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Posts posted by jeffandgop

  1. I have Tunnel Bear as my current VPN provider but theirs doesn't work on routers. After further research today and consultation with a friend of mine who is an expert, I'm not going to pursue this any further. Thanks for everyone's feedback.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  2. I have Tunnel Bear as my current VPN provider but theirs doesn't work on routers. After further research today and consultation with a friend of mine who is an expert, I'm not going to pursue this any further. Thanks for everyone's feedback.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  3. 3BB has installed their equipment for fiber optic internet connection. 

    I've got the D-LINK router model AC-1200 DIR-825 dual band. 

    Does anyone know if this router can be VPN enabled, and if so, how? Presently I use Tunnel Bear for my VPN service. I've looked at D-LINK info on the web without getting this information (and it looks like this model is 3 years old). 


    Also, I want to change the 3BB-assigned password for my wifi network (and network name). 

    Does anyone know how to do this (I'm running on Apple devices). 



  4. 2 hours ago, hml367 said:

    3BB Fiber.  I don't think this package is available anymore.  I transferred from a Premiere Package years ago.  But the results I get are the best I have had in all the isp's I have used.  I am on the other side of the city from you, though.


    Download Speed: 324603 kbps (40575.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed: 160922 kbps (20115.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency: 11 ms
    ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2017‎ ‎7‎:‎22‎:‎50‎ ‎AM

    Thanks for the info

  5. 11 hours ago, sandemara said:

    As a general rule, snakes that drop onto you are most likely to be pythons (non-venomous) and more scared of you than vice-versa.  Snakes underfoot are usually venomous.  There are exceptions to both rules.  

    The same applies to head sizes: if a snake has a head narrower than its neck it's most likely venomous; the big-headed are mostly pythons (constrictors).

    Rattlesnakes and others in the viper family all have big lovely, striking (no pun intended) heads.  Most snakes (again, exceptions apply in breeding season, if they feel vulnerable after shedding, etc) avoid interaction with people and will slip away without ever being seen by you.

    On the other hand. the super  deadly breeds can be almost arrogantly  fearless  even if they know you are about. Resist the temptation to intimidate or bother them.  

    People can walk faster than a snake can cover ground and there's no shame in keeping well clear. 

    As long as you're outside strike range (about the length of the snake's body.  

    Snakes have poor vision at the best of times - it's why normal prey defence is to freeze until the snake goes away.  

    Unfortunately I've also seen non-venomous snakes start to bung on an act of ferocity, pretendng they're actually a venomous breed, coiled and ready  to strike. Might work fine with other animals but a death warrant if they do it in front of a human.

    A long, stiff-bristle farang-stryle yardbroom can be used to encourage snakes up to about a metre. long to go somewhere else without hurting them unnecessarily.  You can also drop the plastic lid of a standard rubbish bin over them and contain them with a housebrick on top until an experienced handler can deal with them for you. 

    The non-venomous species can be great pets, very low maintenance, no smell, (their droppings are just like chalk sticks)  and they need little water (altho they love a swim).  They prefer to kill live food - a standard rat oncce a fortnight is enough (depending on size, of course), They can be beautiful, fqascinating house-friendly companions - rodents won't share a house with them if you let them explore your interior occasionally.  They're great escape artists and should only wander your house freely under close supervision.  A/conditioenrs make them sluggish. They can hibernate in  cloth bag quite happily when you need them out of the way of visitors.

    Thank you for this great write up. I wasn't concerned for myself, rather my small dog that is very curious about anything he comes across in our yard. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, jonwilly said:

    I had CAT Fiber Optic, good but over the 23 months I had it, it slowed so I changed to Sinet.

    100 by 30. Even during installation we never made 100 download but high 90's was acceptable and strangely the upload has always been over the 30 promised.

    I was more than happy with these results, B1284.

    However Sinet has gone off line about 4 or 5 times.

    On a couple of these they sent warning by phone saying problem in Bangkok, on the others nothing.

    I had AIS fibre recommended by a mate who also had CAT and when his installation was removed, Their  'Engineer' told him AIS was best and he had had it installed.

    I tried AIS at the new place next to Eat on Earth and was told No can install above floor 3, I live on 8th floor.

    Still on Sinet and it's gone off memory says once more.

    Todays result below.




    I live in a house in a moon...don't know if AIS even provides service here..thanks for the time and your info....

  7. I am going to cancel my internet servicer (True) and am looking at either 3BB or Sinet or AIS. I live in Land & Houses off of Chiangmai-Maejo Rd.  My principle usage is streaming video from the US.  I am asking for anyone to chime in with their current experiences with 3BB (or SINET or AIS).


