic clue about dogs and its behavior

    Some light reading for those who may want to learn something


    Saying all of the above, personally i would simply take a different route, and if there is only one way out of my house, i would(as i did) invest in a bike with a side car and take my dogs for walks on the beach or somewhere where it can run free, but thats just me

    • Like 1
  3. Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

    BS! I'm a dog lover - yet when people are not responcible enough to keep their pets in their yard or on a lease - what happens happens! The owners of the golden retriever should be charged for letting their pet roam freely - they caused their own pet's death.

    I totally understand the "frenzied" attack - when a loved one is hurt (human or pet) - rage takes over. My dogs mean as much to me as my own child.

    So if you child is beat up by another child, do you pick up a knife and stab him as well?

    • Like 1
  4. A Maine Coon cat is not suited to Thailand. It is rather cruel to take an animal best suited to a moderate and cooler climate and stick it in the high humidity, high heat of Thailand.

    DO YOU USE AIR CON AT HOME?)or how nowegian people live in THAILAND?=)) REALLY FUNNY TO READ THAT ))

    wellllll, i put my persian into the fridge, he likes it more cool


    and after to unwind, he likes some beer and tv


    • Like 2
  5. Umm, of course. But to give a 30% cut on 150 baht plates of fries and burgers, is doable if they have 500 bahts worth of beer.

    The idea is just to get people in, and hope they drink quadruple their food bill.

    most places serving russians or menu in russian charge about 300% more than the going rates.

    example khow pad gai, the average price is 60 baht, in places for russians its 300 baht.

    how they do that is also very simple, guides scare the tourists that by eating on the street they would get sick and die, they also advise them against eating anywhere but in certain places, because those are the only places who serve clean and fresh food, all the rest serve dirty, not fresh food.

    those russians have no idea of what is what and considering that vast majority can not speak any english, they have no idea and pay the prices of 300 baht for rice with chicken

  6. The chap on the right might be of Ukranian parents but speaks fluent English and could well have been born in Australia. I have met him many times when he was assisting Russian speakers and maybe that was his living - getting fees. He was well known at the police station but hardly an official member of any law enforcement group so using any connection to police for his scam was not based on anything real. He is a very personable guy and I am surprised to see this lapse in judgement but have seen others who think they have police friends fall foul of their delusions.

    but were you aware he was a little drug dealer back in Oz?, i actually know him for over 20 years. He was not born in Australia but born and raised in Odessa, which is in UkrainE. The city is known for producing the worst scammers in the former USSR.

    His way of making a living in Thailand for the past 10 years or so was scamming Russian tourists one way or another, He did try many other scams, one which i am aware of was him selling WOW the food delivery service but the so called Russian market for 2000 000 baht. He never owned or had any shares in WOW, all was just a scam.

    In the recent years, he has fallen flat on his backside, because word got around in Russian community and he basically could no longer scam or get paid. So doing something like this is a no surprise to me.

    Being sent back to Oz might be a blessing for him

  7. if you can walk the highway, you would hardly be called disabled, not to mention that highways are for fast driving cars, where i would be more worried about being hit by one than attacked by a dog.


    A main road or thoroughfare, such as a street, boulevard, or parkway, available to the public for use for travel or transportation.


    Any property subject to the right of the state to lay out a public way over it can become a highway by extended use if the conditions prescribed by statute are met. The public is given an
    in the land as a highway, and the width and extent of a highway are determined by the extent of its actual use for such purposes.

    Get caught going for a pee on the pavement/ sidewalk and at the very least you will be charged with urinating on a public highway.

    As for my disability, I'm a registered internationally recognized T12 paraplegic. I could if I wished get the Thai equivalent of a blue badge which means any car I happen to be in is able to park practically anywhere.

    But all this is beside the point.

    If I am attacked or in serious danger of being attacked by a dog on a public highway there is a very good chance that the dog will be killed in defending myself. Private land is another matter.

    not to go off topic, but do you understand the meaning of "highway" ?

