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  1. related art subjects: Beach Road Jomtien is supposedly one way, but plenty of motorcycles head "up stream". And some sort of legal accommodation needs to be made for the big tractors hauling boat over to the launch ramp. Currently they have to go maybe 100 yds against the traffic Only a fool or someone recently arrived from country where laws are enforced would cross the street without looking both ways. Several times
  2. She and/or her company should have hired a Thai consultant to tell them how to approach this problem. Even a first time 2 week visitor would be smart enough to tell western approach not going to fly here, especially when dealing with rich and powerful.
  3. God sent us Trump because he ran out of locusts
  4. Try IQ air. https://www.iqair.com/air-quality-map/thailand/bangkok/bang-kapi Some numbers in area at 301 (above 25 not good for your health). "Air looking clear" is laughable at best. And if you were at Chernobyl, would you say "Air looks clear to me". Scientists develop instruments so our far from perfect senses don't over rule factual data.
  5. Friend of mine (USA) says hooker friend of his said she'd seen lots of "long fives and short sevens...". This whole argument is somewhat pointless.... Years ago popped into my head this "Size of the brush doesn't determine quality of the painting" If a guy is a good caring attentive lover, willy size won't matter
  6. maybe it is simply a con-fusion?
  7. Unless the Indians were involved (such as insurance scam as so many suggest) what we have here is simple sleight of hand theft. Definition of scam "a dishonest plan for making money or getting an advantage, especially one that involves tricking people"
  8. Okay to remove the mandate, but I do question you saying "pure government waste". Just musing on working from home concept, for business or government, it seems like it would reduce waste. If it were permanent, less office space would need to be bought or rented; less maintenance costs (no heat, janitor, upkeep for building you aren't renting); it is far more "green": parked cars don't burn fossil fuels... could have more parks and less parking lots... So you think Pelosi only one casting remote? "171 U.S. House Democrats and 89 Republicans have voted by proxy since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi authorized the pandemic-era practice." (per Idaho Sun newspaper) I vote absentee, which is essentially the same thing... why not by proxy? You ever watch those speeches in the House? The ones showing only person speaking? Why? Because no one (or very few people) are there! Face it: Most members of congress are too busy trying to raise money for reelection to be bothered by little things like being present in Congress....
  9. Meanwhile Trump wants felon he pardoned, also happens to be father to dear Jared, hubby to Trumps Ivanka, to be ambassador to France. Can we see that nasty bit of works credentials? Chris Christie said that “one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes” he prosecuted more than a decade ago when he was a US attorney was committed by the father of President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/30/politics/chris-christie-jared-kushner-father/index.html and then there is dear Kimberly Guifoyle, ex girlfriend of Don Jr, who Don Sr wants to be ambassador to Greece. Her credentials? former Court TV anchor and Fox News host.... hey, hosting is good enough to be defense secretary, surely enough for simple ambassador.... https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/12/10/congress/guilfoyle-to-greece-00193624 And Trump always seems concerned that "they're laughing at us" regarding foreign relations... and then he makes these sorts of picks...
  10. Nah, they used the old interrogation method of hitting victims with phone books. Leaves no marks. Big question is where would they get the phone books these days?
  11. Hahaha.... did they bother to inform those who actually got a declaration of war (Australia, UK)? "Oh sorry, never mind....how about a nice plate of pad Thai?" I'm too lazy to research, but I seem to recall that Thailand declared war on the US but the Thai ambassador never got around to delivering the paperwork... so technically weren't at war and does seem in line with many slippery ways of government here... And that 170 year number: maybe started diplomatic relations 174 years ago, but took out the 4 for WW2.. "We didn't say continuous..."
  12. Since when does the Thai government actually make plans and implement them? Seems so much is by seat of the pants decisions and then try to mop up mess later. Prime example was legalizing pot.... they seem incapable of seeing to the end of the drive way, let alone down the road
  13. If the work can be done from home at the same level as at an office, it makes sense to allow to do the work at home. Working from home is one means to fight climate change: no energy spent in commuting, no resources needed to build new highways, light rails, autos, buses, motorcycles, bikes even footpaths.... along with all the vast amount of energy saved from no commuting. No loss of land for parking lots, highways, rail ways, etc. The major downsides are to restaurants that depend on the lunch time crowd and maybe some negative unforeseen psychological impact due to lack of face to face interaction
  14. That sort of statement shows your great disconnect from reality. "Time to go back to meritocracy" Warrior ethos may have once included drunken rape and pillaging... Your man Pete ticked rape and drunk... unsure about pillage Merit? Largest organization he ran had perhaps 50 employees... US military has around 3 million. And Pete ran the budget into the ground for both organizations he oversaw. Secretary of Defense can't be a drunk. Reports from his employees say he was often drunk on the job. Lame Republicans try to say "many senators have been drunk at work too"... but they aren't part of nuke chain of command among other things. Somehow saying "we're as awful as he is" is faint praise. So tell me, just what are his merits other than being a Fox weekend post and Trump ass kisser?

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