  8. I am going to cancel my internet servicer (True) and am looking at either 3BB or Sinet. My principle usage is streaming video from the US.  I am asking for anyone to chime in with their current experiences with Sinet (or 3BB).


  9. I use a pharmacy in Meechok Plaza since I live nearby. I was looking into obtaining nitroglycerin tablets about a month ago and asked him about availablity. He said it's not, but he suggested Nitromist as the alternative and asked if I wanted him to obtain some for me (it's a special order not stocked). I replied not at this time; but it seems I could obtain it if I wanted the spray. 



  10. On 6/24/2017 at 2:20 PM, Flustered said:

    Have people never heard of clay bars?


    Wash you car with plain car shampoo, use one of these then wax. It's what the professionals do for shows.

    Where can I find a good quality clay bar?  I've never used one before. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, hml367 said:

    I also have a will, prepared by a lawyer, and not registered at the amphur.  The cost of the very simple will was 2,000 thb,


    In my opinion, registering at the amphur or not would not completely protect an estate.  There are laws in Thailand, I'm sure,  which spell out the procedures for taking care of things upon death.

    Registering a will at the amphur does provide a degree of protection from challenges more so than if not- specifically a challenge of the will not being the will of the deceased.

    The procedures are detailed in the Family Law Codes and there are 4 principle methods of what constitutes a legal will, the rights enjoyed by family members if a will is not in place, etc. 

    In fact, there is no legal requirement that a will be prepared by or with the assistance of an attorney. 

  12. 8 hours ago, CMBob said:


    I'm wondering if anyone knows what benefit (if any) there is to registering a Will with a government office (amphur or otherwise).  I have a Will prepared by a Thai lawyer here in Chiangmai and the Will is not registered anywhere.  I understand that, subsequent to my taking a dirt nap (or, more precisely, my personal addition to the particulate matter of CM's air), my executor and heir will file my Will with the local probate court to begin the probate process (and that no prior registration is required).


    From my research, registering a will with the Amphur provides a higher level of recognition that the will was executed by the deceased. This would be a benefit if there was an expectation that others displeased by the deceased wishes might challenge it. The more complicated the family structure and types and location of assets might warrant registering the will. 

    You know me personally Bob so feel free to call me or send an IM if you want further discussion or info. 

  13. 13 hours ago, NancyL said:

    Wow, only seven queue tickets for retirement extensions were issued on Monday.  So, it seems you could have arrived at 8:30 am and still probably have been done by lunchtime.  It's looking more and more like some of the "problem" with people arriving at zero dark thirty for retirement extension queue is of everyone's own making.  If people arrived at a more reasonable hour, like say, 8 am, they'd still get served that day.


    Remember, the visa agents have been taken out of the "retail" queue and are served by their own desk in the second floor office.  That has freed up queue tickets for regular, normal customers.

    Hi Nancy.  During my extension of stay processing 2 weeks ago, an agent was served when she walked to the retirement extension of stay desk downstairs just before my que number was called; and I saw "that a few retirees represented by agents with que #'s 25+ were being served ahead of those with lower que #'s" at the same desk (see my post above).

    Additionally, when the office opened on my day, by 08:30 there were were some 30 people in the retirement line...

    all the best!

  14. I went to get my retirement extension today. Arrived at 5am and #8 in line. First 2 were "que" sitters for clients.  #3 was a retiree who had been camping out since midnight. Office opened at 08:30 with all stations manned except retirement. The officer arrived to work at 09:10. He processed 4 applicants and then left for almost 15 minutes. Just after #7 was finished an agent without a que# jumped in at the desk and was processed. Finally I was called at 10:15am and was finished 9 minutes later and then had to wait for the return of my passport while it sat on the desk another 25 minutes. I did not include a TM30 in my documents nor was one asked for. I also noted that a few retirees represented by agents with que #'s 25+ were being served ahead of those with lower que #'s. 

    • Like 1
  15. I have a RaySharp Model RS9708-960H 8 channel DVR for my security camera surveillance system.

    The installer of the system, who is no longer in business, provided the application RXCamPro as the remote surveillance tool to view the camera feeds for my Apple products.

    The RXCamPro software version is 2.0.4 and is not being updated by the developer.  As Apple is updating their iOS I am now no longer able to access remotely using my iMAC (software version 10.12.4); and am getting warnings that the RXCamPro software will not operate in the future due to lack of updates to keep pace with the Apple OS updates.

    I need a replacement application for RXCamPro to use on my iMAc, iPad’s (software version 9.3.5) and iPhones (software cersion 10.3.1).

    I access my security system remotely using DDNS.


    Id appreciate any assistance.  Thank you.

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