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Posts posted by Thaiwine

  1. Personally I favor free movement anywhere in the world, you should be able to live and work where ever you wish to,

    But like I mentioned before, only if you can pay your way if not you have to go back to your own country,

    Benefits packages should only be available to nationals of their own countries.

    So if a French, Italian or whatever arrives in the UK and works for 30 years and then gets laid off he then has no rights and gets no benefits but a dosser from shittyton who has never had a job just because he was born on the UK should get benefits for life?

    I think if someone lived and worked in a country for a long time they should be able to apply for citizenship, if they did not wish to do that then no no benefits for them.

  2. Personally I favor free movement anywhere in the world, you should be able to live and work where ever you wish to,

    But like I mentioned before, only if you can pay your way if not you have to go back to your own country,

    Benefits packages should only be available to nationals of their own countries.

  3. You'll get poverty with the EU due to immigration overwhelming the system.

    The UK was strong and prosperous before it entered the EU. Few of the promises have come true while some current and potential future repercussions weren't expected by the people.

    If you don't have borders and national security and sovereignty you can't manage a country and provide for your own people.

    The UK will continue to get weaker in the EU just as it has already. The UK's debt is skyrocketing because it's overwhelmed.

    Get out and take your country back. Build The Wall. You can trade with the USA while the rest of the EU sucks air and crashes. How do people get sucked into believing that something which hasn't worked thus far will work into the future?

    Maybe you do not remember, or don't want to remember.

    "In December 1973, a combination of power cuts and economic gloom meant beleaguered Britain’s finances AND lights were on the blink — with many facing Christmas Day in the cold and dark.

    Concerned about hardship during the festive season, Tory Prime Minister Ted Heath warned Brits they should expect a difficult festive season.

    In an emergency national broadcast on December 13 he said: “We shall have a harder Christmas than we have known since the war.”"


    Would this be about one year after Britain joined the EU ?

    No, it was about 20 years before the EU came into being.

    Obviously you are trying to imply that the EC(European Community) brought the UK to its knees in the space of 12 months, nothing whatsover to do with the industrial disputes that ravaged the UK in the early seventies.

    You are being picky yes we joined the EEC in 1973 which changed name in 1993 to the EU.

    I was mearly pointing out that you were quoting an event that happened after we joined and you were incorrectly saying it happend before we Joined.

  4. You'll get poverty with the EU due to immigration overwhelming the system.

    The UK was strong and prosperous before it entered the EU. Few of the promises have come true while some current and potential future repercussions weren't expected by the people.

    If you don't have borders and national security and sovereignty you can't manage a country and provide for your own people.

    The UK will continue to get weaker in the EU just as it has already. The UK's debt is skyrocketing because it's overwhelmed.

    Get out and take your country back. Build The Wall. You can trade with the USA while the rest of the EU sucks air and crashes. How do people get sucked into believing that something which hasn't worked thus far will work into the future?

    Maybe you do not remember, or don't want to remember.

    "In December 1973, a combination of power cuts and economic gloom meant beleaguered Britain’s finances AND lights were on the blink — with many facing Christmas Day in the cold and dark.

    Concerned about hardship during the festive season, Tory Prime Minister Ted Heath warned Brits they should expect a difficult festive season.

    In an emergency national broadcast on December 13 he said: “We shall have a harder Christmas than we have known since the war.”"


    Would this be about one year after Britain joined the EU ?

  5. It's true Britain had problems in the 60's with socalism

    The EU did not solve these problems, we did !

    Before we joined we traded with the rest of the world and the comonwealth

    The rest of the world is still out there it should be up to us to make trade agreements with who ever we want, without europe telling us who we can and cannot trade with

    People from anywhere in the world should be allowed to work in Britain, work and pay taxes into the system, if you have no job and no money to live on you go back to your own country, the taxes they paid into the system was a payment for the right to work in Britain not an investment into the benefits system.

  6. If you take road deaths per 100k people indeed Thailand is in 2nd place.

    If you take road deaths per 100k vehicles then Thailand is a long way down the list with about 75 deaths per 100k vehicles

    Guinea has about 9,500 deaths per 100k vehicles per year

    Thailand averages 25k road deaths a year, India has almost 240k

    Just a bit of perspective.


    I noticed that compared to the UK, by number of people, Thailand has 12 times as many fatalities, but by number of vehicles has 14 times as many.

    you can play with stats all day and make them do just about whatever you like - if you thing stats are "facts" then you are seriously misled.

    What you CAN take from the WHO stats is a reasonable commonality and the comparative view on some sets of road stats....it is reasonable to deuce that Thailand has an unacceptable road death rate.....trying to decide who is 1st 2nd or 3rd is pointless anyway and even simply stating that the higher the numbers the more dangerous the roads is not necessarily true.....as you can see when you factor in such things as number of vehicles, mikes of road, vehicle miles driven etc etc......

    it seems far too many people are content to base their judgements on one single stat or to see that stat in isolation...this is the case with the Song Khran stats - the media blasts out the number of deaths every day...uses vocabulary like "carnage" and we all are made to believe that the death rate over Song Khran is higher than normal.

    This was what I was getting at, everyone goes on about one set of stats because these make Thailand look worse, I was trying to get a little balance by quoting deaths by 100k vehicles not just by population.

  7. If you take road deaths per 100k people indeed Thailand is in 2nd place.

    If you take road deaths per 100k vehicles then Thailand is a long way down the list with about 75 deaths per 100k vehicles

    Guinea has about 9,500 deaths per 100k vehicles per year

    Thailand averages 25k road deaths a year, India has almost 240k

    Just a bit of perspective.


  8. I had a great Songkran this year, in Cambodia. Every year time after time 'people' generally Thai males loose their lives through intoxication and stupidity, inclusive generally through excessive speed (yep the Ya-Ba sort) - suppose it's good population control of that ilk? This place is lawless, what else would you expect?

    Oh and the brother 'plausibly' saw absolutely nothing, would never have been partaking in drag racing and speeding would he?

    Another one bites the dust.

    The artical said the bike had been hit from behind.

    Doesn't sound like boy racers to me.


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