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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. I wonder how high the balcony rails are on that hotel.... Thailand is notorious for rails that are more like fulcrums...
  2. "Despite this October surge, the export figures for the first ten months of the year show an overall decline of 15.8%, totaling 776,362 units." ah, something factual
  3. Decision makers in Thailand seem to lack any moral compass, and have for a long time. remember back in 2015? "By forcibly sending back at least 90 Uighurs, Thailand has violated international law. In China they can face serious abuses including torture and disappearance." https://www.reuters.com/article/world/thailand-sends-nearly-100-uighur-migrants-back-to-china-idUSKCN0PJ0E1/ and what did Thailand get in return for it's lapdog behavior? Erawan shrine was bombed and 20 people killed. Payback? I would think so. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Bangkok_bombing There are no powerless people
  4. What are you going to do? Do the right thing, regardless of culture. What is this inane attack on " Euroville or FOX-Amerika."? or the lame "this is not your country" crapola. You think molesting minors is okay by stepfathers? Is that what you do? Teacher didn't know what to do? Ask the police what to do. Not rocket science. I was a teacher in America (learn how to spell it). We were required by law to report any signs of child abuse. We would do it regardless, but legal requirement takes some heat off of individual reporting. Get fired.... for what? Protecting children goes with the territory of being a teacher.
  5. Really? So not joining would be giving license to any sort of crime against humanity... The Nuremberg trials of Nazis after WW2.... gee, would they have been let go if they said "Sorry, we didn't sign on to trials of us for the horrible things we did: you must let us go."
  6. "A fool (or dead drunk) and his money are soon parted" I hate to blame the victim, but jeez.. getting blotto with 40k on ya... late at night. Hasn't got the brains he should have been born with
  7. well, it balanced out because their behaviors didn't "disrupt societal norms." As my mom would say "par for the course"
  8. Maybe she accused him of being impulsive and not thinking of consequences of rash actions
  9. Your ignorance knows no bounds... ever hear of World War Two? Bit of a dust up 1939 (or 41 for USA) thru 1945. US didn't do it alone, and all credit to Britain, but US kicked ass in both Atlantic and Pacific theaters. Korea wound up a draw, but certainly not a loss. Could have been a win if dropped some atomics like we did in Japan ... Vietnam was a loss, but we didn't start that: it was the French. You could look it up. Were you taking a nap when US & coalition stomped Iraq's army into the ground? (Parts one and two) or US and Nato putting the hammer down on Serbian war criminals? The US blew whatever Neanderthals they could find in Afghanistan. There are other clashes that were over so quickly most didn't register with general public. The said part is that at least since the 60's the US can win a war but lose the peace. See Iraq and Afghanistan for confirmation. Or you have ignorant morons like Donnie and Jared coming up with some bogus mid east peace plan that somehow didn't include Palestinians... duh. Israel is a mid east superpower and as such US doesn't have much pull with them, as you may have noticed. Ukraine is "dirty work"? repelling war criminals invasion by a country the signed a formal treaty agreeing to respect borders in exchange for giving up nukes? Back in 92 I thought they should at least keep 5 or 10. Russians/Putin cannot be trusted. Ask Moldovia or Georgia.
  10. The Philadelphia line had to do with what WC Fields supposedly wanted written on his tombstone. I don't want to return to live in USA. Been here for about 23 years... got back from 3 weeks there month or so ago and I vowed "never again"... oh yeah, there was that Tom Hanks film "Philadelphia" and the earlier "Philadelphia Story"... nothing to do with either. Personally, I believe in the right to offend, doubly if can be a bit funny too
  11. You are right, I'm no spring chicken. I'm angry that my passport renewal date is October next year. I may have to spend the cash and deal with US embassy... I suppose I could get lucky.... frankly, I'd rather be in Philadelphia
  12. Smart phones + stupid people Who ya gonna believe? Google maps or your lyin eyes?
  13. How about have Russian ships visit at the same time as the "Cobra Gold" exercises with the USA? Could be interesting, might get Thailand some additional media exposure...
  14. I was thinking of getting a bar code tattoo of my passport info, etc... but I am an American and passport number changes each time you get a new one, unlike other countries that are more on the ball
  15. "...an electrician was fatally electrocuted..." electrician in job title only.
  16. Hard core drunks need to buy electric cars to increase chance of survival by a small percentage...
  17. There are plenty of good stadiums around the city.... down the street from me they have visiting EPL teams play in the summer and Lady Gaga performed there. A new subway line is going in, so access shouldn't be an issue The whole proposal smells of brown envelopes IMO
  18. So what if maybe survive the blast. What do you do then? Step outside and die in a few days or somehow stay inside and die over months from radiation. If I had to choose, I think I'd go with the quick death: pain only hurts if you are alive and aware to feel it. Those who call missiles to hit inside Russia as some sort of escalation are absurd. What do you think Putin has been doing for most of the war? Hitting inside Ukraine. Tit for tat is just fine. The west believes in treating Russian gentle, but first have to get their attention. Should have been blasting Russia from day one of the illegal invasion
  19. Not the sharpest pencil in the box. Where did he think he was, in Alabama?
  20. Labor day for most of the world is May 1st. US put it in September so wouldn't be seeming to endorse those socialist leftist commie union types who might want to honor all the people that actually get jobs done
  21. I watched an Australian documentary a few years back about the plight of Rohingya who try to reach Thailand. They had evidence members of Thai military essentially captured them and sold them across the border to Malaysian factory owners where they are held as virtual slaves with no rights at all. Seems this is ideal example where those who should be part of the solution are major part of the problem
  22. A common enough question here. You need to understand that the excitement, the payoff of rape is in the violent aspect, the taking her against her will. debasing and humiliating. Rape has nothing to do with "normal" sex
  23. Defense ought to say the meth pills are "appetite suppressors" for that little bit of extra help during holy fasting month of Ramadan.
  24. Seems ought to read "to help tour guides who struggle with anything other than the Thai language..."
  25. Jomtien Beach Road pathways used to be those interlocking pavers. They did a good job. Then the "improvement" project that cut so many trees down took all the pavers, benches etc out. New pathway was finger thick concrete... ramp supposedly for wheelchairs did not survive the first hard rain, so was plowed under. Joking if you say those paths are stable: immediate falling apart/subsiding near the stairs/"fish ladders" Pavers are better because they are at least thick besides looking better
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