    A main public road, especially one connecting towns and cities.http://www.thefreedictionary.com/highway

    In Thailand even bikes are not allowed on the highways.

    Anyhow, as i said you are a great addition to Thailand, lets hope the owner of that dog is not of the same mind as you, or you may find yourself next to that dog

  8. since you are disabled, what exactly would you be doing on public highway? taking a walk to the nearest town or highway exit?

    Walking into town/ local market. There are no pavements/ sidewalks and even if there were they are part and parcel of a public highway.

    and how exactly do you decide if the dog is angry?

    It's something you learn and often have scars showing knowledge.

    i suppose if an angry thai approaches you, you also believe you have gods given right to kill?

    In self defense, without doubt.

    However, this thread is about dogs who cannot be reasoned with and not about other humans who can.

    if you can walk the highway, you would hardly be called disabled, not to mention that highways are for fast driving cars, where i would be more worried about being hit by one than attacked by a dog.

    As for your last comment, you are an absolute pleasure to have in Thailand, no doubt home country is blessed not to have you any longer, only hope one day you do not take a swing at the wrong person.thumbsup.gif

  9. dogs DO run free and owners could not care less.

    So why should I care then? As you correctly say, this is Thailand and who am I to rock the boat.

    As for locals not changing I have to disagree. I'm disabled and walk with the aid of a crutch. If an angry dog gets too close I take a good swing, not a half hearted swing but one that will incapacitate or kill the dog. Before, the owners did not give two hoots but since they have seen me doing this they put the effort in to call the dog back. Doesn't work when they are not around or asleep. If I'm attacked or it looks very likely I will be attacked by a dog on a public highway then there is a good chance I will kill it. What do you expect me to do, reason with it?

    since you are disabled, what exactly would you be doing on public highway? taking a walk to the nearest town or highway exit?

    and how exactly do you decide if the dog is angry? i suppose if an angry thai approaches you, you also believe you have gods given right to kill?

  10. Wow! You sure jumping to conclusions here. One day he kills a dog perhaps out of frustration but also for protection. The next he is a seriial rapist killer. Humm???

    First off you can not "Murder" a Dog. You can only murder humans. You do not call the man who works in a Slaughter House a Murderer. Do you? No doubt his anger and frustration got the best of him here, but he was not the only guilty party here. The other dog owner is to.

    Secondly, this Older Man keeps his dog on a Leash and not on the loose. He obvious cares enough about his dog to take him for walks and want to protect him. Can you say that about the other owner?

    Just understand that Dogs are not meant to run freely and unsupervised in any city. If they are in the West then the Dog Catcher will put your Dog in the Dog Pound. If you do not come to get him soon and pay the fine, he will be "Killed". And Not Murdered!

    Protection? from what?

    He went home, took a knife and returned. Did the dog follow him home? Did the dog follow him around town? Did the dog attack him when he walked past without his dog?

    What you seem to fail to understand is that this is not the West, this is Thailand and dogs DO run free and owners could not care less.

    So the responsible dog owner, seeing as there is a problem, needs to find a solution by not going into a problem zone, but if this solution is little too much for him, then that responsible owner can either move to isolated area where he is all alone or pack up and go back to where he came from.

    Because locals are not going to change for the sake of one pensioner and his pet

    • Like 2
  11. This year is a funny one. I certainly would not call it high, the idiot factor is somewhat present but an interesting mix of people.

    Either cheap charlie's to extreme or really good people,

    The cheap charlie seem to find the new bottom, in my hotel bottle of water in the mini bar is 10 baht, and yet they would go all the way to the store to buy 1 for 8 or 9. not to mention taking 1 baht change after a meal

    • Like 1
  12. The man then went into his own kitchen and came out with the knife, to protect his dog and hopefully drive the animal away.

