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Posts posted by Emdog

  1. " He said a new geographic survey needs to be done to map out the natural flow of storm runoff and how it pours into the city from higher elevations in Banglamung District."

     How about one done by competent engineers who know the subject? I would imagine some sort of doc has been submitted previously (I have a big imagination, granted), done by folks who perhaps got their authority or job based on who, not what, they know. And ignored anyway. "Hey, we're talking about money here, not flood control. Sheesh!"

    • Like 1
  2. "Stringent laws don't stop Americans from drink driving, why do you think it would stop the Thais and the Farangs that drive here whilst alcohol impaired ?"

    So your solution is enforce no drunk driving laws since not 100% effective? Are there stats regarding how many arrested for drunk driving in Thailand? None? Therefore, with such low numbers there is no drunk driving problem here? Seems similar "logic" to me. I have a friend who was in fender bender with drunk Thai. The police had stopped the drunk earlier in the day, but since he had no money, they let him go.... to go run into another car. Wonderful law enforcement (sic) strategy.

  3. "Stringent laws don't stop Americans from drink driving, why do you think it would stop the Thais and the Farangs that drive here whilst alcohol impaired ?"

    So your solution is enforce no drunk driving laws since not 100% effective? Are there stats regarding how many arrested for drunk driving in Thailand? None? Therefore, with such low numbers there is no drunk driving problem here? Seems similar "logic" to me. I have a friend who was in fender bender with drunk Thai. The police had stopped the drunk earlier in the day, but since he had no money, they let him go.... to go run into another car. Wonderful law enforcement (sic) strategy.

  4. That statistic comparison between Thailand and UK/France still is flawed because statistics in Thailand are not comprehensive. Does not include those who die in hospital, which would boost numbers enormously I am sure. A case of statistics being 'garbage in-garbage out". And don't need to use statistics, just general observation to know that Thai drivers are accidents waiting to happen.

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  5. The police at last being something less than worthless. One would think perhaps the bus companies would do some self policing, as they are the ones who pay insurance fees (assuming they have insurance), repairs, replacements, etc. But apparently concepts such as capable responsible drivers and maintenance are beyond their mental abilities.

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  6. "She is the commander-in-chief, not a victim" Hmmm didn't the head of army say "anything can happen" the other day? Not "I will follow the orders of the commander-in-chief". I would assume therefore she is not the commander in chief. BBC pointed out military has led coups 11 times in Thailand.... they are the power.

    Reforms are called for, but protestors and Suthep are profoundly unforthcoming as to what their "reform" will mean, other than some unelected panel. Devil is in the details. Reminds me of Nixon before 72 election with declarations of "Peace is at hand" etc. Won the election and then we had the Christmas bombing campaign. Great plan. Reform does not equal improve always. Reform as in "put in the good old boys we had before" isn't enough.

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  7. "Surely shop owners understand the concepts of basic customer service?" Short answer: no. Home improvement places are the worst in my experience. Gather in a clot and just gossip. "Who do I have to <deleted> to get some service here?" (no takers, btw). Or go to Tesco, ask if they have bike lights. "No hab". I walk around, find them, bring back and present: "Hab". They get puzzled angry face. The lack of initiative to know what they have and where..... oy vey! Would rather stand there and go into "mental erase" state when no customer around.

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