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Posts posted by Emdog

  1. Agree age discrimination is rampant. Look at ads for job openings in the papers. Thais don't seem to realize they are shooting selves when they post age requirements for job that does not involve physical labor. Rather than the best person for job (which would help company and overall economy) they pick arbitrary age, usually 30. My gf works for company that is growing, and has too many documents to process due to growth. Rather than helping out with problem solving (more help, improved work flow) her boss said that maybe they should hire a younger girl to do the job.... <deleted>? She thinks younger girl with no experience is going to do a better job than 37 year old who knows what she is doing? This age discrimination crap is just one more example of how Thailand self destructs. And this time can't blame farangs!

  2. "If Patts is a "sanook" city with a live and let live attitude, then why all the reflexive hate espoused by so many against those different than themselves?" hmmm Maybe because it doesn't all come from Pattaya? Or a few angry posters is not a representative sample of population of farangs here? Or they do it to vent so they can go have a bit more sanook? Or the general anonymity of internet allows people to behave in ways they would not face to face? many possible reasons.

  3. In the west, when a distributor like Mr Lersak is arrested, pressure is put on him to rat out his supplier, someone further up the foodchain, not rung down from him. But not here.... hmmm I wonder why? The cops acting like doing a big bust, but this guy is just a small fish. They go after the sardines, not the sharks. And a farang sardine at that. Insipid grandstanding that makes nearly no dent in drug business. Not serious in the least in reducing drug activity. Pathetic.

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  4. Christmas, is a Christian celebration of Christ and shouldn't be hijacked and used as a political tool by nut job supporters of Suthep. A lot of Christians take this time of the year very seriously. If they tried to use Ramadan in their political protests then would have it arse kicked of the planet. If other people used significant Thai Budhist celebrations for their own means then a lot of Thais would be extremely upset.

    Show a little respect to others and their cultures and keep religion out of it.

    A Christmas tree is not a Christian symbol, it was hijacked from European pagans. Perhaps that is why 3 wise men didn't bring a tree, no mention of it at birth scenario that I can recall. So perhaps Christians should respect the pagans and abandon Christmas tree, Santa Claus, give 25th back to Mrithra, etc. Christians can take Christmas seriously all they want, but doesn't mean non Christians have to. Me, I like flying spaghetti monster for imaginary deity. Are you willing to respect that?

  5. "vowing instead to fight on until Thailand is ruled by an unelected ′People′s Council′ which would transform the nation into "absolute democracy"." I think there was a translation problem here. What he really said was "absolute Dems" and part of the plan is to hold elections, contrary to general opinion. Just one small feature most will not mind: only candidates of Dem party allowed to run. But they promise to have a committee look into allowing others to run just after absolute democracy brings happiness, honesty, truth and justice to all in Thailand.

  6. "Bangkokians who joined the protest are frustrated by the fact that their party of choice, the opposition Democrat Party, continually loses elections, and so they feel powerless to change anything."

    Here is my free political scientific analysis: 1. if dems continue to lose, it is because they don't appeal to majority of Thai voters 2. change and adapt your message to appeal to those outside of Bangkok. Like they say in AA "If you keep doing sme thing over and over and expect a different outcome, that's crazy" 3. Get a map of Thailand, not just Bangkok. Learn about your own country 4.As long as dems are party of well off Bangkok types, they will continue to lose. Get your people in high police and army positions so that coups are SOP. 5. Forget about democracy if you can't win

  7. Hmmm can't withdraw his bail because they let him out for free? Did I read that right??? crazy.gifcrying.gif

    Also noticed more US bashing, inaccurate as usual: "Why had the USA send in paramilitary troops, when students were demonstrating against the Vietnam War? How many died then (Don't remember the exact names, places and year)?" 1. They were national guard at Kent State, Ohio, sent in by governor of Ohio, not "USA", and they are military reserves status, not "paramilitary". 4 died in that one. The other was in Jackson, Miss. State police did the shooting there I believe, and think 28 died there, but they were black, so didn't have the same impact (my opinion, given racism of the time). 1970, protesting invasion of Cambodia, was the year. I was out protesting then, too.

  8. "Police General Adul declined such meeting because as an enforcer of the law, he was bound to act cautiously." As enforcer of the law (or so it is rumored) why not arrest the nut? I thought there were warrants out for him? They could meet with him in his cell any time they wished after that. We all know the army and police are seeing which way the wind is blowing, and let us hope they have learned to look more than 20 minutes into the future, unlike most. They would have at least ten times the problems if they put this dictatorial nut case into government house.

  9. Thailand, always good for a laugh! "Measures to tackle road accidents include requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets while riding and discouraging all motorists from speeding and driving when under the influence, according to the Road Safety Directing Center." If by some odd chance the cops got on the road and went after moving violations (thy number is legion) and did more than just take bribes, this could cut rate in half in two months tops. Taking license away does no good as many don't have license to be taken! How about taking vehicle away? That would get people's attention. A goal seven years from now? No time like the present. And they expect us to take this blather seriously?

  10. "he's a child. Eighteen years old" and "Probably withheld his name due to his age. . . Thai youths are protected by the law in their actions on women." Where on earth do you come from? That age is an ADULT everywhere I can think of. Those statements are.... words fail me. I taught gangsters who liked to kill each other in USA. I went to a hearing regarding a 16 year old student of mine who shot his best friend dead. The hearing was to decide whether to try as adult or minor. There would be no such hearing for an 18 year old.

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  11. 18 years old is not considered a "boy" in most countries. He is an adult, and should face adult punishment.

    The armchair psychologists here might want to read up about what rape is, which is a crime of violence, a different way of punishing and humiliating the victim. Even if his penis were cut off, he could still go out and rape, using some object instead of his now missing equipment. They get off on the violence, not the sex. Heck, there was a rape here in Pattaya and many wondered why here, with so many willing pros available. A rapist does not want a willing victim!

  12. The writer needs to take some refresher math courses, along with reasoning. Even if one million were marching in Bangkok, that is not "The Thai People". The silent majority out in the rest of the country are too busy trying to earn a living to come to Bangkok. Corruption is endemic regardless of which group is on top of the pig pile. The capitol needs to be moved far from Bangkok. It is usually a common idea in many democracies to have the capitol in a smaller town, as the large cities already exert far too much influence on politics. I took a geography class decades ago and recall prof pointing out that ratio of Bangkok population to rest of country was already too out of the norm. Everything outside of Bangkok is "beyond the pale" (look for origin of that phrase!). If the condition of the country is as bad as anti government group say it is, they should have no problem winning the election. And as a group have more money to buy votes than just Taksin.

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