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Posts posted by quiuvo

  1. After drugging them they stole belongings. Sounds like the man in the bus was put to sleep using same stuff. So it is the water and not a gas.

    I can see the Pattaya beach lady drugging his client but to do it in a hospital! Where can I hide? I will now want to open my own beer etc.

    I used to carry lots of money. For the last year I now carry no more than 4,000 baht. Good thing since all these happenings are worrisome to say the least.

  2. I went to Lawton Asia in Bkk - a reputable shop, run by respectable people.

    I bought health insurance packaged by Generali, which is one of the biggest global insurance companies. I paid about 30,000 a year and was around 38 or 39 so I got great coverage and bought in just before the 40's premium bump you see in all policies.

    in 2009 at renewal time, Lawton contacted me and said Generali was pulling out of Thailand but that I was guaranteed the same coverage from another provider - for 60,000. I did not like this and pushed and pulled and complained. Nothing to do about it, says Lawton. I delayed longer than I should. Policy lapsed. I bought a new policy from another company and in the first 30 days (waiting period where coverage is not active), I suffered a huge health event. ICU, kind of stuff. Suddenly I had +300,000 in bills and climbing... including MRI and other expensive scans. The policy kicked me out.

    My situation was unique and difficult to diagnose so and I had Thai Doctor friends who told me how to use Social Security and got my 'registered govt hospital' to send me to Chula where I was seen by some of Thailands best Doctors. The care was adequate, although not as nice as Paolo or Samitivej, etc. I paid nothing.

    Social Security in Thailand is not that bad. If you are smart and get into a good hospital and play the games to get in front of good doctors, it covers everything and more that any private insurance policy would. This was not my case but just a 'for example' what if you fall off a motorcycle taxi and are not wearing a helmet or go scuba diving and have an accident. Would any private carrier cover that? I don't think so. But Social Security does.

    Interestingly... did you know that after you leave a job in Thailand, you have the option to go to SS and pay the premium yourself to get continued coverage. Good option if you have a chronic condition and are buying meds and costs are 1500 a month or more. Social Security costs 350 Baht a month. That's cheap.

    I was told by Thai people it is only for Thais. How and where did you get the coverage?

    within 6 months of leaving employment take your employment details and old SS data, passport etc to the SS office in your district. fill out a form. also bring your bank account details if you want to make it simple and use automatic withdrawal. select a hospital and done. it is good idea to look around your area for govt hospitals to see which is closest etc.

    However, if you need to see your doc regularly, you will get put into their SS queue which seems to be Saturday and you may find yourself waiting hours to see a specialist. I see this in downtown Bkk. But if you have an emergency, you go into the hospital like everyone else.

    SS care is separated as much as possible within the hospital and when you show up with a cold or whatever, you may find yourself in front of a Doc who is young and inexperienced. But when you are done, you pick up your meds and walk past the cashier.

    I came to Thailand on a retirement visa. How can I get Sicily security here?

  3. I went to Lawton Asia in Bkk - a reputable shop, run by respectable people.

    I bought health insurance packaged by Generali, which is one of the biggest global insurance companies. I paid about 30,000 a year and was around 38 or 39 so I got great coverage and bought in just before the 40's premium bump you see in all policies.

    in 2009 at renewal time, Lawton contacted me and said Generali was pulling out of Thailand but that I was guaranteed the same coverage from another provider - for 60,000. I did not like this and pushed and pulled and complained. Nothing to do about it, says Lawton. I delayed longer than I should. Policy lapsed. I bought a new policy from another company and in the first 30 days (waiting period where coverage is not active), I suffered a huge health event. ICU, kind of stuff. Suddenly I had +300,000 in bills and climbing... including MRI and other expensive scans. The policy kicked me out.

    My situation was unique and difficult to diagnose so and I had Thai Doctor friends who told me how to use Social Security and got my 'registered govt hospital' to send me to Chula where I was seen by some of Thailands best Doctors. The care was adequate, although not as nice as Paolo or Samitivej, etc. I paid nothing.

    Social Security in Thailand is not that bad. If you are smart and get into a good hospital and play the games to get in front of good doctors, it covers everything and more that any private insurance policy would. This was not my case but just a 'for example' what if you fall off a motorcycle taxi and are not wearing a helmet or go scuba diving and have an accident. Would any private carrier cover that? I don't think so. But Social Security does.

    Interestingly... did you know that after you leave a job in Thailand, you have the option to go to SS and pay the premium yourself to get continued coverage. Good option if you have a chronic condition and are buying meds and costs are 1500 a month or more. Social Security costs 350 Baht a month. That's cheap.

    I was told by Thai people it is only for Thais. How and where did you get the coverage?

    • Like 2
  4. After staying together with my Thai wife for 15 years, we seperated.

    And after beying alone for almost two years, only looking around in bars, pubs, restaurants,etc, I did not find any of the woman interesting.

