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Posts posted by Blackandwhite

  1. Please do not stay at the Rydges unless

    You want to be treated like a total stranger

    Charges 100 Baht for a water in th emini bar also 160 Baht for small beer chang, 100 baht for small pringle and last but not least 180 baht for an icecream.

    The pool food and drink service is also very over priced.

    We had the Princess suite it normally costs 6000 baht a night. ( we did not pay anything like that) but in the room was a safe bot the you had to pay 99 Baht if you wanted to use.

    Also please add VAT and service charge to the above prices.

    Breakfast was good pool was clean and the night guards on duty were great fun.

    But that is it , Will never stay at the Rydges Hotels again. Hope this has helped.

  2. Anybody know the price of the new Ipod 40gb and the Ipod Mini 4gb?????

    And where in BK to get one ?????

    Going in November this year so will buy in BK if good prices

    Cheers for info.

  3. Has anybody stayed at the River Kwai Hotel on Th Saengchotu, it is in town??

    Would be interested in any info on this please.

    Or can any of you guys suggest a good hotel to stay in near town. We are able to spend upto 1600 Baht

    Thank you for the help in advance !!

    When one day I live in LOS I do promise to help others out as you all help me with my holiday plans

    Cheers Chok Dee

  4. I am going to be staying in the City Beach Hotel in Hua Hin in November 2004 for ten nights, I need three rooms.

    I can get a rate of 1600 baht per night from the hotel website advertised on this forum.

    Anybody know where I can get better ???????

    Thank you in advance.

  5. Anybody intrested in this if so mail me and I will give you details of a guy I get my flights from. Dont think you can get them much cheaper. This is for Thai Airlines.

    Just got mine for £500. Going up by the day due to the festival time.

    If you can get thai any cheaper during this time let me know.

  6. What do I drive - Well the only thing '' I drive my wife crazy ''

    Only joking I dont drive anything, seams to hard to me, We have a driver with a car that takes us anywhere we want to go. Easy. he know the roads and I drink the beers.

  7. I was talking to a girl last time in Hua Hin. She told me of a hotel she has stayed in that I believe is new and has a great pool. It is not far from the City Beach Hotel.

    We usually stay at the City Beach. Any ideas ??????

  8. We have a house in Ban kok Yai ( Sorry about spelling ). At the moment the shower leaves the bathroom awash with water. We need either a bath and shower curtain set up or a shower cubicle to contain the water.

    But where around here can we get one. Please post if you can give any info, if not cheers anyway.

    Thank you in advance

  9. Just about to book flights our next trip to LOS.

    Got the best price so far I want direct so Eva is £469.00. Thai is very pricy at the mo. Any suggestions as I do rather fly Thai, wife Thai she goes out alone before me with our daughter so it is better for her also.

    Info on prices if you have looked for similar or any good websites or offers any of you regular travelrs have seen.

    Cheers in advance !!!!

    Last time I booked what I thought was good prices Rindra posted about some super cheap one seen on-line elsewhere so it I thought it would be good to ask first.

  10. In Chiang Mai for three months untill October. Please give info if you have some regards sunshine and beaches in October - November. Where to go. We have family over for three weeks. Need sunny as possible but with beaches. Help if possible. Would rather avoid Phuket if posible.

    I thank you in advance if you are able to help. If not then Good Luck to you and Thank you for taking the time to read.

  11. We are off to LOS again this October towards the end of October.'' we love the sun'' and ideas on the places to avoid due to late rains or storms.

    Went to Hua Hin in October last year great weather but want a change this time.

    I would be please if anybody has some info Cheers :o

  12. I once was trying to explain to a bar girl that most of my ex English girlfriends turned out to be sluts, she asked me to explain this word ''SLUT''. I told in simple terms it was a person the <deleted>--ed as many people as possible no matter if they were married single. She thought about it for a while and proudly told me she was also a slut also. :o

  13. I posted this topic once already, please keep replys to do with the topic as the post was closed By George as it went off topic. Cheers :o

    The Rydges in Chiang Mai is a super hotel very smart clean and tidy rooms perfect in condition.


    If you are looking for a good all round service and value for money I do suggest you think carefully.

    The pool is very nice and perfectly clean good posotion for sun and shade, but if you want a beer it will cost you for a small can of Carlsburg 120 Baht that is subject to 10% service charge and 7% vatabout 140 Baht in total and a bottle of water small Vittel will cost 100 Baht. The price for food are way out as well 140 Baht for a Chicken fried rice plus 10 % service and 7% VAT, Room service is the around the same price. One small box of Pringles will cost you about 120 Baht from the mini bar.

    If you wish to use the safe box in the room that is another 100 Baht a day, but there is a free one in the lobby down stairs.

    The staff are very professional but by no means friendly nor do they seam to have much in the way of personality which I normally see in LOS. Some were nice but more often than not they would not seam to bothered to talk to you unless they needed to. Night security men were fantastic guys both always on the ball and ready to help when you need them to. In the day the door / reception staff let you struggle through the doors with your shopping ect, where ever I have been before there is always someone to open the door for the guests.

    There are lots of other things which I found both good and bad, but these are just some of the points people need to realise before you take advantage of any of the cheap room rates they offer.

    The IT service were very good and always available.

    One other thing one small Ice Cream Bar or tub by the pool or from the room service was 235 Baht. Just up the road in the shop the same Ice cream was 35 Baht. !!!!!!!!!

    Please note as I said the overall the Rydges Hotel is very clean tidy modern and professional and the reduced rates for the rooms are very reasonable. Shame there is not a Gym or somewhere you can play a game of pool.

    Anybody else been there what did you think ??????

    Please excuse my grammar in this post.


  14. The Rydges in Chiang Mai is a super hotel very smart clean and tidy rooms perfect in condition.


    If you are looking for a good all round service and value for money I do suggest you think carefully.

    The pool is very nice and perfectly clean good posotion for sun and shade, but if you want a beer it will cost you for a small can of Carlsburg 120 Baht that is subject to 10% service charge and 7% vatabout 140 Baht in total and a bottle of water small Vittel will cost 100 Baht. The price for food are way out as well 140 Baht for a Chicken fried rice plus 10 % service and 7% VAT, Room service is the around the same price. One small box of Pringles will cost you about 120 Baht from the mini bar.

    If you wish to use the safe box in the room that is another 100 Baht a day, but there is a free one in the lobby down stairs.

    The staff are very professional but by no means friendly nor do they seam to have much in the way of personality which I normally see in LOS. Some were nice but more often than not they would not seam to bothered to talk to you unless they needed to. Night security men were fantastic guys both always on the ball and ready to help when you need them to. In the day the door / reception staff let you struggle through the doors with your shopping ect, where ever I have been before there is always someone to open the door for the guests.

    There are lots of other things which I found both good and bad, but these are just some of the points people need to realise before you take advantage of any of the cheap room rates they offer.

    The IT service were very good and always available.

    One other thing one small Ice Cream Bar or tub by the pool or from the room service was 235 Baht. Just up the road in the shop the same Ice cream was 35 Baht. !!!!!!!!!

    Please note as I said the overall the Rydges Hotel is very clean tidy modern and professional and the reduced rates for the rooms are very reasonable. Shame there is not a Gym or somewhere you can play a game of pool.

    Anybody else been there what did you think ??????

    Please excuse my grammar in this post.

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