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Posts posted by khwaibah

  1. I`ve never liked pizza from birth. They smell, taste and look like someone has vomited on a plate. As a matter of fact, I don`t think pizzas originate from Italy, but are another American invention.

    But I will say that in my opinion the Dukes is now the only decent Western style restaurant in Chiang Mai, probably in the whole of Northern Thailand.

    When I have visitors over from abroad, I always take them to the Dukes. I especially enjoy their fried chicken, wonderful cheese salads and recommend the peppered steaks.

    I describe the Dukes as a 5 star establishment with 3 star prices.

    I`ll probably be in there tomorrow, as suddenly I feel a Dukes coming on.

    You lose.


  2. GMM wins UEFA 2016 broadcasting rights

    The Nation August 4, 2013 6:57 pm

    GMM Grammy on Friday signed a contract to broadcast the UEFA Euro 2016 event from Paris, France.

    Under the contract, during June 10-July 10, it will broadcast 51 matches via GMM Z platform.

    "Obtaining the license will stimulate viewing demand in the market as well as strengthen the company's wherewithal to compete and thus will help increase revenue and create added value to the company's satellite television business," said Premon Pinskul, chief financial officer.
  3. I'm not sure if there have been any recent changes for a man from the UK coming to Cnx to get married.

    My friend from the U.K. is 65 and will start to get his Pension next month.

    I think he was married once in the UK in the past but he is now divorced.

    He wants to come here to Cnx to get married.

    Can you tell me what he needs to do and what documentation he needs to bring from the UK?

    Can he do everything here in Cnx without having to go to Bangkok or anywhere else outside of Cnx?

    Can he just have Star Visa handle everything?

    Thank you for your help


    It all can be done in CM assuming he brings the correct documentation from the UK.

    Not sure of the process if his intended is not Thai.

    She would have to do the same as him. Same requirements..

    so a foreign couple can come here with the correct papers then just go to an amphurs office to get married?

    Yes. Recognized anywhere in the world.

  4. About playing without a work permit, what I've heard is, the risks are higher or lower, depending on which venues you play. Example: Hotels = high risk. Small pubs, depending on the pub = lower risk.

    Why post on a forum of expat with broad experience seeking guidance if you ignore their advise.

    Please play at any venue you care to and see how long the ride lasts.

    Post your results here. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

    No work permit go to jail.



    • Like 1
  5. I'm not sure if there have been any recent changes for a man from the UK coming to Cnx to get married.

    My friend from the U.K. is 65 and will start to get his Pension next month.

    I think he was married once in the UK in the past but he is now divorced.

    He wants to come here to Cnx to get married.

    Can you tell me what he needs to do and what documentation he needs to bring from the UK?

    Can he do everything here in Cnx without having to go to Bangkok or anywhere else outside of Cnx?

    Can he just have Star Visa handle everything?

    Thank you for your help


    It all can be done in CM assuming he brings the correct documentation from the UK.

    Not sure of the process if his intended is not Thai.

    She would have to do the same as him. Same requirements..

  6. Am an Aussie and we call them snags but in uk they call them sausage but a sausage served up in a baguette with fried onions and bacon is lovely (With a cold beer smile.png ). A hot dog sausage does not have much meat content. You can get the American type hot dogs at most 7 11 stores? Maybe #308 sk hot dog is sausage kings style of hot dog. In Australia we have snags served with fried onions in a bread roll also. Who cares at 129 baht and its a big portion. I eat at sk 3-4 times a week as do half of Chiang Mai because his food is good and very well priced. smile.png

    Any meat product that you buy in 7-11 in Thailand is per garbage and is NOT an Americana Hotdog.

    I don't know if they are American hot dogs or not but I have read a few times that the quality of the meat (I think it's all chicken - not 100% sure) sold by 7-11 in Thailand (owned by CP) is actually better in quality than anything sold at 7-11 in the USA. I don't buy the products here or in the USA but it is what I have read.

    Hot dogs at 7-11 in the US are <deleted>. Go to New York or Chicago for the real thing.

  7. Am an Aussie and we call them snags but in uk they call them sausage but a sausage served up in a baguette with fried onions and bacon is lovely (With a cold beer smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png ). A hot dog sausage does not have much meat content. You can get the American type hot dogs at most 7 11 stores? Maybe #308 sk hot dog is sausage kings style of hot dog. In Australia we have snags served with fried onions in a bread roll also. Who cares at 129 baht and its a big portion. I eat at sk 3-4 times a week as do half of Chiang Mai because his food is good and very well priced. smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

    Any meat product that you buy in 7-11 in Thailand is per garbage and is NOT an Americana Hotdog.