    How would a dog recognize a knife as something dangerous? the obvious thing here would have been a big stick (or a broom which he surly would have had to hand).

    17 stab wounds is is a frenzied attack, how do we know that the bits were from the retriever before he started attacking it, to me a retriever is very much a docile animal and possibly the injuries to the german were sustained as the dog defended itself.

    Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

    First off I am a Dog Lover. But owning a dog also carries a responsibility. One of them is keeping them safely locked up an not on the loose. After all they are wild animals and if they are not used to a child they can bite. Happens all the time even with the owners dog.

    Unless you own a farm that is far away from everyone, nobody should let there dog run loose. I wouldn't do it even if I owned a farm, as I would worry abut the animals safety. I lived in one villa in a compound were people let there dogs run freely and what a disaster. Garbage dragged and strewed all over the place. Dogs constantly chasing kids on their bikes or cars. Barking all night at each other on the street.

    In my opinion it is the people like this who should not have a pet like a dog. What this Older Gentleman did was wrong, but he at least is a responsible Dog Owner. I don't think this would have ever happened if the other guy was to!

    are you joking? you calling him a responsible dog owner?

    yes people should do many things, but they do not!

    People should drive in their lane and indicate, but they do not! do you speed up to have a collision? or do you slow down and look for a way to avoid the collision?blink.png

    If a coffee shop makes a terrible coffee, do you continue to go there? or do you find a new shop where it's to your liking?

    And the so popular excuse that one should not have to change because others are at fault, is the dumbest excuse i ever heard. One

    has to rise above the stupidity and find a solution, which would be to avoid contact instead of a murder.

    This time it was a dog that annoyed him, next time the crying baby? the one legged parrot? the drunken screaming guy?

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  13. i think you misunderstood my point. I never said they do not need money, what i am saying is there are many who would be happy to certain degree of "gifts" but her extended family are the ones who are never ever happy or have enough and continue to mount pressure on her to get more and more until there is nothing left to take, they will then pressure her to find a new cow to milk.

    I do understand your main point and agree this is common.

    However I've been very successful in preventing such issues from creating any actual problems in my own life, and hope the guidelines I've developed and outlined in various threads here can help others do the same.

    The key is making sure that you don't form an irrational attachment to the point that it overrides your common sense and sustainability of your economic situation - be ready to walk away as soon as you see the warning signs of things heading south, the situation almost never goes back to the joys of the honeymoon stage.

    to be honest with you, you really begining to irritate me with your "know it all" attitude across all the threads.

    hope you realize post count does not constitute absolute knowledge, nor are we in competition where you need to win by continuing to try to appear to be smarter

    • Like 2
  14. I also think you are very out of touch with reality on the ground in the current days. Bar girls, especially the ones in the demand WILL NOT stay with someone SOLELY because of money if they genuinely did not like them.

    Thanks to forums like this and 4 or 5 monger forums, there is no shortage of younger customers for them, so they really do have a choice.

    They've always had plenty of choices, and I agree that most sex workers here don't base their choice of long-term customer based only on money. The younger, fitter and more attractive you are - and of course personality and character come into it as well - then the need to pay above-market rates is reduced.

    However I still think you tend to take too much at face value the "I'm a nice girl, it's not me that needs the money just all the family pressures force me to make that a priority" shtick. Not saying it doesn't exist in some cases but more often it's just part of the spiel.

    And finally, the definition of "love" is always going to vary causing communication problems. Just because a girl stays with you for a certain amount of time without being explicitly paid doesn't mean it's there. They may well like you, enjoy the sex, easy lifestyle, bit of fun. True love means thick and thin sickness and health and yes telling the rest of the family to bugger off when push comes to shove.

    And that is indeed rare, not just here.

    i think you misunderstood my point. I never said they do not need money, what i am saying is there are many who would be happy to certain degree of "gifts" but her extended family are the ones who are never ever happy or have enough and continue to mount pressure on her to get more and more until there is nothing left to take, they will then pressure her to find a new cow to milk.

