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Posts posted by Blackandwhite

  1. One minute you a planning a family holiday , and next you are asking about guest policies in seedy hotels.

    You must be a busy plucker!

    My wife goes out to her family in the village and I have a few days in BK relaxing and getting over the flight, and doing a bit of present shopping.  :o  do you know what I mean

  2. We want some ideas on Guest houses or hotels in Phuket, Must be with a pool. Not to noisy as we are traveling with my Wife and Baby Wife Thai. Dont mind bars but not to near all the crazy stuff. Good to be near the beach. We can spend from 800 - 2000 B per night. Some where nice and freindly. clean and tidy. We stayed Dianna Inn Thailand before 650 B per night but great place nice staff secure and clean pool. good all round service.
  3. Hello

    I have stayed in both of the hotels mentioned. They are both exceptional. Sima Thani is a very nice hotel with a cheeky disco singing bar below. There are lots of things available as an extra to the odd bottle of singha. But the girls charge their rate at 2000bhatt. Maybe not what you want anyway.

    The Royal Princess is a bit better in my opinion and it is close to the night market and the market is fantastic. Again has a disco bar. full of rich and ignorant Japenese business men.

    All good though. Not many taxis but loads of tuktuks

  4. I will be in BK with my wife (thai) our daughter ( two years old ) and two freinds of ours all open minded to all you might see in LOS.

    I have looked through me Lonely Planets Book so many time but I am still unsure where we would all enjoy. I dont want to spend 10 days with a load of other English and Germans you know other farang. Dragging BG's in and out of bars. We can cope with a little bit Eg: We have enjoyed Hua Hin  before good and close to some nice places and quick taxi from BK. We would like somewhere with a beach area. And night markets ect.

    Maybe one of the Islands ?

    Rinrada I could do with some of your great imput you regularly seam to give Please.

    Any ideas would be good

  5. near the river ... what about Riverside on Rama III ...

    Can't remember if it fits into your budget ... but nothing much around.

    As for, How far from the river, that's a joke, right ?

    Not sure.

    Where is nice I have never been there would like to see the big palace ect

    Cheers for the reply

  6. I want ot buy some furniture for my house in Buriram.

    Any ideas on price of the nice double bed you see in some of the roadside shops, the wood is a red wood type and they are very glossy. Also nice table and chairs 6 set.

    Any info would be good


  7. Within about two - three years I would like to go to live in LOS.

    My wife is Thai and we have a daughter she will be approaching School age by the time we want to go.

    I do have a property here and a small house in my wifes village for the family thing.

    I have some spare money this year. Please can somebody make a suggestion to what I should do invest it here untill the time I want to go eg// property purching and renting it. Or buy in Thailand as soon as possible ready for the time I want to go. i am totaly confussed on what to do.

    Also I want some advice on property in Khorat and near surrounding areas.


  8. I have a house in a village in Buriram about 2 hours from Buriram main town area. I want a land line as I would like to use my laptop computer for internet accesss when i am there. I could do with some info.

    Do they have them in such remote areas.

    Cost for set up

    Cost of calls



  9. I have a house in a village in Buriram about 2 hours from Buriram main town area. I want a land line as I would like to use my laptop computer for internet accesss when i am there. I could do with some info.

    Do they have them in such remote areas.

    Cost for set up

    Cost of calls



  10. I am flyingThai soon first time with them. Last time I flew with Eva and was able to upgrade for £85 to first class. Anybody done the same with Thai and how much did it cost. Also anybody know any cheeky ways of doing it, Eg; Getting there early or dressing very smart and telling the your PA should have made a first class booking rather than economy.
  11. Good job done, I think the taxi driver should have done the pair of them properly.Good on him, the two little idiots involved are still alive and I bet they will not do it again. You know what they say '' They have been made an example of ''.

    If you do the crime!!!!!!!

    Expect to be hurt.

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