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Posts posted by quiuvo

  1. Accuracy. wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

    OK, my mistake, one who is attracted to pubescent children is not a pedophile, but a hebephile. A very fine line in sickness and probably a very fine line in damage done to the child. (if any difference at all)

    And yes, contrary to the correction i received from another member earlier, i do regard a 10 year-old as a child (regardless of puberty).

    I've found in life that the people who judge people are sometimes the worst offenders.

    My brother's a poor missionaryHe saves little girlies from sinHe'll save you one for five dollarsMy God, how the money rolls in!
    Two high school girls ambling down a flower-lined path visibly flinched when asked about Brother Swaggart. Their eyes widened with anxiety, and one stammered out what had overnight become a standard phrase to ward off outsiders: "No comment at this time." Some older church members were less reticent. "I am indignant," said a 47-year-old woman member of Swaggart's Assemblies of God Church. "How could he stand up there in the pulpit and preach against adultery and promiscuity when he was doing that kind of thing all this time?


    I feel that anyone should be able to talk about any subject without some would be preacher casting accusations about for the discussion of a subject.

    Kudos for Thai Visa for not letting the witch hunters get the upper hand.

    Most of your post was nonsense, i genuinely didn't understand most of it.

    OK, well enjoy the upper hand, i won't be posting anymore on this thread, you will be glad to hear. Only a few of us left now and it feels like i'm in with the wrong crowd.

    And, in my opinion, if a person's sexual preference is determined by age, and if that age is preferred to be as young as legally possible, then there may be a problem.

    Out of curiosity, what problem might that be?

    Kinda sounds like "Well if someone brings as many bottles of wine into the country as is legally possible, then there may be a problem!" mmmkay.. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif alt=crazy.gif width=20 height=27>

    I drive as fast as is legally possible. Problem. I pay as little tax as is legally possible. Problem.

    If you have an issue with the laws as they currenty are then just say so; that would be a good discussion as that argument quickly veers into women's rights or advocates ageism.

    Some kind of psychiatric disorder. (unless that's not a problem)

    Well, i drive as fast as the law allows too. Pay as little tax a possible too. But my sexual activity is not based on how young the law will allow.

    Problem with the Thai law?

    I think they got it right at 18. (despite 16 being acceptable in the country where i come from)

    However, the loopholes allowed for 15 and 13, i disagree with.

    18 and 19 seem to be illegal also from my readings above. They say 20 is ok. So, if I bring my 19 year old son he will have to go with 20 and above. No 18 or 19.

  2. the Thought Police are not only monitoring this thread but may well have been behind the OP to begin with.

    LOL, sure but I don't mind what the original motivation was; it's still a good and controversial topic to discuss. I do note the OP didn't give a lot of background to the question. If I just stereotype him based on what I know is the Thaivisa demographic then the only answer really is '18'. Done.

    There was nothing in the OP to hint at anything else, for example a young adult in a genuine relationship with a 17 year old girl. In that case parental consent makes all the difference, and this would be legitimized by a small / informal ceremony that involves a blessing. There will likely be pictures of that ceremony (there were plenty in mine) which shows parental consent. This puts you in the clear with Thai law, but potentially not with the laws of your own country. Even if you're from the place where the age of consent is 16 you may still not be in the clear for example in the US where there exists a law that makes it a crime to travel across state or country borders to seek sex with a minor (<18). Note that sex doesn't need to take place, the intent to travel is enough. So this would apply if you met the 17 year old on some internet site, you know, the Omegles, Camfrogs, Badoos and all those of this world, not to mention Facebook and a billion dating sites. If you then travelled to Thailand to see her, you have committed a crime, even if you never actually as much as see her, and even if it wasn't a 17 year old after all but a 50 year old cop posing as one.

    This does not apply if you can prove (and the burden of proof for some reason seems to be reversed in this case) that you travelled to Thailand for other reasons, and only later met the 17 year old and got into a relationship. The law seems specifically designed to facillitate entraptment scenarios, which may be fair enough; pedos need to be caught after all, and getting pedos who actually abused minors convicted is hard enough. With an entrapment scenario there is no challenge getting testimony from the law enforcement officer posing as a minor. This makes for a much easier conviction, even of people who never actually abused anyone but could have / would have. (Cue: Minority Report)

    Again though, virtually nobody reading this would be in that scenario, as most people on this site tend to be older and unlikely to get into a genuine relationship with a 17 year old. (If not genuine (i.e. a commercial relationship) then of course Thai law kicks in, where anything under 18 is too young.)

    Final thought: there really is no shortage of 18+ people in Thailand. And looking at the demographics and the birth rate these days (which is LOWER in Thailand than most Western nations), there will be fewer young people to go around. It's all a bit hypothetical. Still interesting to debate, but very hypothetical.

    I'm the OP and I had no other interest than to acquire knowledge. And to wrap up the talk with my friend. I have no interest in getting involve with underage females. I never had. Thank you all for the information.

    • Like 2
  3. The reasons are:

    1. Thai women grew up believing that light skin is more beautiful than dark skin.

    2. Thai men prefer light skin women.

    3. Thai girls idolize Japanese, Chinese, and Korean girls, they want be like them and look like them.

    4. In the past, dark skin represents poor or farmer, not sure it still stands now.

    So there you have it--the reason.

    Thank you for your input and summarizing all of the above.

  4. Why dont you ask Kudel.

    I believe this thread is directed towards him (from another thread).


    Hey, what was that link to the 'other thread' ... it might shed some light on a dim subject.

    This subject got some light, not dark, for awhile. Good traction I would say.

