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Posts posted by Emdog

  1. "North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is set to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time this week at a symbolic summit hoping to project himself as a serious world player but likely to come away without a relief from crushing sanctions he seeks."

    Ah, but which "he"?

    Both of these thugs countries have sanctions on them, and Russian economy is not in great shape. Wonder if Trump is feeling left out? His tariffs and all that are like self imposed sanctions...

    Maybe they could do a "I'll show you my sanctions if you show me yours".

  2. '96-7 I was on sabbatical, traveling Asia, Africa & Australia. About 2/3's through the trip Wells Fargo bought out First Interstate. I was in Philippines when debit card was killed by WF: "contact your local bank" message. Yeah, right. 

    I had American Express card with that check cashing provision. I'd charged $20 or so months earlier at Bangkok Christian Hospital, my bro in law was supposed to pay the bills. He "missed it", and that was dead too. I still had Australia, Bali and Bangkok to do.... down to travelers checks and couple hundred in cash. Tried to pay off the $20 in Melbourne at AmEx but no go...

    It was tight, but made it.

    I suppose when traveling expect "whatever can go wrong will go wrong"

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  3. On 4/18/2019 at 10:32 PM, See Will said:

    I was just reading that some smart fellows are filling the ashes in small bottles and selling it for a good coin.

    Great Idea.. Same as they did with small concrete pieces of the Berlin Wall.

    One on benefits living bum made over a 350k EUR for selling these pieces and had not even an own computer or internet in his apartment. he made it via an internet shop..


    This is the first time I think that the church is helping the poor handing over cash ???????? made me laugh... 

    Not the tragic event but the idea of these people... A small bottle, a scoop ash, a sticker with the original Notre Dame and "kashinnng" the EURO is rolling.. 

    Reports said they saved relics of "Jesus' Crown of Thorns" and a bit of the "true cross".... too bad in sense that selling bottles of ashes could have stated "may contain ashes from Jesus crown and true cross". Think of the rush of the rubes for some of that!

    • Haha 1
  4. "She was not a bargirl or working in the sex industry but after 2 months I understood that she was only a gold digger."

    Son, you need to wake up and smell the coffee: just because she didn't work in bar doesn't make her outside of "sex industry".

    I do hope this is just a writing exercise on OP's part.

    Pity anyone this stupid that gets involved with Thailand.

    If she cheats on him, she'll cheat on you.

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