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Posts posted by khwaibah

  1. urin bu

    I'd get an evisa for Cambodia. No hassles or scams at the border that way.

    Evisa can not be used at the SiSaket or Surin crossings only cash.The Chong Chom boarder crossing has the best transport system from Surin to Siem Reap. Surin bus station to the border 60 baht (70km). Chong Chom to Siem Reap 2000 bhat by taxi, black top road 2 hours.

  2. As far as I know, you can bring in seeds with no problem. Done it plenty of times. Even had them sent from the UK with the packaging clearly marked that it contained seeds.

    Plants are a different matter, but that's not what you are asking.

    Potato seeds? Potatoes are only grown in the coolest parts of the country. Tried many times with very little success as they see to suffer from some form of stem rot.

    I have only seen strawberries grown near Chiang Rai and they had artificial lighting, so I guess that the day length is not enough for the plants to fruit.

    Samoneg Thailand Strawberries Capital of Thailand. 55 km west of Chiang Mai.

    GPS: 18.847914, 98.735194 (Samoeng Strawberry Fair)

  3. logo.png
    Broken Monorail at Chiang Mai Zoo Panics Tourists. Apr 29, 2013.Others.

    CityNews - On April 27th, 10 AM. Chiang Mai. Zoo Officers were called to a Part of the Chiang Mai Zoo in Electric Monorail Where the Cars had stopped before reaching the Train Station Inside trapping all the passengers.


    12 panicking tourists were rescued after two hours.

    Nipon Wichairat, the deputy director of Chiang Mai Zoo, told the press that the monorail service would be temporarily stopped until the problem was fixed. He said that the passengers, who had all been to the Snow Dome, received a full refund.

    Rawipa Chaiboonreung (50), a passenger from Phayao, said she had been with her nephew and his parents when they got stuck. "Everyone on the train was panicking," she said.

    The electric monorail in Chiang Mai Zoo belongs to the Thai Monorail Company Limited whose contract started in 2006 and will expire in 2026.

    There are four trains working every day doing 15 -20 trips. One of the deputy managers of the monorail company claimed that an electric transformer had exploded outside the zoo.

  4. Find a Thai Kareoke bar with entertainers and no other farangs. There are loads on the outskirts of Surin or get yourself invited to a private party (wedding/house party) as usually Morlam/Thai Country music is always played at them.

    Yes Siree. Give Prasat and Kap Choeng ago for kareoke. 50% of the workers are Cambodian. That's about as khmer as your going to get.

  5. 13670584619549-640x390x2.jpg Monorail in Chiang Mai Zoo strands over ten tourists 10 metres high for over 1 hour; zoo official says accident due to electrical glitch. By Digital Media | 27 Apr 2556 five twenty-seven p.m. | 346 views |. View Comment.

    Monorail in. Chiang Mai. Zoo Ten strands tourists over 10 meters High for over 1 hour; Zoo Official says Due to Electrical glitch accident.

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    Explore MCOT.net
  6. That yellow house book does not authorize a foreigner to receive free health care unless the foreigner has worked in Thailand in a job where the employer paid into the Thai social security system for the employee.

    There have been reports of people married to Thais who have received free health care at a local (amphur) government hospital, but once something major happens and they have to go to a regional hospital like Suan Dok, then they're in for a rude awakening, unless they're entitled to participate in the social security system because of their previous/current employment.

    No-one, especially me, is expecting to get free Thai health care with a yellow book, but it avoids all this kerfuffle getting a residence certificate "from where".

    I for one never objected to paying 500Baht for the "service" at immigration. Those who do are "cutting off their nose to spite their face".ngkok

    ncy from Immigration.

    As long as you stay in major areas (Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket etc.) your yellow house book will be accepted BUT there are numerous government institutions in rural a areas that will turn you away. They will only accept a Certificate of Residence from Immigration.

  7. You have to ask at the Amphor. I think it is easier if you have a Thai wife and own your house (actually she owns it). I took my passport (translated, my wife and the phoo yai baan and it took a few weeks but it is sure helping.

    The regulations for the yellow house book (Ta Bian Ban) is different from amphur to amphur so you need to go to yours and ask as no two are the same.

  8. I do not know where to post my question so if this is the wrong thread perhaps a MOD can redirect it.

    My friend who at this moment is in the UK getting an ex prison van (Mercedes)

    fitted out as a camper to drive overland to Thailand is concerned with how long He can temporarily import the vehicles into Thailand.

    Any info or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    Importation in Thailand... just forget it.

    Question invariably asked every other week on this forum.rolleyes.gif

    Yeah, presume he means to drive through etc and how long he is allowed to keep it here before tax and all that due. So he adheres to the timeframe and just drives it onward.

    Max is 6 months. Details as follows.


  9. The Phnom Phenh Post is getting some millage from it..


    Thailand bans documentary

    Last Updated on 25 April 2013 By Joe Freeman

    Above, a still from the documentary Boundary, which has been banned in Thailand. Photo Supplied

    A documentary examining the Thai-Cambodian border flare-ups has been deemed unfit for screening in Thailand by its Ministry of Culture.

    The Film and Video sub-committee of the ministry called the content “a threat to national security and international relations”. In a statement released on Tuesday, they announced that the film “presents some information on incidents that are still being deliberated by the Thai court and that have not yet been officially concluded”.

    Director Nontawat Numbenchapol, whose film Boundary was completed last year, vowed to appeal the decision.

    “One of my intentions is to let the film be a space for the people in the troubled territories to voice their views, opinions and feelings that they haven’t had a chance to do so in the media report on the issue,” he wrote in a statement posted on Facebook.

    Using recorded footage, interviews with soldiers and residents on both sides of the border, Boundary explores confrontations between political factions in Thailand and the long-running dispute over the Preah Vihear temple, which the International Court of Justice awarded to Cambodia in 1962, setting the stage for a conflict that continues today.

    Fatal clashes erupted along the border from 2008 to 2011 after the temple was listed as a World Heritage site. The two countries found themselves back in court last week to argue over 4.6 square kilometres surrounding the 11th-century ruin.

    Thailand’s censorship committee objected to several “groundless” points in the film, the Bangkok Post reported, including a caption that says there were “nearly 100 deaths” during a crackdown on Thailand’s red-shirt activists in May, 2010. The government maintains an official figure of 89.

    In a country where insulting the royal family can result in prison time, censorship authorities have adopted a rigid stance when films wade into sensitive territory. Last year, they banned the Macbeth-inspired Thai film Shakespeare Must Die, arguing that its story of demonstrations and political power struggles might cause disunity.

    Thailand’s ambassador to The Hague, Virachai Plasai, who argued the temple territory case before the international court last week, said yesterday that he was unaware of the Ministry of Culture’s decision. While declining to comment, he observed that since the Thai government streamed the hearings on the temple territory live to an audience of millions back home, the subject resonated with the population.

    “It’s like everybody is in court; it’s a case that belongs to everybody. I think this sense of ownership suddenly came with the live coverage and the simultaneous interpretation. It becomes real and so people get

    involved,” he said.

    As always, the temple case generated far less interest in Cambodia; residents consider the case closed after winning the temple in 1962. The less sensitive climate was in evidence last night at a Phnom Penh arts venue, where a screening of a movie about Preah Vihear was scheduled to be followed by an informal talk with a government spokesman.

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