  8. Yes you have to declare...

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    USDHS-seal.png U.S. Customs and Border Protection Securing America's Borders
    CBP INFO Center
    CBP INFO Center Home > Find an Answer > Importing gold coins, medals, and bullion
    Find the answer to your question
    Importing gold coins, medals, and bullion

    What are the regulations for importing gold coins, medals, and bullion into the U.S.?

    Gold coins, medals, and bullion may be brought into the U.S. However, under regulations administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, such items originating in or brought from, Cuba, Iran, and Sudan* are prohibited entry.

    Copies of gold coins are prohibited if not properly marked by the country of issuance. The importation of counterfeit coins is prohibited.

    There is no duty on gold coins, medals or bullion but these items must be declared to a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer. Please note a FinCEN 105 form must be completed at the time of entry for monetary instruments over $10,000. This includes currency, ie. gold coins, valued over $10,000. The FINCEN definition of currency: The coin and paper money of the United States or any other country that is (1) designated as legal tender and that (2) circulates and (3) is customarily accepted as a medium of exchange in the country of issuance.

    If you have doubt whether your gold/gold coin is considered a monetary instrument it is in your best interest to declare the item(s) with a CBP Officer, so you do not give a false declaration.

    * Section 1 of E.O. 13412 maintains the countrywide blocking of the property and interests in property of the Government of Sudan imposed by E.O. 13067; however, section 6(d) of E.O. 13412 excludes the regional government of Southern Sudan from the definition of the Government of Sudan. Section 2 of E.O. 13412 prohibits all transactions by U.S. persons relating to Sudan's petroleum or petrochemical industries, including, but not limited to, oilfield services and oil or gas pipelines. Sections 1 and 2 of E.O. 13412 apply to the entire territory of Sudan.

    Exempt Areas of Sudan

    Section 4(B) of E.O. 13412 exempts from the prohibitions in section 2 of E.O. 13067 specific areas of Sudan: Southern Sudan, Southern Kordofan / Nuba Mountains State, Blue Nile State, Abyei, Darfur, and marginalized areas in and around Khartoum. Thus, trade and humanitarian assistance are no longer prohibited in the exempt areas, provided that these activities do not involve Sudan's petroleum or petrochemical industries or any property or interests in property of the Government of Sudan. The non-exempt areas of Sudan continue to be subject to the comprehensive sanctions set forth in E.O. 13067.

    Please note that E.O. 13412 does not affect licensing requirements for exports of agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices pursuant to section 538.523 of the SSR. Even in cases where such exports are destined for the exempt area of Sudan, licensing remains required pursuant to section 906 of the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 (P. Law 106-387).

    If you wish to receive automatic updates to this Q&A, select "Subscribe to Updates" on the left side of this screen.

  9. Same-sex spouses get equal treatment for U.S. visas

    Michael Winter, USA TODAY 8:03 p.m. EDT August 2, 2013
    Policy change, which follows Supreme Court ruling, puts gays on equal footing with heterosexuals.

    Secretary of State John Kerry spoke with U.S. Embassy staff in London on Friday after announcing that same-sex spouses applying for visas would be vetted the same as heterosexual couples.

    (Photo: Jason Reed. AP)


    In a policy change prompted by a recent Supreme Court ruling, the United States will now give equal treatment to same-sex married couples applying for visas, Secretary of State John Kerry announced Friday.

    The change affects applications by foreign nationals in a legal same-sex marriage with a U..S. citizen, as well as foreign gays and lesbians who are legally married.

    Before the high court stuck down the Defense of Marriage Act, which limited legal marriage to heterosexuals, only opposite-sex couples had their visa applications considered together. All others were evaluated individually.

    "Now, as long as a marriage has been performed in a jurisdiction that recognizes it, so that it is legal, then that marriage is valid under U.S. immigration laws, and every married couple will be treated exactly the same," Kerry said at the U.S. Embassy in London.

    The new policy applies worldwide, regardless of whether same-sex marriage is legal in countries where embassies, consulates and visa-processing facilities are located.

    Mods move if needed..

  10. YEAH, Yeah, I know, self praise stinks, but whats a guy to do, when all his former friends forget him ???? 19x18xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKn width=19 alt=whistling.gif> wink.png

    [besides this is not praise, its promoting]

    We have been an ' American Style Restaurant' for over 17 years now and like to think we have real American style prepared food. In other words , breakfast that is food to 'EAT' not take photos of for Better Homes and Garden type mags.

