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Posts posted by Emdog

  1. Might be interesting if folks used term "monger" correctly. It pays to increase your word power, as Readers Digest used to print: " A monger is a seller, especially of something specific like a fish monger or an iron monger. You can use the noun monger as a word on its own, although it frequently shows up as a suffix, in words like cheesemonger. Monger can also be used as a verb meaning "to sell or peddle.""

    Unless you are a pimp, you're the customer, the John, the target, walking ATM... sure there are other terms..

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, farang62 said:

    Not a GUN issue, it is a HATE Crime! We have very few compared to other countries. Yes we do have our "NUT" cases, that will not stop in America or any other country!

    Any other country? US is leader in mass shootings by citizens. How about Switzerland, another country that is heavily armed? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/switzerland-high-rates-gun-ownership-why-doesnt-no-mass-shootings-a8230606.html

  3. They could use a hot line, with English speaking operators (I think most Thais wouldn't report illegal dumping), and quick response to cops to make some quick fine $$$. I have many photos of perps dumping trash on side road off of 2nd road, with license plates very legible. I've considered taking those to local cop shop on a flash drive (don't want to email). What's held me back is consideration cops might "let slip" where I live & I don't feel like doing balcony diving practice. What to do?

    • Thanks 1
  4. I am currently working on getting my Thai wife's name on my US bank accounts. Not easy to do from a distance, doing it to ease the hassles when I check out permanently.

    I also have an AXA investment account with her as beneficiary. Talked with my agent on last visit and he said they won't send the money to a foreign bank account on my death, which really gums things up & big incentive for getting her name on my bank accounts. Plus AXA will hit the lump sum with 30% fed tax. I want to start moving that dough in a bit at a time.

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  5. 39 minutes ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

    Before you instigate the end of the relationship make sure all your posessions are well out of her sight and cannot be stolen or destroyed. 

    It may be wise to go off the radar and change your SIM card for a new mobile number. 

    Leaving town would be a wise move - at least for a month, which would give her ample time to suck from a new host.

    Prior to officially informing the lady you are out of the relationship make sure any sharp tool or knife is well out of reach. 

    Last but very importantly not least, be very wary as they are unpredictable. Your life could be in danger.

    Good Luck!

    "suck from a new host." seems a tad harsh. Next time, if there is one, find one that is not a parasite. They're out there.

    Otherwise, agree with post. Might also suggest take care of you... meaning don't jump into a new one right away. Give yourself some down time to process this. If you already have one lined up, I imagine she knows you already have gf, one way or another. If you have a new prospect, then you are a cheater and that will be kept in mind by newbie.... hard to establish trust with someone untrustworthy. Might lead her to become a "get what I can before he moves on" type gf.

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