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Posts posted by Thaiwine

  1. I don't think TS failed when he introduced the government rice buying scheme, it seems to me the object was to buy the hearts of the masses which seems to have worked,

    It was a master stroke he used government money to buy his followers.

    now they have a huge army of supporters who happily call themselves red shirts.

    The problem for the government now is they dare not stop the subsidy as if they do they will lose their base of support.

  2. Thanks simple1 for the link, yes it was Bangladesh I was referring to, I was just going from memory so was slightly off

    Also not nice for human beings as commented by SICHONSTEVE I agree, while some of the Muslims in the area are not a problem it would be impossible to sort out the guilty ones, so a clean sweep is needed

    drastic? yes, needed? yes, nice? no

    just my thoughts as an alternative to rolling over and giving them what they want, show them that murder and violence does not work

    and I like the idea of shipping them of to somewhere like Iran, where they can live their Islamic dream

  3. I cannot see an end to this as it stands without giving the insurgents what they want,

    So I see an more radical alternative,

    I read somewhere where there are Buddhists being persecuted by the Muslim majority, I think it was Pakistan

    So I do not see why a forcible swap could not solve this situation, bring the persecuted Buddhists to Thailand and send all the Muslims to an Islamic state like Iran

    A little inter government cooperation would be required, maybe cost a few baht to get rid of them, money well spent

    there would be some angry Muslims being evicted but then if they can't live and work for changes peaceably then, life can be rough...... and some happy Buddhists, I would guess

  4. I would say, a friend in Thailand could go into the police station where this dust up took place, and say a friend has asked him to donate a 1000 bt to the police orhans fund,

    give them his name and mention he is worried about a previous incident where he got into a fight (give date) and was worried that there may have been a warrant issued for his arrest.

    I think it's very likely the officer would confirm or not the existance of the warrant.

    at worst you would lose a 1000bt

  5. Thankyou for the replies.

    I have been looking for answers on here and the UKBA wesite until my head spins, then I log off and try again later.

    I came to the conclusion that I would have to be her sponser but couldn't see how I fitted the requirments.

    Hopefully by the time we are ready for her to move here permantly I will have finalised the financial side of my divorce and would then be in a position to show the 62,500 pounds in my bank account to sponser her.

    Page 15 of the financial requirement for settlers shows that I need £62,500 with no income, so would this be enough proof of finances or would the ECO still need/like proof of income from me? to show my ability to support her?

    I ask as if so then I need to start thinking about getting a permanant job so I can show some employment history for when the time comes, although I am happy as I am at present.

  6. Hi

    I have been seeing my Thai girlfriend since last December, and we would like to spend more time with each other, the first step is to get her a tourist visa to visit for approx one month so she can see if she wants to stay here longer.

    My problem is that I am semi retired and only do a small part time job, the pay is low enough for me to be under the tax mans radar, and I am paid in cash so I have no bank records of payments and I only have a few hundred pounds in there.

    So I would like to know if my mother could be her sponser, as my girlfriend will be staying with me at my mothers house. my girlfriend has no capital to finance this trip herself.

    My girlfriend has her own salon in Pattaya, she says she will shut up shop for a month while she visits, the plan is for her to visit here after the high season, she also has a daughter that lives with her father in Bangkok.

    The long term goal is for my girlfriend to sell her salon and move to the UK to be with me until I retire, after that I will have a modest income and we will both then return to live in Thailand.

  7. With the Thai way of making money I would think that hosting the olympics there would be great for them

    Patts would be buzzing with the influx of tourists and boy would the cost of hotels , taxi's etc go through the roof

    This could really bring the attention of the world on Thailand

    what would Thailand win most medals in??

  8. I would have thought it would be possible to have some small device that would detect a large power surge in a pond, that would then in turn power up lights / siren / alarm ? maybe a business idea for someone with the knowhow?

    me I like the idea of it setting off a similar charge back into the pond after a delay of say 10 minutes

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  9. well that went well for a first post, i'll try again.

    My Uncle in Australia made his own with simple parts,

    he used a polystyrene box the sort of stuff used to pack kettles, toasters etc

    he used a bulb for heat, and a dish with water in it for humidity

    first attempt failed but his second try worked a treat,

    I think he just drilled a few air holes to allow heat to dissipate from first to second attempt

  10. My Uncle in Australia made his own with simple parts,

    he used a polystyrene box the sort of stuff used to pack kettles, toasters etc

    he used a bulb for heat, and a dish with water in it for humidity

    first attempt failed but his second try worked a treat,

    I think he just drilled a few air holes to allow heat to dissapate from first to second attempt

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