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Everything posted by pizzachang

  1. Even the CDC and NIH have admitted that "co-morbidity" is the key factor. Forcing someone to "be hospitalized" for a positive test, is not the same as being seriously ill with something that triggers your particular co-morbidity illness. By current "logic", and I use this term loosely, the 'emergency could last forever.
  2. If the 'science' was followed this would be the 'normal' course of action. These facts suggest that restricting travel and not disease prevention is closer to the truth. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7709596/
  3. "Recognized"? By who exactly? If a bone of a human being is analyzed by forensics, even long extinct species, there are only 2 recognized genders. Everything else is theater.
  4. Travel restrictions = less tourists. The largest tourist years were Visa on Arrival and that equaled more cash for Thai businesses. The more meaningless the restrictions may also mean, ' it's not worth the hassle'.
  5. Lots of food borne illness in the USA too. Usually from raw vegetables. Not as dramatic as this parasite, but how many have been affected by prions? Big problem a few years ago.
  6. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/02/01/majority-of-canadians-want-all-pandemic-restrictions-to-end/ And Denmark has already ended theirs. What is the motive behind "panic politics"? Logically, screening tests would include any dangerous, communicable disease, if you're concerned about "health".
  7. Odd analysis, since people "affected" by covid is basically everyone. Vaccines have not protected anyone from being exposed or being infected[that data is everywhere] So, this doctor must be implying that every person, regardless of vaccines, "could" experience long-term effects. After reading up on viruses, this is one of the more common results of viral infections....some kind of long-term effect. Some have been well-documented, because of severity and some have been insignificant.
  8. If this were true, then it would be likely all people on the flight , vaccinated or not, could be spreading the virus right now in Thailand or other places. With a 99.7% survival rate....is this The End?
  9. Continual testing for disease, that is # 1 non- lethal to most humans and #2 not presenting symptoms, has a name. Hypochondria
  10. The Crime of having the sniffles.... If governments had only been this cautious with HIV, then millions of people wouldn't have died.
  11. Interesting; Do you suppose that "sex tourists" will instead visit Amsterdam and the numerous 'civilized' sex tourist destinations? I've wondered about "image cleanup" I suppose, but I do not know, that some government official kept track of the numbers [pre-lockdown days] of "tourists" who visited specific [comparatively small] areas of some cities in Thailand. Everyone, that I know personally, did not come to Thailand for sex tourism. This includes families, couples and individuals. I know that there must have been a brisk trade in these normal folks. Except for "price" and a "beach", can you tell me the difference between Thailand and other "destinations"? Even in authoritarian nations (you can guess which ones) the "trade" exists. Corrupt behavior seems to be universal and simply more hidden in some nations. Just my opinion; and interested in other's observations.-
  12. You know, if some evil entity were to have devised a way to reduce the population of unhealthy people and easing the burden on insurance companies/governments paying for their pre and post-covid care and at the same time, restricting free travel and even free speech, could this entity have done a better job than what we are observing?
  13. Most of us "understand how vaccines work". These new "vaccines" are not vaccines , in any traditional sense. Do these new ones use killed or weakened virus, to stimulate the "immune" system? The older types certainly did not come with all the caveats of these RNA drugs. I've had countless vaccines of the traditional variety - from smallpox on to bubonic plague and yellow fever, typhoid, etc. None of them required masking, isolation, or unreasonable fear of infection. Virologists and other doctors, don't even agree on this RNA drug. Which, by the way is unprecedented by "emergency approval" and protection from lawsuits. And, to repeat published findings, which age/health condition 'groups' are dying? I only, personally know, 1 person who has died - 85 years old, family member , who had other, serious issues. I know far more people personally, who weren't even aware they "had IT" until testing; needless to say, "recovered" is an understatement, since "sickness" was not how they felt.
  14. "All attendees must be fully inoculated and have tested negative, using a rapid antigen kit, within the 72 hours prior to attending the event. The same requirements are applied to event organizers, staff and musicians." Requirements for attending a New Year's countdown event. This does not sound like any post-flu inoculation requirements. Or any other, that I've ever heard of. Especially in light of all the available data on the survival rates, which age and health groups actually suffer, and the fact that it's been two years into this and what has changed? The "field hospitals" are shut down, never having reached any "capacity" - regular hospital's "cases" were mandatory because of a positive test, not based on sickness. Am I wrong? Appreciate the input.
