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Posts posted by Thaiwine

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    RIP lady

    May your next time around be happier

    If you die when you are angry you are guaranteed a bad start in the next life

    I think topping yourself is bad karma too

    I'm not Buddhist but I think maybe she was, but whatever/if the future holds for her I still wish for the best for her

    Apparently she argued with her Canadian boyfriend who was in Korea before she did this

    Makes me think How careful we should be with the hearts of these ladies

  2. Each one of those bags is a potential death that if successful he would have been party to. I hate anyone who deals, smuggles and uses drugs. Not one of them has any value to the world's population. Find them and eliminate them from the planet.

    Didn't Mr T try this?

    His problem was he couldn't be bothered with going through the courts first

    Thoughtfully saving those tax dollars (baht)

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

    Just FYI, this sounds embarrasingly similar to the standard litany of reasons bar girls routinely give their customers as to why they broke up with their boyfriends/husbands.

    They shrewdly give these reasons to put themselves in a more sympathetic light, and to appeal to the natural protective instincts of men.

    What you never hear is these women taking any responsibility for the break-up of the marriage: i.e.,

    I have a gambling problem

    I accumulated huge debts behind my husband's back

    I have a drinking problem

    I have a drug problem

    I cheated on my husband

    I was lazy

    I was argumentative

    I was a neglectful mother

    I refused to work, etc., etc.

    I used to swallow these bar girl stories 'hook-line-and-sinker' as well, but having been here a while, I know that these are often one-sided versions of the truth and that there are plenty of Thai men who are excellent husbands and fathers.

    I like much of what you posted so I'm not having a go at you, just giving my opinion.

    Not many people I know admit to their faults in a relationship they normally blame the partner for the breakdown, I take the ladies comments as just this, a face saving measure, we all do it.

  4. What is so sad about victims like this is that they are often so trusting because they are honest people who believe others are like them.

    No honest person would think you could buy an iPhone for 3000 baht. They probably thought they were buying stolen goods. I have no sympathy with people that gullible.

    I didn't read anywhere that they were supposed to be new phones

    3k each for second hand sounds ok to me ( maybe a bit on the cheap side )

    Just cheap enough to get someone to bite

    People do deal in second hand phones so not really suspicious that he was selling 2

    Hopefully the police can find the seller maybe from his phone number

    • Like 1
  5. I love all these comments about sex tourism in Pattaya. Don't people realise that the main visitors to Pattaya are Chinese and Russian and these nationalities are not usually seen in beer bars or go-go bars, they're in Pattaya for other reasons. Of course there is sex tourism, the same as there is in Bangkok where the "Holier than though" preach from, but the vast demographic are not here to get their rocks off.


    but I Wouldn't like to put my money on the results of a poll either way giggle.gif

  6. Lets think about the future.

    What is the solution to current problems? This in effect Thailand's arab spring, but you might question the integrity and background of Suthep.

    Here is my thoughts: Yingluck government should resign and military take over. Sutheps people's government sounds very vague and wishy washy. So how do you implement changes? The answer has to be use the existing system and remove the flaws. So that mean an appointed parliament by military, using a mixture of existing parliamentarians and electing those from the protest groups? There should be no overwhelming majority. Parliament improves laws and rewrites constitution.

    Any other suggestions /improvements?

    a. no one with a criminal record allowed to stand for election

    b. no buying of votes allowed

    c. no nominees allowed only mp's elected by the public

    d. no advisers with criminal records

    e. no "oh I forgot to declare that 50 million baht when I declared my assets" any undeclared assets are confiscated

    would be a good start

  7. You can give her the run around, do not see a solicitor until you have to, do not answer letters, claim you do not want a divorce, play for time.

    this strategy worked very well for my English wife, she was able to make me wait for years, I did eventually get my divorce even though she tried everything she could to stop it.

    we still haven't settled the financial side even though we have been separated 11 years now and divorced 3 years I am still trying to finish with her

    mean time while you are waiting move any assets you can, any money in your bank move to a family member you can trust, (if there is anyone)

    her solicitor will want to see 12 months bank statements, a list of any assets with a value over £500, any pension details

    so make sure there is nothing there for them to give her, even if it means waiting over a year so the bank statements show near to nothing.

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