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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. They don't need to protest "we will not be replaced". Don't worry: if I have some worthless thing, I just dispose of it but surely don't replace it. Same goes for them
  2. Give briefings, just don't include anything on paper. He seems to have a problem with the printed word.....
  3. "...cleverly concealed within clothes drying racks and sent from the United States." I question just how clever that is.... who the heck has ever sent clothes drying racks from the US, or any other country, to Thailand? They are not that hard to find here, and certainly cheaper...
  4. "The seventh level of Paradise is Dar us Salam. Dar us Salam means “home of peace and safety”, adobe of well-being." (googled that). It is month of Ramadam, so appropriate to use Islamic references...
  5. "Under the draft, vendors must register, with strict income thresholds ensuring assistance for those truly in need." Does this mean that if you have low income from stall, probably due to awful product no one wants to buy, you can have a stall. But once you serve up some quality item that 'sells like pancakes' & you're making a decent living, it's time to be put out of business... Regarding quality of street food: I've been living here for 23 years straight, started visits in 82. I don't get sick from street food. KFC is another matter. Be prudent on who you buy from: it's all right in front of you; use your eyes and judgement.
  6. Not a slur, he fits the definition. It's fine to disparage when it fits. Similar in ways to 'hawks" and "doves" as it describes one's outlook and behavior. Here is how Webster puts it: "Un·cle Tom ˌəŋ-kəl-ˈtäm. 1. disparaging : a Black person who is overeager to win the approval of whites (as by obsequious behavior or uncritical acceptance of white values and goals) 2. disparaging : a person who is overly subservient to or cooperative with authority.
  7. Fairly common excuse given when some Republican knob says some outrageous racist Nazi sentiment, but it doesn't fly. Good satire is recognized as such (see Swift) and same goes for irony. Most statements are just ugly and stupid BTW this uncle Tom is the dude Trump called "Martin Luther King on steroids"... irony? satire? I think not
  8. I used scotch tape if I tore my comic books as a kid. Seemed to work just fine. Unless the books are made from handiwrap, I suppose tape should work just as well
  9. Ever try push starting an automatic? No can do. Not as frequently needed as back when I was a young shaver, however....
  10. God created the devil too
  11. Perhaps main function of lifeguards is to retrieve bodies of the drowned. My experience over the years of observing them is that they spend their time together in groups of 4-5, looking at smart phones, rarely looking towards the sea. Keeping a vigilant watch towards the sea doesn't seem to be in job description
  12. I can't tell you how much safer I feel now that this hardened criminal has been nabbed!
  13. "...financial sector is set to benefit from an additional public holiday" If one additional day benefits financial sector, why stop there? Think of the economic growth if additional holiday lasted a week ("holiweek"?)! But why stop there? A month would be gangbusters growth!!!
  14. Need to go back to end of WW2: NATO was formed to stand up against USSR taking control of lands soviet armed forces went thru while beating Germany. They didn't withdraw, didn't allow self rule unlike return to self government in Western Europe. Now Putin is complaining because formerly neutral countries Sweden and Finland realize hoping Putin will honor treaties is just a pipe dream so for own survival join NATO. If Putin hadn't illegally invaded and grabbed sovereign Ukraine territory, those countries would no doubt still be neutral. Ukraine should have kept a few nukes, rather than trusting Russia to honor treaty guaranteeing Ukraine's borders.
  15. and do tell us/me how a rainbow flag is going to "raise awareness and engender students with compassion and understanding of gay issues". Makes as much sense as saying US flag in classroom teaches about Constitution and westward expansion. I think not. The rainbow flag as a symbol says too much and at the same time says too little. If teacher wants to teach about compassion and understanding of gay issues, fine, do so... all for it. A good teacher presents these sorts of issues in a neutral way, so as to guide students to use their own minds and critical thinking. Goal of teaching is HOW to think, not WHAT to think. The "pride" flag is merely a statement of "this is our turf", as is with most flags. Yes, of course gay people have been oppressed in the west for at least several hundred years (thank you so much, Abrahamic religions). They should be treated equally. But "pride"? What for? I am a heterosexual, but I see no need to be "proud" of that. I don't care who you have sex with as long as they are of age, consent, and are not barnyard animals. And like bowel movements, I don't need to hear about it.
  16. I am a "liberal" and in this case agree there is no good reason to put up a gay pride flag in a classroom. Is there such a thing as a "straight pride" flag? If there were, should that also be put up? And how about an "Asexual Pride" (Not incel) pride? US and state flag only. If student wants to wear a button, fine, no problem.
  17. Claim: Hunter Biden used his "Biden brand" to secure lucrative deals. He also asked "How about Jared Kushner? He got a $2 billion "investment" from Saudis, given by MBS over protests by Saudi investment board due to Jared's "inexperience". Jared got that big payout due to Trump family connections, his sweet performances favoring Saudis in so many fields. He put in his government job time and got a big payday after Trump got the boot
  18. How about a map showing storm patterns? Could eliminate 90% of the jaw flapping and confusion. Sorry, but many of us have yet to memorize all the names and locations of Thai provinces...
  19. Trump has such respect for royal family (not!). Recall his visit to the Queen: not walking beside her, but doing his typical strut in front of her.... Trump has class: lowest of low
  20. "The monk, Best, confessed to the police that he took Yaba with his friend Ek and agreed to leave the monkhood for his misconduct." Good choice "Best explained that Ek took the drug and attacked him in the morning by hitting his arm with a fluorescent tube." Really? It's hard not to break those, the glass is so thin. Reinforces the name of the drug: 'drug crazy' in translation. Even among Best of friends
  21. Followers of this nonsense have had to work hard to be this stupid: being born stupid still not enough alone
  22. Not many black people to be seen at this rally, but I'm sure "lots of good people on both sides", eh? Really. Look at the audience.... fair to say less than half are black
  23. He was just passing through.....
  24. Lived here 20+ years. If I want food poisoning, I can get it more often from restaurant where you don't see food being prepared or dishes washed.... thinking of the Colonel and the clown. Check out how street food vendor looks, prep area, etc. I don't get sick from those places. Still kicking may have unknowingly presented the reason he gets sick every time he is in Thailand.... street food is safer than restaurants
  25. "...most favored travel destinations for Indonesian tourists for its beautiful beaches..." Indonesia is an island nation, with about 14,000 islands (depends if count high or low tide). Islands often have beaches. The ones I have been to there are quite nice, plus you can see them (not behind wall of umbrellas). They also have surfing, something absent mostly in Thailand. "..and ease of access." Maybe I missed the content of the article, but sounded to me like "ease of access" is what is missing. Silly me
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