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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. What about the part where Macron stops Trump when Don was lying about European aid (said EU money was loans and US was big donor). Put hand on Trumps arm and said money was grants, not loans; and 60% of the aid to Ukraine comes from Europe Hardly a brown noser. Have to look to Republican party for herds of those Watch this: doubt it will be Fox
  2. I saw him this morning complaining the the interest charges on national debt gobble up too much discretionary spending. Well, Elon: reduce the national debt by not buy votes, er, giving rebates; by not cutting taxes on the uber rich. Not sexy but reduce the national debt. Not impossible: if Clinton could do it, why not Trumplon?
  3. Huh. I thought the most basic job description for cops is "cracking down on illegal activities".... does this mean less time for shakedowns and protection donations from honest businesses?
  4. greedy is okay.... stupid is what doesn't cut the muster for investors
  5. Dang! And I had my door and windows shut to keep out the pollution.....
  6. "...a report criticizing Trump’s decision to freeze USAID funds, revealing that billions had been wasted on questionable initiatives in recent years." Trump or his minions haven't revealed squat about wasted billions. Wild assertions not backed up with evidence and facts, or simply naming which program in which department Trump say billions had been wasted with no particulars is more of his grifter "puffery"
  7. somehow I must have missed it, but I saw nothing at about what this amendment was supposed to amend. Would it be defamation if content of amendment was publicly known?
  8. Trump spokespeople have already said that Putin will get land and Ukraine will not join Nato. Giving away all the bargaining chips before even sitting down to negotiate is not wise. Is Ukraine going to be key player in this? Trump had that absurd mid east peace plan that Jared cobbled together that did not include Palestinians. Gee, that sure did the trick, didn't it? This new song and dance cut from the same whole cloth
  9. Never get out of the boat Never be out on the streets after 9 pm
  10. One of those "man bites dog" stories. Inverse is quite common
  11. you win the "stupid post of the day" award!
  12. and they are legal restrictions due to the dominant religion. Duh. Not mere coincidence that alcohol sales are banned on Buddhist holidays... banned by lawmakers who don't know squat about Buddhism
  13. Buddhism is a moderation religion. "It might be better for you if you didn't drink" vs "Thou shalt not drink" take on things. So on those religious holidays abstaining should be a choice for the practicing Buddhists. Something to do with will power. It is easy to give things up when you don't have them anyway, like ban on booze. And ban sign of tone deaf government: there are many people of other faiths (Muslim,Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Daoist, etc) and no faith at all.... Why should they have to observe (alleged) religious restrictions for faiths they don't follow. Oh yeah, ditto for tourists.
  14. Does nicotine cause cancer? If it did, you would think nicotine patches would be illegal. What causes cancer is the burning material, "Tobacco smoke is made up of more than 7000 chemicals, including over 70 known to cause cancer (carcinogens)." "Most smokeless tobacco products are made from tobacco leaves, so they have many of the same harmful chemicals as cigars and cigarettes." I smoked for more than 50 years, quit about 3 years ago. It isn't that difficult. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/tobacco/carcinogens-found-in-tobacco-products.html
  15. Have to repurpose "snifters" I reckon Problems with coke are you think you're clever when you're not; that you have some idea worth listening to when it isn't; you can't stop til your supply is all up your nose & it's like each new snort is just enough to get you a bit up, but still below starting point... like going down stairs....
  16. You are a fool if you believe Trump would spend his own money on this. He never does that.... Remember when he ran the first time and boasted "I'm going to pay for my campaign myself"... that never happened. And now he is selling junk that wouldn't be allowed at a flea market to his clueless fans. Biden crime family? Who's got 34 felonies? Who is the adjudicated rapist? Who appointed the father in law that prosecutor Chis Christy said was slimiest felon he'd ever sent to prison... the one Trump pardoned and now wants to be ambassador to France? Show me valid evidence that there is a "Biden Crime Family"
  17. "..concern over the lack of solutions to this ongoing issue. " Here's a solution: ENFORCE TRAFFIC LAWS! Station a cop at those crosswalks and his salary would be covered by noon if tickets were given... and fines collected
  18. "officers approached a suspicious individual," hmmm due to her skin color, perhaps?
  19. any "gentleman's clubs" nearby? Lion all the time there I hear...
  20. Thailand: are you listening? (just kidding, of course not!)
  21. When I venture out from my home, I take the attitude that Thais are trying to end my life, actively with horrendous driving, 2 or 4 wheels, each with own death bite; or more passively as in this case: holes, trip mechanisms (concrete or wrought iron), head bonkers, electrical wiring surprises, things falling from the skies.. Seems to work "I'm not dead yet"
  22. Considering the mess the world is in, I doubt if machines could make it worse.... the worry is: if machines asked "What would be greatest aid to state of the planet?" The answer would be "Eliminate humans"
  23. If he is gets her to go virtually naked, he should do the same What's good for the goose is good for the gander
  24. And Trump et al attacked DEI demanding that all positions from top to bottom be based on "merit". Look at the list of massively unprepared, incompetent hacks that are going to have a real world destructive impact on US and the world... Hegseth? Couldn't ran an org about equal to a subway sandwich concession. RFK jr? no med training, conspiracy nut case heroin addict... Tulsi? Known as "Putin's sweetheart" in Russia. Could go on for pages and pages
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