  5. Should the question not be ... why do young Swedish Back Packers bask in the glory of the sun on the Beaches of Thailand chasing that elusive Sun Tan?

    Me thinks the OP actually knows the answer to his question, but is providing us good folk with a discussion invectivé.

    I, for one, will pass on this subject as I have more interesting things to absorb my Sunday.

    A good Sunday morning coffee is a great start ... coffee1.gif


    Well, well, well. Thank you for your input. Many an opinion has an answer which may have not being solidly formulated and hence in need of Thai visa people. Hope you enjoy your next coffee.

    Keep your partner tanned.

    "Well, well, well " ... isn't that 3 holes in the ground?

    I thought you wished advice on Skin Colour?

    If it's 'Well' advice you require ... there is a great thread (pinned in fact) on Bore Holes in the Farming Forum that might interest you.

    Some mightn't find that boring at all ... rolleyes.gif

    Thanks for your 'Well' wishes ... coffee is definitely rating highly.


    Well, I will continue to use it since I grew up with it and not just yet ready to discard it. FT, I'm not in the mood to follow your link. Summarize it for me if you please.

    Sad I can't drink coffee. Intolerant to caffeine ! Almighty.

    The women might discard their skin color

  6. ...shall be punished with imprisonment of not exceeding five years or fined not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both.

    So basically the law says that it'll cost you ten thousand to have sex with one of their 16 year olds. I'm off to the ATM!

    and i hope your home country has laws that can be used against you the minute you step foot there.

    Almost impossible if the crime was committed say within two days of the perps crime and he is back in his country by that time. But I agree there should be a limited monitoring of all people in the world.

  7. Should the question not be ... why do young Swedish Back Packers bask in the glory of the sun on the Beaches of Thailand chasing that elusive Sun Tan?

    Me thinks the OP actually knows the answer to his question, but is providing us good folk with a discussion invectivé.

    I, for one, will pass on this subject as I have more interesting things to absorb my Sunday.

    A good Sunday morning coffee is a great start ... coffee1.gif


    Well, well, well. Thank you for your input. Many an opinion has an answer which may have not being solidly formulated and hence in need of Thai visa people. Hope you enjoy your next coffee.

    Keep your partner tanned.

  8. Definitions


    • a female child from birth to young womanhood
    • a young unmarried woman; lass; maid
    • (informal) a sweetheart or girlfriend
    • (informal) a woman of any age
    • an informal word for daughter
    • a female employee, esp a female servant
    • (South Africa, derogatory) a Black female servant of any age
    The use of girl as in meaning 4, to refer to a woman of any age, is highly likely to be considered old-fashioned or to cause offense


    Ok, thanks. In USA I think most of us want to use 4. Some females do not approve and are called ladies....

    Sorry, not nearly true. Way off the mark. In the US, modern women do not like "ladies." It's women. They sure don't want to be called girls past the age of about 21 unless there's a special relationship. You'd never refer to an employee as a girl, but you might refer to a grown daughter or girlfriend affectionately as "my girl."

    "Ladies" left the room about 20 years ago.

    I have been corrected. USA females are a different breed indeed. I lived there many years.

  9. Because the Thai-Chinese have lighter skin and rule the kingdom.

    Yes, they want lighter skin and yes many go all out with pills and creams and an obsession with staying out of the sun. Just look at the hats and arm and face coverings used by women construction and field workers. There are many umbrellas out on sunny days, and not just for the shade.

    For those who can afford it, nose jobs are also popular to get more of a straight Chinese look.

    Most hi-so people in Thailand are Thai-Chinese.

    Are Thai-Chinese females more white then say Swedish females ?

    I thought Koreans where the IN thing.

    • Like 1
  10. I would say the OP has a valid point and not necessary to be so rude answering the question.

    In the US all I remember seeing are white eggs. I've been in Thailand 22 years and all I see are brown eggs. Lotus, BigC, mom&pop shops, all with stacks and stacks of eggs and they are brown. I see large trucks with huge pallets of eggs or the sidecar delivery guy and all brown. There may be white 'chicken' eggs here but it is such a rarity that it doesn't register with me. At least in my neck of the woods in northern Thailand.

    Thank you. I was only asking a fair question until some ah started this nonsense. I know there are a.h. And some real genuine persons here to help. Thanks again.

  11. Are they the same inside ? I wonder what colour eggs I've been getting with my breakfast when I occasionally go to the bar/cafe across the street.

    Inside the egg are two colors I think. You should know better since you eat them more frequently then I do.

    Please somebody help me with my query. The above individuals are just having fun.

  12. How long have you been here?

    Enough to know that I have not seen white eggs in many months. How long have you been here ?

    10+ years.

    I saw white eggs the first week.

    Does mommy know you sit up so late on internet?

    55555 if my mom was alive she would be asking the same questions AH.

  13. Definitions


    • a female child from birth to young womanhood
    • a young unmarried woman; lass; maid
    • (informal) a sweetheart or girlfriend
    • (informal) a woman of any age
    • an informal word for daughter
    • a female employee, esp a female servant
    • (South Africa, derogatory) a Black female servant of any age
    The use of girl as in meaning 4, to refer to a woman of any age, is highly likely to be considered old-fashioned or to cause offense


    Ok, thanks. In USA I think most of us want to use 4. Some females do not approve and are called ladies....

  14. Women can be referred to as girls up to age 29. After that they must be referred to as women. Quito, your lady friend is 30 so you have been incorrectly referring to her as a girl when in fact she is a woman. Please amend your previous posts to reflect the correct terminology.

    No way, she is my gf. Girlfriend. She is over 29. understand the dilemma? Woman friend ? 555

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