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Posts posted by quiuvo

  1. I see many lady couples holding hands. No news there. But what gets my attention are the couples in which one lady is like a dyke in America and the other lady is very beautiful. The Tom I cuts her hair very short and is usually fat. She is very protective of her catch.

    I was told that the lady usually goes back to being heterosexual but the Tom looks for other lady.

    Please give more info on this phenomena.

  2. "SAI NOI, Thailand In a weed-covered parking lot on the outskirts of Bangkok, tens of millions of dollars of never-used firefighting equipment sits decaying, punished by bouts of searing heat, monsoon rains and a flood that swamped the area two years ago."

    We are talking about $180 million dollars of equipment. Two of the individuals involved fled Thailand after a ten + year sentence.

  3. I am assuming that she is going on a tourist visa and she will be accompanying you to the states. She will have to show sufficient funds in the bank to finance the trip and probably regular income from a job. If she is a student that may not be possible, but if her family has money, she may be ok financially.

    She will also need to show her school status and that she is enrolled and will continue her education.

    Basically she will have to overcome the presumption that she will remain in the US.

    Best of luck. (By the way, my information is a little bit old, but I worked for the embassy a long time ago).

    Seriously now, I agree with your great input above. I wanted to let him know that there may be some other way. I believe he knows all by know.

  4. That 35 days thing about ACA isn't true. There's no ACA police. It only becomes an issue when you are employed in the US and try to get a tax refund.

    No ACA police, for sure. But the rules say 35 days. Otherwise, it's just good noise to include, and it's with that in mind that I mentioned it.

    "If you live outside the US but return to the US more than 35 days in any year, you will be mandated to purchase qualified health insurance coverage or pay the tax unlessyou can prove you qualify for the foreign earned income exclusion."


    Oh, and probably a good idea for the OP to make sure he has functioning health insurance when he visits the states. No one wants to get caught having to pay doctors and hospitals back there out of their own pockets...

    Go with your tea party republican views and comments to The World News Forum.

    Tourist visa: e.g., The easiest way is for you to be a Mormon and ask your elder to sign some documents, not many, a letter or two about your girl's humanistic ways bla bla and you have her in USA very soon.

  5. Give us a break...I'm pretty sure the sun will rise the day after whatever deadline is imposed...agreement or no agreement!

    The deadline is Thursday and it is very important for the world' economic stability.

    I just wanted to follow up on bone head's decision to shut the federal government...

    "The question for Boehner is whether to fall on his sword and prevent a default, or take the country into default because of the Tea Party," Gergen said. "At the end of the day ... I think he'll fall on his sword, even it means the end of his speakership. If he does that, I do think his days as Speaker will be numbered."

    Steve Bell, a Republican Party veteran and chief of staff on the Senate Budget Committee during Republican Ronald Reagan's presidency, said Monday: "I have known John Boehner for 20 years. He is not going to let this country default."

    Chris Van Hollen, a Democratic congressman from Maryland who has negotiated with Boehner on budget matters since 2011, said: "The health of the American economy depends on his putting country over his own job. This is the time Speaker Boehner has to cut his umbilical cord with the Tea Party."

  6. So sad.RIP


    The police believe he had committed suicide by jumping off the balcony in his room.


    Until more is known this should be considered as an unfortunate accident.

    Excuse me, where I do come from, suicide is an act of will, accident an act of fate.

    Very big difference between the two.

    OK you are excused.

    I fully understand the difference between suicide and an accident.

    The thing I do not know in this particular case was the reason for the fall.

    The police believe....

    What evidence do they have?

    I cannot understand why you made your post.

    Was it to get another count on your posts?

    Do we get cookies if we post more? There is no evidence yet as to the cause of death. Was it a voluntary jump or somebody with a key to apt. Threw him and then left the scene . The police is investigating...........right...

  7. a Yellow book? I live in Bangkok bangna. After I get yellow book I just go to hospital like stated above?? Or to which place ?

    Please see the thread Affordible Health insurance in the Health forum. Many of your questions are answered there. By the way it is best if people post about this scheme and their experiences in that thread so they are available to all.

    I hope I can navigate to my answer. You could have written three sentences and helped me out better but ok I will try to first find that forum and second get the answers.

    Thank you for your gratitude.

    Of course I could write the same information and more 1000 times for each individual person.

    Sorry, forgot to thank you. This thread could have been moved to that forum at the outset . Thanks,

  8. You can get the Thai health insurance for 2,200 baht a year.

    No its not as good as private but you can make it as good with a little largess here and there. I do not know why this info isn't on T.V but is on all other sites........but I am sure its nothing to do with the fact that so many insurance companies advertise for clients here.

    E=mailed to me last week & verified.

    Today I went to hospital and got my "Health card for Foreigner". You have to bring your passport (with copy) and yellow book (with copy), and if you married copy of your wife's bluebook and ID card. Your yellow book has to show where you live. If you married or not does not matter. The total cost is 2800 baht for the medical (600) and first years payment---2,200 after that, and the card is valid for one year. I do not know about renew details. I arrived at the hospital around 9 am and before lunch all tests and x-ray were done. After lunch went back and saw the doctor and I was out of the hospital around 2pm. Bring a Thai speaking person it helps a lot.

    So if I get sick in the future I pay the same 30 baht as the Thais to visit hospital. I was surprised that it also cover HIV and Cancer treatment.

    I forgot what a yellow book was. Does it have anything to do with your house?

    So this type of insurance doesn't apply to the ones with ED visa, right?

    Elaborate PLease.... Where do I get a Yellow book? I live in Bangkok bangna. After I get yellow book I just go to hospital like stated above?? Or to which place ?

    Please see the thread Affordible Health insurance in the Health forum. Many of your questions are answered there. By the way it is best if people post about this scheme and their experiences in that thread so they are available to all.

    I hope I can navigate to my answer. You could have written three sentences and helped me out better but ok I will try to first find that forum and second get the answers.

    • Like 1
  9. You can get the Thai health insurance for 2,200 baht a year.

    No its not as good as private but you can make it as good with a little largess here and there. I do not know why this info isn't on T.V but is on all other sites........but I am sure its nothing to do with the fact that so many insurance companies advertise for clients here.

    E=mailed to me last week & verified.

    Today I went to hospital and got my "Health card for Foreigner". You have to bring your passport (with copy) and yellow book (with copy), and if you married copy of your wife's bluebook and ID card. Your yellow book has to show where you live. If you married or not does not matter. The total cost is 2800 baht for the medical (600) and first years payment---2,200 after that, and the card is valid for one year. I do not know about renew details. I arrived at the hospital around 9 am and before lunch all tests and x-ray were done. After lunch went back and saw the doctor and I was out of the hospital around 2pm. Bring a Thai speaking person it helps a lot.

    So if I get sick in the future I pay the same 30 baht as the Thais to visit hospital. I was surprised that it also cover HIV and Cancer treatment.

    I forgot what a yellow book was. Does it have anything to do with your house?

    So this type of insurance doesn't apply to the ones with ED visa, right?

    Elaborate PLease.... Where do I get a Yellow book? I live in Bangkok bangna. After I get yellow book I just go to hospital like stated above?? Or to which place ?

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