  15. I also believe as i stated before, that a large number really do fall for customers, HOWEVER all the pressure's and demands from her family more than often turns it into business transaction.

    If you ask me, can one have a successful relationship with a bar girl, my answer would be yes, if her family is either dead or she is willing to cut ties with them or draw a line(this one is impossible)

    IMO you still haven't got it. How can you say "turns it into" a business transaction. That's what "it" is to start with, not just primarily that but only that, do you understand? The idea of genuine feelings entering into it is the secondary and IMO exceptional element.

    And the pressures and demands from family are usually the original cause for the girls entering the trade in the first place, even those that aren't single mothers.

    Note that although in my experience it is by no means impossible, it isn't any of your business whether or not she actually cuts off her family. All that concerns you is that you aren't bothered by any details about the pressures she faces, she needs to be told that those are her problems not yours.

    I no longer engage in exactly this type of rent-a-wife relationship, but have had several dozen over the years. My solution to this aspect used to be to make a very explicit deal as to what I'm willing to pay per month, and to make it 100% clear that's all she's getting. Say for argument's sake that's B10k per month. She is free to send some of this back home to support her parents or siblings, and in fact to the extent she does this it's a good sign that she's a good girl, fulfilling her obligations. But if she wants a new mobile or to go shopping for a handbag, she needs to make the choice herself, can't have everything.

    Now I know in my heart that I'll end up paying more than that, that's just the actual cash I hand over to her, so I budget another 50-100% for indirect expenses, perhaps including extra food costs etc depending on how tightly I'm monitoring my expenditures at the time.

    This will include random (frequency and amount) gifts of cash or presents, bonuses for extra-good performance of services rendered, shopping money etc. However I don't talk to her about these as compensation, they are part of the mutual myth of us being a normal couple - I just make sure to keep that side of things under control.

    Another area is "loans" - these are OK if they are small and then deducted from the next month, but if not then they have to fall within the latter indirect costs budget.

    Then we come to family emergencies, and they usually do come up at some point and are sometimes even genuine. This is of course the hard part, and where you draw the line will depend on too many variables to give universally applicable rules. However note that Thais have larger and much more interdependent families than we do, your teerak's is most likely poor, and therefore there is an infinitely deep black hole of need that can easily absorb all the wealth available.

    My tendency is to be a hard-hearted bastard about all but the most desperate cases, getting directly involved with the medical treatment or whatever it is, but then only after I've been with a girl for years and she's proven herself to be a very good value so far.

    If you've got the money to spend, then perhaps budget your "indirect costs" a bit higher, setting aside any money not spent into a contingencies account, and making that available for the occasional lump sum outlay, of course after personally verifying that it's a genuine medical emergency.

    Oh and by the way, I have had several girls who actually didn't have any family to speak of, one was abandoned and raised by an elderly auntie who passed away, I helped cover her funeral costs and after that there wasn't anyone else. Maybe ask around about graduates from upcountry orphanages?

    While no doubt you have your deep and thorough understanding on almost all matters,i am of a different opinion.

    I have met a number of bar girls where no money was involved to start with and they did fall in love, but i could not get over the fact of their job.

    I also met a number of non bar girls in search of a golden goose, where the foreigner boyfriend is suppose to ALSO take care her family and all their problems

    Was the love real? yes it was, because no money exchanged hands and the only time problems started was when family started to make their demands.

    The more girls refused, the greater the demands were, which eventually led to bigger problems and break ups.

    I also think you are very out of touch with reality on the ground in the current days. Bar girls, especially the ones in the demand WILL NOT stay with someone SOLELY because of money if they genuinely did not like them.

    Thanks to forums like this and 4 or 5 monger forums, there is no shortage of younger customers for them, so they really do have a choice.

    I am not a hard bastard, nor am i tight, HOWEVER i work long and hard hours and have my own family to take care of and make it very clear from the start.

