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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. I wonder what would happen if the locals "just say no" to stoning the women? "Nope, ain't gonna do it... you want them dead for this, you kill them. Your problem, not mine" and just leave.
  2. The incident occurred around 10.37am today shortly after the luxury sports car had been taken for a test drive following repairs. Didn't take into account the loose nut behind the wheel....
  3. Shouldn't this be in "world news", if anywhere? I see no connection to "Thai news"
  4. “We are not providing any more information. The employees accept responsibility for any accidents that happen while they are working.” Lock him up. If employee dies because of lack of training, safety mechanisms, that is on the employer 100%. Or should be, but probably not in Thailand
  5. I wouldn't too much about up keep.... initial construction could keep me awake nights. Cheating on every sort of inspection and quality of concrete, steel, you name it. Too many buildings here have fallen/collapsed before they are even finished to everyone pitching in to make a dismal product. Silver lining might be it built so bad cannot even start it up.... If Russians help out, maybe name it "Chup Chern Nobyl"?
  6. This is listed as "science"? sorry but it is just flat out wrong (removed most of the post as I don't want to get banned for "statement of the obvious"
  7. "Thailand experienced a rise in these deceptive communications, Asia as a whole saw a reduction. " Thailand grabs first in another groundbreaking Hub category
  8. It is not uncommon for the courts here to give convicted criminals the choice of prison or becoming a monk. Many choose monkhood... There are good monks and there are those that should have been locked up at the very least.
  9. Nothing to do with this article, eh? "One man blocked the Norwegian, while two female pickpockets blocked the woman, allowing a transwoman to grab the belongings from their bag." Or maybe that was a PSA?
  10. No big deal. I bet they've met before....
  11. and who, pray tell, set the conditions of parole? His daughter?
  12. Catch up on the news, maybe change channels from "We distort, you deride".... Hunter did testify before Repub committee behind closed doors. He wanted to testify in open hearing so that the public and press could hear it all, not the erroneous, distorted wordings Republicans are known for. https://apnews.com/article/hunter-biden-congress-subpoena-impeachment-joe-biden-f91915376997b5327eb2e747816690b5
  13. I am pointing out that by being illegals, they still have to pay taxes and S Security deductions with no prospect of refunds or benefits (like a legal or citizen would). How can that be some sort of "defending"? Think for a minute. Big ag invited them in to pick berries and fruit. If they weren't in the US, crops would not be harvested, full stop. That is a fact. Look it up. US isn't all that different from Thailand as far as natives don't want to do physically hard work
  14. Those who moan and groan that costs for schools etc are higher yet fail to note that the illegal immigrants take jobs native born don't want (when was the last time you picked berries?) and have taxes and social security taxes deducted from paychecks. Being illegals, they can't have a "real" SSN, so all their payments are gravy to treasury. No refunds on tax returns, either, I'd think. Contrary to the propaganda on Fox, US leads all major economies on growth after covid. THere are real world data, not just anecdotal fluff right wingers go for.
  15. No 'crackdowns" would be needed if the "police" performed their minimal expected duties of "law enforcement". Sheesh...
  16. "Those immigrants and their children are more criminal than other Americans." not true, a lie. "you care they're more criminal than the people you currently live with". another nonsensical lie. BTW what is a "white town"? Your Your "facts" lack basis in reality, aka FBI statistics. Major crime is down in US in most categories, again FBI stats. You may say "I know what I see and feel" (Constant line from Fox). Scientific method, statistics, etc were created to overcome anecdotal "evidence". "They have more land than they can use in Mexico.." You are a flat out racist. I'm done with trying to use reason with this sort of tripe. https://apnews.com/article/crime-fbi-violence-murder-8f47df4e8cf1917e6d8032e19dc1b4c9
  17. what are those darker chunks scattered about the concrete form of tables and benches? I always assumed that was just cheap marble reject chunks, but if some other material, what is it?
  18. Random chunks of marble slapped into mainly concrete bench... pretty common. They lost their marbles it seems I want to know who stole (or wound up with) all the nice concrete benches that used to be every 30 meters or so on Jomtien Beach Rd....
  19. The subject is immigrants, crime rates and are they animals... not race. You are "moving the goal posts" it seems to me. Play your racist card if you want. Texas, California, Arizona, etc were all Mexican before US took those lands (Gee, maybe all those Spanish names were just coincidence?). Or... Asian Americans have lower crime rate than whites, so kick the whites out.... here is article from Cato Institute, well known right wing Republican foundation (not NYT or other outlet you might accuse of "liberal bias"). Plenty of other sources out there. Cato makes no breakdown by race.... " In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native‐born Americans (Double illegal rates... me). The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native‐born Americans in Texas." My underlining, etc. Texas is the only state that keeps this sort of data, in case you don't want to read full article. https://www.cato.org/blog/new-research-illegal-immigration-crime-0
  20. Seems another example of "confirmation bias": people hearing what they want to believe, so don't fact check and ignore blatant warnings Same thing happened with source Bush 2 and company beleived to justify invasion of Iraq.... dude was a drunk and German intellignece said he was unreliable and not to be believed.... but he said what they wanted to hear, too.
  21. "Wasit revealed that nearly 700 people borrowed money from Teeranan, and he gave her over 10 million baht." He lost 10 million, not 38. He HOPED to get the 38 by being a loan shark. I have zero sympathy for this guy
  22. Am I to understand that amulet selling is a stepping stone to illegal gun sales, drug use and abuse, etc?
  23. "....arrested many illegal foreign workers from neighboring countries in the Pattaya area." Any Russians? nah, "since we're not neighbors, let's be friends..." Chinese? Indians? or only countries that are poorer than Thailand.... yes, of course
  24. "Ignite Thai Tourism!" Plenty of tourists and posters here have burned, so maybe Thailand already on fire? Scams, misrepresentation of gender, reservations don't match descriptions, hair raising transportation, wiring.... hey "Ya been burnt!" as Seth Meyers would put it
  25. Whew, only affects children so being a geezer I've nothing to worry about! "Thailand grapples annually with dire air pollution levels,..." "Grapple" to me implies some sort of tussle, struggle, effort.... I haven't seen any serious efforts made to lower pollution here. I like to check daily levels in Bangkok and Pattaya. As often as not numbers are higher for Pattaya... more to pollution than just vehicles I reckon
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