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  1. Trump is a traitor to US interests. He just "paused" arms shipments, he is ordering stopping all aid to Ukraine; his defense stooge has order a stop to cyber warfare against Russia; he is in process of ending all economic sanctions against Russia. If that isn't "aiding an abetting the enemy", I don't know what is And don't you dare say Russia is not US enemy
  2. Just to remind Trump backers, the trade deal Trump complains about that is robbing and destroying US is the one his administration put in effect during DJT Part 1. The deal that was the "envy of the world, that would make all 3 economies grow at an unprecedented rate." as he said boasting of the deal back then Trump tends to blame all on Biden.... why not this time? oh, this was 100% his deal, his baby to replace NAFTA... and I suppose it fitting that this moron shoots himself & US with his stupidity regarding tariffs
  3. I used to watch lots of "Life after people"... seems what may happen to this eyesore
  4. Uh, ever consider potential bombers might choose a different site?
  5. "This enchanting beach town remains a prime destination, showcasing an allure that transcends the typical travel calendar." I didn't know AI was capable of sarcasm
  6. I wonder if they got around to fixing CCTV near Erawan Shrine & other sacred spots.... Recall 2015 and reaction after shipping that load of refugees back to certain prison or death.
  7. "...pledged to implement necessary acoustic improvements to prevent further disturbances." Is the 'acoustic improvement" turning volume knob counter clockwise?
  8. "Kritsada now faces serious charges, including participation in a transnational crime syndicate, membership in a secret society, fraud, falsifying computer data, money laundering, and aiding criminal financial activities." All this for 500 baht? Charge him for being stupid... oh wait, the jails would be overflowing if that was enforced. Sound like he is the fall guy... how about the ones who made the real money?
  9. Ah, two devout Buddhist countries squabbling over a chunk of land. Merit anyone? "It may be all Maya, but it's OUR Maya!"
  10. Along the lines of bars raising beer prices because they are seeing fewer customers....
  11. "...alongside those not providing clear accommodation details. " I started coming to Thailand and SE Asia in 1982. Since that time I have NEVER had reservations, yet somehow I always found good accommodations reasonably priced. Mr B-A is worried about tourists not checking in at the pricier joints he represents, nothing to do with disreputable types coming here. Admittedly with internet even lower priced places can have a presence on the net, but not as fancy as the $100+ a night places
  12. What about the part where Macron stops Trump when Don was lying about European aid (said EU money was loans and US was big donor). Put hand on Trumps arm and said money was grants, not loans; and 60% of the aid to Ukraine comes from Europe Hardly a brown noser. Have to look to Republican party for herds of those Watch this: doubt it will be Fox
  13. I saw him this morning complaining the the interest charges on national debt gobble up too much discretionary spending. Well, Elon: reduce the national debt by not buy votes, er, giving rebates; by not cutting taxes on the uber rich. Not sexy but reduce the national debt. Not impossible: if Clinton could do it, why not Trumplon?
  14. Huh. I thought the most basic job description for cops is "cracking down on illegal activities".... does this mean less time for shakedowns and protection donations from honest businesses?
  15. greedy is okay.... stupid is what doesn't cut the muster for investors
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