    I also believe in helping animals over lazy ass people, so whatever extra money i come by, i always donate or help with animals.

    A number of times now, i have heard from non bar girls how the father or mother was sick, those girls were earning pretty good salary, but salary was not enough to pay for the medical treatment.

    They did not ask for money, but rather shared their pain, i suggested for them to take out a loan to pay for the medical, each and everyone of them chose NOT to, but rather leave mother/father in public hospital with a explanation that if they borrow, they would need to pay it back.

    Again thanks to internet and forums, many men now learned and set limits and boundaries, just as many understand the arrangement but may not always admit it in public

  16. i assume from your post you do not have a business in Thailand. Only because after years of having one here i can tell you the following

    1. I can never get enough staff, ie with any advert i run, i hardly get any response, so really do not have much of a choice

    2. I most of the time advertise the salary, and on the application form also have the expected salary question, which is often answered 30%-40% above advertised salary

    3. Since there are hardly any people applying for a job, as they say "beggers can not be choosers" so their qualifications almost always do not match. Especially when they change jobs every 1-2 months and happily advertise so.

    All of my troubles may well be due to location and nature of my business but speaking to number of people, all seem to have same problem

    PS. i am in hotel business and located in Pattaya

    The issues you're talking about seem to be related to hiring Thais at local rates, perhaps at the low end of what is competitive.

    The OP topic relates to hiring foreigners are a position that at least sounds like a possibly "imported expat" position, totally different situation.

    Then you have the "decent paying jobs for local resident foreigner" job market, which has more in common with the latter than the former, but yet a separate set of variables.

    Especially with the last one, believe me you would have plenty of applicants for all but the most technically specialized jobs, and even for some of those.

    For example "Native English speaker wanted for in-house corporate English teacher and Editor position, over THB 40k/mo" just advertised in the Bangkok Post would probably net over 500 applicants within 24 hours, thousands within the week.

    PS You probably realize this, but recruiting upcountry by word of mouth would yield plenty of applicants for positions not requiring English. Thais already resident in that area are very spoiled compared to most of the rest of the country. For those positions requiring decent English you are probably underestimating how much you have to pay these days, the demand for that skill has been quickly accelerating past the local supply and that trend will continue.

    i can tell you that the salary makes no difference, you still get the same people applying.

    Advertising for people with experience and English and high salary does not bring better quality candidates, but the very same people, who half of the time can not string 3 words together, or their experience is 1 month here and 1 month there.

    A large number unable to distinguish the experience say of being a receptionist at a dentist and reception at hotel.

    I am talking about locals, foreigners must be a different ball game. anyhow, now that i got it off my chest back to OP :)

  17. I always ask potential employees what their expected income is. Removes 90% of applicants as they will state a dream amount or a competitive amount. About 10% state a competitive amount, and then I look if their qualifications match the position. Now I'm down to about 2% of applicants. Then I look to see if their compatible with other staff. And then I'll have a group of applicants that look good. If the successful applicant stated an expected income half of what the position pays I will just tell the applicant their income will be double what they stated. It's not like I can pay them half as they will discover the discrepancies the moment they talk to another employee. Then I would need to start all over again. So find out what the competitive amount is for the job your looking to get, then you'll know if you want to take the next step. And 300'000 is a dream.

    i assume from your post you do not have a business in Thailand. Only because after years of having one here i can tell you the following

    1. I can never get enough staff, ie with any advert i run, i hardly get any response, so really do not have much of a choice

    2. I most of the time advertise the salary, and on the application form also have the expected salary question, which is often answered 30%-40% above advertised salary

    3. Since there are hardly any people applying for a job, as they say "beggers can not be choosers" so their qualifications almost always do not match. Especially when they change jobs every 1-2 months and happily advertise so.

    All of my troubles may well be due to location and nature of my business but speaking to number of people, all seem to have same problem

    PS. i am in hotel business and located in Pattaya

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