    This Breakfast, the Chicken Fried Superman Breakfast is currently only 195 Baht. Other full American Breakfasts at almost half that price.


    If you are new to the area, stop by for a chit/chat. Maybe we can help wear off some of the new-ness. In any event welcome to Chiang Mai.

    P S Identify yourself with your Thai Visa nic and also receive a 10% discount.

    The Pun Pun Guesthouse and Restaurant


    You sure know how to hurt a guy...thumbsup.gifclap2.gifw00t.gif

  11. Yesterday, Tuesday, was Starbeams normal day off. Went to Norbie's had a beer 2 pm. Norbie had 5 customers. Then we went over to FC, FC had 18 customers. Most were eating and just a few having a beer, mixed crowd of farang male and female and farang male and Thai.

    and your point is ???

    Got your nickers in a knot hey...tongue.png

  12. Yesterday, Tuesday, was Starbeams normal day off. Went to Norbie's had a beer 2 pm. Norbie had 5 customers. Then we went over to FC, FC had 18 customers. Most were eating and just a few having a beer, mixed crowd of farang male and female and farang male and Thai.

    This also is the crowd that FC will always get. Mixed crowd of male and female westerners would suggest tourists. Maybe staying in the Majestic, on the way to the Elephant village and maybe Phanom Rung, copy of Lonely Planet tucked under their arm. The oldest, most established places will get custom from tourists.

    Western male and female Thai....well I know of a couple of guys that live out in the sticks. They come in on public transport, like a few beers so don't drive, wife goes shopping and hubby "waits" somewhere. After shopping wife comes to meet hubby has something to eat and they go home. A place near the bus station is the obvious choice for this.

    To say that the FC's days are numbered I think are a bit short sighted.

    Yes FC's location is very good! wink.png

    Not really..

  13. Yesterday, Tuesday, was Starbeams normal day off. Went to Norbie's had a beer 2 pm. Norbie had 5 customers. Then we went over to FC, FC had 18 customers. Most were eating and just a few having a beer, mixed crowd of farang male and female and farang male and Thai.

  14. The discussion on here, and on local forums, suggests that there is a demand for the quality that Starbeam offered. Clearly, FC and others cannot step up to the plate, which leads me to think that there is an opportunity out there for someone to open a new business based on the Starbeam model.

    There you go Cardio, get that hard hat back in the cupboard and dust off your pinnie and coffee machine!!

    and by all appearances the new Robinson Mall is blowing it...

  15. Well if you are looking for "American style" omelet good luck to you. Most omelets I find here are Thai style. Meaning fried in a pot of oil. Not folded over and stuffed with goodies. I am sure they are available but it will be the exception. If you are considering sausage, be prepared for a hot dog. A small one at that. You would probably be better off as someone has mentioned to make breakfast at home, then go out for coffee and people watching.

    How bizarre. I have not seen omelette's prepared such as you describe, and your description does not sound good. Here in Pattaya all omelette's are fixed the American way that you described.

    This is not Sin City but operantly the op has Not had an omelet from Gecko Gardens or Butter is Better.

  16. There is no elaborate changeover at the Thai Cambodian border. The road stays the same, just when you cross over you muddle over to drive on the other side of the road. Unlike when you cross to Laos where there is an intersection with traffic lights where you cross over.

    There is no muddling at the Chong Chome Boarder for Thai or Cambodia. The way the entrance and exits are designed your forced to be on the correct side.

  17. why would you do a 90 day report when you getting a non imm O extension for retirement or marriage . I have never done it but keep reading post of people that do such as in this thread

    Most offices are computerised now including KC so you are in for a rude awakening if you dont submit a TM47 every 3 months

    ave a paaport re

    Kap Choeng Immigration is NOT computerised. Everything is done by hand. They do do not have a passport reader which they admit they need but Korat Immigration. which is their boss will not give them one. So everything mus and is done ny hand.

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  18. Spoke yesterday to a friend who paid 2,000 Baht - 1,900 Bt for visa extension and 100 Baht to get his 90 day slips.

    The immigration officer said "see you in 12 months".

    Your post is unclear.

    Do you mean for 2000b the person doesn't have to visit the Immigration office for a further 12 months, therefor not having to do the statutory 90 day reports????

    The inference was that he would not be expected to return until his renewal in 12 months time.

    So NO 90 day reports for one year???????

    I see a 5000 baht fine in someones future.

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