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Posts posted by Loiner

  1. 1 hour ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    It is not only Remainders applying for these passports. Anyone who wants to avoid visas, and longer queues when travelling in future to anywhere in the EU, would be utterly daft not to get one if they qualified. However if you can't stand that foreign food, and all those nasty foreigners not showing us the respect we believe we deserve, you can stand up for Britain and have your holidays in Southend or Skegness. God knows we are going to need the money!

    So it’s just about the paperwork and queuing at airports?

    Tourists won’t see any new visa requirements and those on longer stays have always had restrictions or registration requirements. So no change there then.  

    I’m sure that the current number of gates for UK passport passengers will be changed to accommodate them.  Fewer EU gates and more Rest of World, which will effectively become the UK gates. I would LMAO in Palma or Malaga at the new plastic paddies being herded with plane loads of Germans through a single gate while the true blue Brits swan through plentiful gates for them. 

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  2. 10 minutes ago, TheDark said:


    If people want to secure their ability to live and work in the Europe, I don't see anything wrong with that. They are simply maximising their freedoms to the future. 


    They still can live and work in the UK as they are dual citizens. But they also have the ability to retire easily to Spain, Italy, Croatia or Slovakia etc. depending of their personal preference. Freedom to move around. Freedom to live and work. Good for them.

    None of them will be able to go anywhere. They are all trapped in their chattering classes metrocentric lives. Trapped but self-satisfied in their public sector jobs with pensions, and tied up forever in the southern property bubble. 

    They are not the type of people who would venture out of their comfort zone to live and work somewhere lacking their socialist nanny state tendencies. They hate change and fear it will upset their comfort zone. That’s why they chose Remain. 

  3. 5 hours ago, bannork said:

    Anyone living in the UK who has either Irish parents or grandparents is entitled to an Irish passport, as well as the British one.

    Almost a million Irish passports were issued in 2019, Dublin has revealed. The record total was hit because of a surge in applicants from the UK.

    It's all very well those Remainers rushing for an Irish EU passport. But what has it done for them? Nothing.
    Where are they all now? Exactly where they were pre-Brexit.

    If life is so good in the EU states why haven't all those new paddies rushed off to Connemara or some of the other countries their freedom of movement guarantees them? No answer necessary.

  4. 10 minutes ago, bannork said:

    It's unprecedented for the top civil servant in the Home Office to resign and then sue the government for constructive dismissal.

    He was offered a lot of money to go quietly but refused.

    Time to get rid of Remainers wherever and whoever they may be. As a career pen pusher he was almost certainly causing problems for the elected government, so had to go.

    Boris needs to rid Whitehall of many more of them too.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, TheDark said:

    That's all good until the point you try to export English cakes to the rest of the world. Italian cakes yes, Thai cakes - oh yess, Indian cakes - sometimes. But English cakes? 


    Now add reprisal tariffs to the English cakes and make billions selling the cakes all around the world. The world consumers are going to be thrilled!


    That's basically the hard Brexit what is coming in 2021.

    Cakes export? Is that all you can come up with?

    Please keep explaining it, cos every time you do it gets better to me. Especially the hard Brexit part. 

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, bannork said:

    Well now you mention it, what about our new blue passports. I mean we want to distinguish ourselves as separate from the EU, right? Take back control, sovereignty, proud to be British, etc.

    So why is the 'iconic' new UK passport being produced by a French-Dutch company in Poland?

    Is it likely to get held up at Customs at Dover on January 1st 2021?

    Can't we even produce our own passports on our own soil?

    You should ask the Europhile politicians and civil servants placing contracts why they prefer spending UK money and taxes in Europe. That’s the way try to spread our love and cash a little too far. 

    They would claim they are trying to save save us money, by using cheaper foreign printers. Of course UK companies have been very capable of producing passports for years, but that’s the way prefer to undercut and employ their plumbers too. They really don’t care about the UK workers and jobs, despite all their wails about ‘rights’ and deceitful forecasts of job losses.  



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  7. 4 hours ago, elliss said:



     No more Polish plumbers , or bricklayers .   UK construction companies in dire straits.

    The vast number of unemployed graduates in the UK, may need to get their hands dirty ,  OMG..



    Great. This is what we voted for. 

    Get the EU job grabbers out and UK yoof off the benefits and into jobs. 

    The remaining UK skilled tradesmen will also be put back into it, no longer being undercut by the cheap imports. 


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  8. 10 hours ago, candide said:

    Benefits policy has never been decided by the EU.

    No, but Europhiles within successive governments have done. Lying Tony Blair and socialists were only too pleased to nurture generations of a benefit-reliant populace. Closet socialists like Cameron were too. 

    Eastern Europeans replaced those UK worker national resources with imported wage slaves, all in support of their precious EU Freedom of Movement principles. 

    It was win - win for them, two sectors of society who would usually be Labour supporters. And they could rub the real conservatives’ noses in it. 

    The cream on top for the metropolitans came with cheaper and compliant home help, tradesmen, and staff for their businesses. 

    Well that’s all over now. 

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