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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. Nixon was pardoned by Ford. I don't know of that international war criminal Kissinger being charged, let alone convicted, of any crimes. Look at all the traitors (Flynn), grifters (Bannon) and assorted other criminals Trump pardoned and I know of no outcry from the party of "law and order" as Republicans used to be known
  2. Ironclad evidence of criminal intent: Trump knew what he had already done was obstruction of justice: why else would he scramble to destroy evidence of box hiding & lying to his own lawyers? Like Nixon, the coverup will get him even if original crime may not
  3. good luck his horrendously damaging lies being "for the purposes of litigation only,". Rudy, here's how it works: you can lie outside of court all you want. Those lies don't hold in court and that is why you are asked under oath to tell the whole truth. As you know, perjury would be the charge for lies. A truth told under oath travels everywhere, regardless of your insipid wish
  4. Dear Donnie: do us all a favor and shut your pie hole. You are a tedious crackpot. Now go stand in the corner.
  5. I was thinking a few years ago about the nasty winters Europe would face if the gulf stream stopped. It could mean the end of European football. If that doesn't get folks off their bums and start taking action, I don't know what would. Of course by then it would be too late to do anything to reverse the damage
  6. It is ignorant and lazy to hate someone because of nationality. Get to know them, have a conversation, check out their views. If you care enough to hate, you should make it personal. I'm an American.... many times Thais assumed I supported Trump because I'm American. 180 degrees wrong on the support factor. Could be many Russians are here because they oppose Putin. Find out
  7. Elon is showing you can have serious mental shortcomings and still be rich There is no good commercial reason to drop the bird (or "flip the bird"?). Recognizable and instantly understood to mean Twitter. And to replace it with an "X"? Homage to Malcolm? Agents Scully and Muldaur?
  8. I suggest removing the labeling of court as "conservative": thanks to Trump appointments, they are anything but conservative. One of the basic tenets of conservatism in minimal government interference with citizens lives, "That which governs least governs best". A conservative would take the view "it's none of the governments business whether a woman has an abortion or not. It's between her and her doctor". They also believe in precedent... Brett swore under oath at his confirmation that Roe v Wade was "settled case law". He was lying. Republicans have been belly aching about "activist courts" for decades, but this court has been doing it's own "legislating from the bench" and we have hear nary a squeak.
  9. Good. I hope there is not "zone creep" somehow getting into Pattaya city There is no good reason to have bars open 24/7. Hard core alcoholics can just learn to have a bottle at home for them if the bars shut at 2. Some people actually have lives, jobs, like to be about in daylight and don't enjoy being kept up by the blasting sound systems. If you can't get blotto enough by 2 am, then find a different sort of debilitating addiction
  10. In the story presented here, the "key statement" is not given... like giving a sports report without the score..... To save the dear readers from having to go to original story, here is the statement and all: " When his DOJ officials and other executive branch agency officials said, 'Mr. President, there is no fraud undermining the elections.' What did he say? 'I don't care if there's no fraud. Just say there was and leave the rest to me and my Republican allies in Congress.' Corrupt intent proved," Kirschner said."
  11. I think it was BBC that reported the women who were shamed by Hindus were Christians, which may be the religion of the tribe. Ain't religion great? (Not)
  12. Trumps buddy Epstein must be glad he is already dead.... what penalty for those who partake of the trafficked young ladies Donald? "Death penalty immediately" so much for law and order, judicial process, etc. Hey Donald, if you're for "swift justice" call off your delay tactics in your multiple legal cases
  13. Idiots. Unless they have that Men in Black memory eraser, "expunging" the impeachments is a fool's errand with a good bit of 1984 tossed in: "Who controls the present controls the past & who controls the past controls the future".... The smartest thing would be just to let it be, as attention span of public is rather limited. "Let sleeping dogs lie (or lay)" But they have to bow down to wannabe king Trump, the greatest threat to representative democracy in US history
  14. Does Thailand have such a thing as building inspectors, the honest sort?
  15. It's fraud. "A deliberate scheme to obtain financial or similar gain by using false statements, misrepresentations, concealment of important information, ..." per legal definition
  16. I suppose artificial intelligence is much better than no intelligence
  17. I find it fitting that so many of the 93 million are located in those red states where climate change has been seen as some sort of commie leftist plot.
  18. Gee, false information... well, where does AI get it's data? From humans, who err, give false info.... maybe Fox could have a custom AI based on their news..... The deal is "Garbage in Garbage out"
  19. "The officer’s wife found out about their secret relationship and kicked him out of the house. However, the wife later won him back in 2019." Huh? Seems he would be the one needing to do the "winning back".... what'd she do, kick him back into the house?
  20. If he was "arrested immediately", does that mean a cop was nearby or even on the premises? Which runs into 4:15 in the morning time frame....? Perhaps the bar could plead they were opening early?
  21. When the Chinese sub substitute engine deal fails, I suggest they go with this powerplant. Would also use local resources from S Thailand
  22. The district should apply to the UN for designation as a world heritage site, or something like that.
  23. "Russia’s war in Ukraine needs to end before the alliance can consider adding Kyiv to its ranks..." Seems like a big incentive for Russia to keep on with the war as long as possible
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