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Posts posted by quiuvo

  1. Many commercials advertise the perfect lotion for females to get their skin white. My gf just ordered some pills to be more white. Why are Thai females so adamant about having a fair complexion? I saw some "ladies" on BTS with all the make up needed to make them look silly but white.

    Korea offers injections to make people look "white." Michael Jackson, well we know what happened there.

    • Like 2
  2. How do we address a female? Girl, lady, woman??

    I made the mistake of interchanging all of the above. Now I want you all to tell me how to mention them properly.p in future threads. Remember that my girl.friend is a 30 plus year old and I still have to say my girl.friend not lady friend or woman friend . 555 to you since my dilemma is not uncommon. Up yours, up to you.

  3. Sorry but this website has some strickt rules about certain topics and this topic makes me sick to the stomache......

    After reading some posts here.

    You are joking? Jeez it is an innocent question. If you don't like younger women go get yourself an old hag at soi 7 in bkk. Maybe you have one already. Ok to each his own. I like my girl who is 30 plus .. Again.
    Do you like do dress her up in a schoolgirl uniform at age of 30?

    Kudell, you are one sob. Up to you. I'm sure you get your kicks other ways.

  4. Sorry but this website has some strickt rules about certain topics and this topic makes me sick to the stomache......

    After reading some posts here.

    You are joking? Jeez it is an innocent question. If you don't like younger women go get yourself an old hag at soi 7 in bkk. Maybe you have one already. Ok to each his own. I like my girl who is 30 plus .. Again.

    • Like 2
  5. So 13-17 as a foreigner your taking a shot in the dark, my suggestion , Don't do it.

    Or an alternative suggestion, get yourself to a psychiatrist pronto and stay the hell away from playgrounds and schools.

    Many men want to have a younger female. I don't know if that is right or wrong. It depends on the ages and I think younger than 16 should be illegal but then again I was wrong there too just like I was told by a lot of you people. I'm happy with what I have. I lady who is 30 plus.

  6. No body should have to know this here, unless you are 16 or 17 yourself.

    It seems like a lot of adults sit trying to calculate how young they can go and still be within the law. If you are doing that, you may be a pedo.

    No, it is quite natural for a male of any age to be attracted to a young female that has reached sexual maturity (which usually occurs in girls at between 14 - 16 years).

    Paedophiles are attracted to children who have not reached sexual maturity, often not even started developing.

    Sex with a sexually mature 14 year old girl is not paedophilia, it is underage sex.

    Still very wrong, but the urge is natural and normal. What's not normal is giving in to the urge.

    I am not going to get in trouble. I asked the ? Only to enlightened myself with all of your replies. Thank you all. I am not into underage girls. I am into overage girls.

  7. Another lesson learned,many people here fail to see when a thai woman is being rude,not ignorant but rude.

    This is why so many of you have been screwed in Thailand,you honestly can't tell what a woman is on about and this post absolutely proves it.

    As I pointed out also,she was moody when she got there,was that also a misunderstanding.

    Thai woman like her must have a field day with some of you,but I am a proud aussie and I will always respond to woman like that with an f you.

    So what I can gather also from this thread,most would have sat there and said nothin,bahahahaaaaaa us former low class convicts from the land down under are to proud for that.

    Australia was voted best country to be born this year, every nation should be proud of their culture,all of them.

    Go Aussie . Go Adam Scott . Good to have you in the planet.

  8. To the OP

    The correct answer was "And I thought all Thai girls were hookers"

    It's always a show stopper!

    Awesome comeback ! Great going.

    The mayflower, the first of many ships that brought people from UK to USA had many convicts. But also had many who just wanted to have religious freedom or hated the throne. So, we can't generalized.

  9. My friend and I had a conversation about the age of consent on this subject so I decided to ask this forum knowing I would get the answer here. My girlfriend is over 30. I am not interested in girls.

    I guess the age of consent laws apply to boys too, so you should be fine.

    Wow, I can't be right can't i? If I say lady to girls you guys jump at me. If I say I'm not interested in girls because I'm interested in WOMEN you make a statement like the above ! ..

    Was it a guess on your part or you know first hand that the law applies to males?

    • Like 1
  10. Sitting on pattaya beach last night with some friends and 3 thai guys drinking. All of a sudden one thai guy gets up and whacks one of the other thai guys over the head with a bottle. Blood everywhere. Point being that they dont racially discrimate when it comes to expressing themselves using violence.

    Be careful! You describe the scene like no big deal but it could have gotten out of control.

  11. 13 if they are your wife (with a judges permission)

    15 if they are your gf (with parental permission)

    20 if they are an employee

    Remember, your own countries laws are also in effect, if you ever plan on returning there.

    Wow! I want to read the law. Can somebody lead me there? I think 13 is too young but if the law says so then it is incredible. Even 15 leaves me thinking about the judgment of the law makers.

    Where is the 18 year old come into play? No parental consent? You throw in employee for kicks?

    • Like 1
  12. I sat outside a restaurant and a tom joined me. We discussed the reason for her emotions, feelings, towards women. It is natural to her. So we sat there competing for the attention of the ladies walking by!

    I asked her how she could have a very pretty lady as her girl and she said it was because men are brutes when it comes to sex! Very hard and fast. I told her I had a slow hand and she said that I was competition for her because ladies like that. She may have a point there. Talking about points to she she uses only her body and no dildos etc., unlike her friends.

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