    So I decided to look on websites (DIA,TLL, TF) 6 months ago after I learned a good friend of mine found his girlfriend on one of the datingsites. Some sites are FOC and some I had to pay a small fee. The first month I only chatted and emailed with many woman, all over 30 years, many over 40 years old. Finally I set the step to meet some after a long selection, I made it clear I was looking for a serious relationship and never lied about my previous relationship.

    I met woman in some different city's. I met and dated about 20 woman, mostly just one meeting for a lunch, coffee or a dinner. Never was out for a short term encounter (some woman wanted that). I was fair and told most of then the next day, I was not further interested.

    With a few I had more than one date. But also with the woman I dated more than one time, we did not have sex. And with many of the woman I dated, we stayed friends, keep some contacts (mostly by internet).

    Because of the way I selected (chatting and emailing before I met them), I met mostly very decent woman who where honestly looking for a soul-mate/partner and maybe more.

    About 3 months ago I met 'the woman' I liked and we started a relationship. It was the right chemestry. We both have good educations, we both have our own income, we both have our house and car. We both still have to take care about our previous relationships because children and/or money issues.

    Because we are equal in many things, this relationship has the possibility to suceed.

    Glad you said "the possibility to succeed." She may want your help for necessities .....

  5. Everything i have said is true and this is how it works. I do not need to prove my point as there is no need to prove the obvious.

    On the other side you dont need to believe in it as it is not a religion. All you would need to do is apply it and put it into practice to see that it works.

    Besides science has everything to do with it. It has been proven a million times already, scientifically. It has been shown to work for thousands of years and there is overwhelming evidence to back it up. If you are interested in it, then do some research on it.

    Why are so many that practice this, especially in buriram, not wealthy? Put a spell on any wealthy individual and get all the money. I may go and hire one of them but they may take the info and become rich themselves. Wow

  6. "The judge initially sentenced Paitoon Kruain to 26 months in jail and a fine of B21,000, but both were halved because he had pleaded guilty.

    The judge then decided to suspend the sentence because the offences abduction, molestation and driving under the influence of alcohol and methamphetamine, were all first convictions."

    Are you kidding me?

    "abduction, molestation and driving under the influence of alcohol and methamphetamine. "

    The judge should do 26 months for being a moron.

    Wow. Just incredible. No more words.

  7. There is no 'best' tea. If you're British, unless you're a member of the aristocracy or have some fancy taste, you'll basically drink anything that's blended for the British market - it's what you grew up with. Some brands are stronger than others, but s a formidable te drinker ( around4,000 tea bags a year) I have found nothing at a reasonable price here in Thailand. The ne

    My My. We all have our weaknesses. Be it tea, drink, or if a good lady, Me!

  8. Ok, I know I am asking for trouble but here goes anyway.

    Sometimes I think of how much money and time is spent trying to arrest drug traffickers. Then I think of all the money and time in court/lawyer fees, prison meals, extra guards etc that needs to be spent. After all of this most of the people that are even caught are the mules so locking them up doesnt solve anything and means almost nothing. The "businessmen" are almost never caught in any country. Mean while the BIB are keeping supply low which artificially pushes prices higher. Drug addicts then must commit crimes to buy these expensive drugs.

    Is all this really worth it? Is there not a better way?

    I dont condone drug use, it is a very serious issue but i cant stop wondering.....

    You are not a asking for trouble but you are naive, very much so I must say. It is about supply and demand. Is there a demand for the drug you are talking about? Sure! Is there a supply? Sure! Ok, get rid of one and problem is solved. The government must have balls, especially if it is a country like Mexico, to send all of the troupes in. Send the army, navy air force etc, and ask for help from USA since it is one of the biggest digesters of the drug... Oh and call the expendables, which movie is to come out soon......

  9. Are you serious my man? You get married to a stunning lady. You are to die in about 10-18 years ... 90% sure. ..... Change your visa to retired since it appear/seams you have the means. If no money then for sure get her money into a bank. Your other income should cover you and go get a younger girl like one other OP was talking about... She as 16 and he 73!

  10. "The method of the group is to send emails to various companies, threatening that they would insert computer virus into the victims′ system, unless the companies pay them extortive amount of money, police said.

    The blackmailing had caused Chinese businessmen to lose approximately over 100 million baht according to a senior police officer."

    I don't know of a single business that would pay on this flimsy scheme.

    There's more going on here...

    You beat me to the quote. Maybe the companies that "paid" have insurance claims?

    Why are the men all wearing sunglasses? Looks ridiculous..

  11. Whatever problems Truevisions has/had, they are light years ahead of the incompetents at CTH, specifically the area of "what's on ? "

    I think CTH should outsource part of their their operation to India, smart programmers and good English.

    I will be happy when Truevisions offers DVR.

  12. Villa and Tesco to cater to the same targeted markets? Food land same as 7? Take Marketing 101-103 and some Econ classes while you are at it. They may marry but keep different markets with different names so as to satisfy and confuse the consumer. I may go to 7 and have a wave pizza. He he. . My girl made some steamed fish with lemon for 150 bath. From big C Yesterday. Tomorrow is Fuji (900 baht.)

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