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Posts posted by Loiner

  1. 9 hours ago, bannork said:

    When the Brexiteers have no answer to bad news, they always shoot the messenger:'It's The Grauniad, it's The Independent, it can't be true!'


    Not so much bad news, as Fake News. Didn't anybody tell The Garuniad and Independent that their Project Fear propaganda didn't work? Or do they continue publishing it for Remainer consumption only? Suppose it keeps their readership figures up if nothing else.

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  2. 4 hours ago, samran said:

    Well I’m half thai, speak the language and I know a heck of a lot more about the Thai economy than you. 

    But happy to see you are sticking up for multi billionaire oligopolists with a straight face. They certainly rely on people like yourselves to mindlessly regurgitate the party line.


    I guess you’ve missed the reports about Thailand being one of the most unequal economies in the world?





    So this would explain your balanced anti-British vitrol. You've got a chip on both shoulders!!

    Before you spit anymore venom in your Aussie lefty / Thai class war, just wake up to the facts: Protectionism and tariffs keep many millions of Thais in jobs. You may not like it that Thai big business makes big bucks, but that's how it is.

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, TheDark said:

    Schengen is open borders policy, which is very well liked freedom for European people. UK never was part of Schengen. UK never had open borders. UK had and still have her own border policies when it comes to asulym seekers. That is not going to change, unless UK changes her laws. 

    The European people can now keep their open borders and shengen to themselves. Thankfully, we are not part of the EU now and will not be coerced into accepting that principle or Freedom of Movement that would have eventually happened had we not voted for Brexit. We also won't have to be allocated any of Merkel's million, or any of the others who would probably be given the right to roam around the whole EU with some form of EU travel document. 

    Open Borders are still causing us a problem with illegals and bogus refugees & asylum seekers, who have long managed to pass through various EU nations on their way to our shores. Where was the provocative photo of all those men in that poster taken - an open or closed border? It was a dire warning for what would have happened if we did not Brexit.

  4. 13 hours ago, simple1 said:

    As opposed to you, not opinion, but legislated law.


    Guardian is a credible source for info on TV. Disagree? take it up with the management of TV

    Not interested in your attempts to divert to migrants' legal status. Your opinion was that they would not be permitted entry to the UK via Open Borders. In fact they have already passed through much of the EU open borders to reach UK shores, legally or illegally. If we had not exited the EU that would have eventually changed and we would have been forced to accept many more. Thank god for Nigel, Brexit and St George.


    The Garuniad is a Remainer rag loved by loony lefty liberals, so simply not credible. I've no need to take it up with TV or anybody else. Does the management of TV publish a list of credible sources? Thought not.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, puipuitom said:

    Just search in Google:

    IN THE 1970s, Britain was dubbed “the sick man of Europe”, a role previously played by the Ottoman empire in the late 19th century. ... The reason Britain joined what was then the EEC in 1973 (at the third attempt) was, in large part, a desperate attempt to find a way of forcing the country to become more competitive.19 jul. 2017
    Thanks to the EEC ( and since the ratification of the Lisbon treaty by the UK parliament member of the successor: the EU) , the UK is economically still alive.

    Then, over the next 47 years, the EU further contributed to the decline of those ailing and subsequently competitive UK industries.  

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  6. 10 hours ago, 7by7 said:

    Twice? Maths obviously isn't your strong point!


    As said, last December 52.4% voted for parties who promised, at least, a referendum on whether to accept the withdrawal agreement or cancel Brexit.


    52.4% is greater than 50% and therefore the majority.


    It is also greater than the 51.9% who voted leave in 2016.


    But, as also said, the way our first past the post system works means that despite increasing their share of the vote by a mere 1.2% (42.4% to 43.6%), the Tories have increased their seats by 10.9% and now have a majority in the House. Which means Cummings can now do as he pleases with no regard to what we, the people, actually want.


    His pigeons will doubtless come home to roost in 2024; but by then it will be too late.



    Your warped and twisted logic may try and spin the numbers, all to no avail. 
    We are out. Your mates the Remainers lost.

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  7. 15 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Sure will be illegals, but to repeat no 'Open Borders' for refugees and asylum seekers, Farage was a liar as were a number of others in the leave campaign. Hopefully UK will not suffer any major negatives during the Brexit exit processes in the coming months.

    There would have been as soon as their legal status was regularlised. The other EU nations would have been more than happy to pass them on to the UK through the Open Borders or by any other means. Do you honestly believe that Italy, Greece etc would keep them all forever???    



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