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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. This is the one time (only one?) I have seen 3 Thais and 1 foreigner where the confrontation is 1 on 1 and the other 2 Thais just stand by and watch. I suppose would have wrinkled up their spiffy uniforms if all 3 rushed and rightfully dumped him on his backside
  2. WTH does "a strict eye" mean? They rent the bikes out and probably don't see the renters for days or weeks until they return the bike, right? Do wish the rental firms told police "You keep a 'strict eye' on them. They're you're responsibility after they leave our lot."
  3. "...only wanted the former vice president to “pause” the certification of votes to allow states to investigate his claims of election fraud." There is no provision in the Constitution to "pause" the counting of electoral votes that had been certified by the various states. The very concept of "pause" is moronic. All the court cases concerning vote fraud had been settled, and Trump won none of them. His own AG said there was no fraud; his own investigators said no fraud. So why pause? Remember Trump told Pence he was "too honest" I can't imagine anyone accusing Trump of being "too honest" or even just "honest"
  4. Lord knows there is a huge surplus of space cadets in both public and private sectors
  5. The dude in tee shirt and jeans: epitome of Thai handsome man
  6. How do they collect data? If France has 90 million visitors, how many of those are from neighboring countries that do not require any sort of border/passport check? How many that go to France skip Paris? How many skip Bangkok that come to Thailand? How many are not tourists but retirees, etc? Where do the numbers come from and are they a valid reflection of reality?
  7. How about a "crackdown" on the criminal agents who are able to make the deposit/income requirement disappear (fraud) and the enabling Thai immigration officers (collusion), and those who finance these crimes and lawlessness, the farangs who pay for the enterprise
  8. Maybe he heard German women were eliminated in group stage at World Cup?
  9. Treasures? les' see 10,000,000 total value 100,000 number of items = each of those "treasures" worth 100 baht each, altho I suppose if you had enough empty beer bottles that could also qualify as "treasure"
  10. "....state agencies did not perform in accordance with their duties. She added that this allowed the property developer to proceed with an illegal project,..." Okay, so the developer thought the project was legal, which is reasonable. "We shouldn't have permitted this project, so now you must tear it down and refund money"? Seems the state agencies are the ones who should have to pay up.... I know, brown envelope confusion and all that....
  11. You'd think the charges would go down per punch: the fifth punch wouldn't give the same level of satisfaction as punch #1. Some sort of logarithmic scale....
  12. And just how should we "prepare"? clean out the guest room? Moon some passerbys? Get some moon cakes?
  13. Burisma hoped having Hunter on board might influence Joe not to press Ukraine to fire attorney general who protected the crooks by doing nothing. Joe delivered the news, but all of the EU wanted the corrupt lawyer out, not a "VP Biden" thing at all. Republicans are amazing: imagine a relative by birth or marriage using relative to gain influence and favors. Hello Ivanka (Chinese patents and deals), Jared (blockade of Dubai because they wouldn't loan him money for his white elephant property), etc, etc
  14. Should be able to negotiate some sort of group discount, along the lines of "punch 3 get 2 free" BTW is there any crowdfunding for the one who punched the jerk?
  15. Nixon was pardoned by Ford. I don't know of that international war criminal Kissinger being charged, let alone convicted, of any crimes. Look at all the traitors (Flynn), grifters (Bannon) and assorted other criminals Trump pardoned and I know of no outcry from the party of "law and order" as Republicans used to be known
  16. Ironclad evidence of criminal intent: Trump knew what he had already done was obstruction of justice: why else would he scramble to destroy evidence of box hiding & lying to his own lawyers? Like Nixon, the coverup will get him even if original crime may not
  17. good luck his horrendously damaging lies being "for the purposes of litigation only,". Rudy, here's how it works: you can lie outside of court all you want. Those lies don't hold in court and that is why you are asked under oath to tell the whole truth. As you know, perjury would be the charge for lies. A truth told under oath travels everywhere, regardless of your insipid wish
  18. Dear Donnie: do us all a favor and shut your pie hole. You are a tedious crackpot. Now go stand in the corner.
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