  15. WHO has as much to do with this entire "phallacy" as the CDC. Those of us who caught the 'initial and most deadly dread, early on, and totally unknowing and unprotected'.... recovered in only a few days (4 for me). General health condition made the difference. Now, plenty of natural immunity to what felt like a bad cold/with chest pain, shortness of breath, loss of taste, etc, but oddly never developed into the expected, month-long "flu". I certainly don't know what is actually going on, but what we are "told" doesn't make much sense. Consider logic, in making your observations of the results of the last 2 years.
  16. One can only imagine how life would be if everyone wore masks all the time. Even casual observations show that mask wearing was extremely pervasive in China, yet the dread still circulated freely. IMO, washing hands, cleaning public "surfaces" such as handrails, etc and the alcohol gel has done more than masks; but only an opinion. Another observation is that if you are tested, why the worry? Are the vaxxed passing the dread? Too many unanswered questions [I'm not going to type the entire list, as it's too long.]
  17. Any official numbers of "C" deaths? Wondering how that figure compares with the article's figures? At 73, recovered, there is the strong impression, that there does seem to be more panic [worldwide] than is warranted. I only know one 85 year-old, family member that died from "C"...and he was plagued by multiple health issues.
  18. Understandable..what insurance company wants to cover a bill for a payout they know will happen? Especially since ignoring the science of "vaccines" seems to be "the procedure", for people who aren't "sick" ! Why all the endless testing, masking and quarantines for "vaccinated people"? It's not just 'TIT', but much of the world has gone illogical, while the areas that have not,are no worse off.
  19. Fanatics always virtue signal. They seem to desire every other human to think the way they do. Not just on this particular subject, but virtually every issue. Almost as if rational, logical discussion is anathema. Add to this, that, environmentalist activists of every stripe have committed violence against their fellow humans. And then there is the aspect of hypocrisy, in the number of activists that think nothing of aborting a baby, while spouting condemnation of using leather.
  20. No more Fish! Let's expand oil production to make more synthetics! Let's expand agriculture to make more cloth. What animals, exactly, are "skinned alive"? "Celebrity experts" - the John Wilkes Booths of activists. IMO
  21. "may never". Key words. In most cases, viruses behave as I posted. Good for you, doing your own research. Demanding that others do your research, is a way of 'disagreeing'. The vast amounts of data available from virologists, epidemiologists, and government-funded health institutes, agree on the general behavior of viruses. I also note that, "most" research indicates that natural immunity from infections, results in greater protection by our immune system. E.g. more protection from "variants".
  22. I read about the field hospitals on ASEAN a few days ago. WHO, NIH, CDC and doctors in Europe and S.A. [and other epidemiologists] have been stating facts about viral behaviors for months. Most reliable info says (there is a lot) that there will be more and more varieties and "so far" the "behavior of this virus is following the typical."
  23. Didn't everyone know that a "new variant" would be "announced? I'm really surprised at the disconnect between "WHO's Fears" and reality. Haven't all the{Thai} "emergency field hospitals" closed?. Didn't I hear multiple scientists and doctors state publicly, the same information that is common to virus 'behavior? "They become less dangerous and more transmissible." I also heard on multiple media that "most people seem to have little or no symptoms....if ANY". The entire "virus emergency" seems more like an experiment in some kind of 'global control' of travel, public gatherings, and compliance - but I've been told that is "conspiracy theory". There are some basic facts that may be useful for allaying "fears". They are: death rates, recovery rates, comparisons to other lung disease and immunity after natural infection/recovery...hardly a conspiracy.
  24. Absurd to open restaurants and have useless mask rules. Not logical. Masks should be for sick people.
  25. Some branches are reluctant to print these. I had quite a time getting one from the Maejo branch and went to the Rim Ping Mee Chok branch - got one in about 1 hour. Really all it was, was a bank letterhead, with the deposits for 12 months, signed by the manager. They told me to give Maejo's branch their phone number/name and they did straighten out this reluctance - so this year, Maejo had no problem with my "statement". Also had the 1 year "printout" but I O, hardly glanced at it.
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