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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. "Can't fix stupid" your post offers a fine example of that
  2. "Of particular concern is that the equipment and internal facilities within the building have been damaged due to a lack of maintenance and security." Seems those concerns would be there regardless of stadium is completed or not.....
  3. Sign her up right away!!!! ????
  4. "..mandating the avoidance of potential conflicts of interest." In other words, make sure everyone in the food chain shares the spoils (except students, of course) Like working out a deal between vultures, hyenas, and lions over recently killed zebra
  5. "...concerns have been raised about the funding source for the scheme, which requires 560 billion baht. " Just have everyone in government above junior filing clerk donate contents of brown envelopes for 2 weeks. That ought to fill the coffers.
  6. Any numbers on how many licensed Thai guides speak at least one of the 22 official languages of India. Yeah, I thought so....
  7. "....come in the form of loans from the Government Savings Bank (GSB)." More proof, top to bottom, that perhaps in Thai language "loan" and "gift" are synonymous. No mention on regarding how or even if those loans might be repaid
  8. Seems it might be a good condiment to go with edible panties... what cha think?
  9. Gives a new spin on what it means to be a "commissioned" officer. Need to buy 2 so Thai people can be entertained with submarine races broadcast live
  10. "I was just helping them with their vows of poverty, officer!"
  11. "How would it be to report it directly, take a rape kit and jail the perp?" Are you new here? Do you have any idea how the police here spend their time? (I won't say work). Rape kits? Do you think they'd be processed? Huge number in USA aren't, fwiw I personally know a woman who was raped by her father, had to give birth due to Texas type laws against abortion. Passed child off as her brother Father was given choice of prison or becoming a monk. which may explain why there are so many deviant monks
  12. Perhaps if the editors of these bits put more useful summaries of salient points, we wouldn't have to go to original story to figure out what went down. Thinking of times articles include 2-3 lines taking up addresses, chang wats, all sorts of tosh that doesn't matter unless you want to go rob a house
  13. And when I awoke I was alone This Nok had flown So I lit a fire Isn't it good Norwegian wood
  14. "...the constitution says that opposition leader must be an MP and a party leader,..." hmmm okay, "the leader must be a leader..." makes sense after a fashion.. but why does opposition have to be an MP? Shouldn't that be up to the opposition who they choose? Look at the USA: loser Donald Trump is head of Republican party, and....uh... um... er." Okay, never mind. should have to be an MP.
  15. Don't heads of state usually stay at some form of gov housing? 10 Downing Street for UK, White House for USA? Trump stayed there even tho he called it a "dump". Sacrifice for his nation. Or he can stay at his joint, but no motorcades: the leaders should have to face what the average Thai faces in traffic. That would get government attention real quick!
  16. Reminding those who say we pay no taxes here: the 7% VAT gets us all the time And those who think taxes pay for police protection "not getting mugged"(really? how about traffic violations, shoddy building crumbles, electrocution, etc), don't most of them live off of "fees" collected by the cops.
  17. where can they get a "qualified electrician"? Are any licensed & tested here? I've never heard of nor seen one
  18. There was the Pan Am bomber (killed 270 people) jailed for life in UK, then released in 2009 on "compassionate grounds" as it was thought he was dying of cancer, tho given a life sentence. He died 3 yrs later in 2012. Got a hero's welcome in Libya, I recall....
  19. Thai tourism touts they want to be a high standard, wealthy tourist destination... so they open the floodgates to the Cheap Charlies who would scrimp on a visa so they could buy an Omega watch? Does not compute. Like above poster says, why not open to everyone, not just Chinese?
  20. I had a ten baht coin in my left pocket and felt poor. But I traded for two 5 baht coins, one for each pocket, and now I really am rich and can stimulate that economy!
  21. The "result" the powers that be hoped for (and got) last time was massive kick backs on junk tablets The current proponents are no doubt hoping for a similar result. Learning has little to nothing to do with the scheme BTW love the photo: students looking at books, not tablets...
  22. Any constitution worth a darn includes means to amend, but these plods are too stupid to know that. Next they will claim that voting is a method to overthrow the government and must be stopped
  23. A miss is as good as a mile
  24. There is no "there" there. They are depending on limited attention and intelligence of American populace to maintain this craziness. "Where there's smoke there is generally a smoke producing device" -JFK
  25. But it does to make meth, which just may be their major export Meth lab busted after big electricity bill
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