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Posts posted by Blackandwhite

  1. The main reason I married a BG

    I told her at first that I find it hard understanding why I had fallen head over heels with her. I asked her if she loved me she answered. I will grow to love you as you will grow to love me. Just because I work Bar it does not mean I do not need to be loved or love others.

    What she done for her family

    One other thing, the girls I have met here in UK for a start seam to lack respect for most things. I used to listen to the way they would talk to their parents, not an ounce of respect was there. I ask you if a lady does not respect their family how will they ever respect the man they marry.

    And of course she is now and always was the happiest and sweetest girl I have ever met.

    And she cook a mean Thai Curry

  2. 100% Agree.

    I do note that the posts on this site that state anything about bar girls and what they do and why they do it are always a very popular read by the members.

    My post '' Bar Girls are Good '' got over six thousand hits. I think we all know the most of the ladies in the BG trade are good people. There are some stupid people that get involved without taking caution or treat these ladies with disrespect that get screwed over by a BG but these few give the rest of the other girls a bad name.

    Also I think there are some folk out there that look at it all through rose coloured glasses and I am sure they bilieve that the BGs get up each day with the sole purpose of pissing Farang's off. ''Wrong'' they go through each day as most of us do go to work and do the best job they can under the circumstances. There are some bad as well as good as we all know but no different to anywhere in the world.

    They do a great job that is all there is to it. Its what made me visit Thailand for the first time!!!!!

    Sorry about the grammar

  3. Anybody stayed at the Thai Pan in BK. I am going to be staying there for two nights not booked yet. Any feedback would be good.

    And what did you pay, or good deals you know of.

    Cheers all

  4. When I first rented a flat here in England I moved in and the landlord paid for me to move from home and gave me a week to pop the money round when i felt like it.

    Yeah right !!!!!!

    You do not get anything anywhere before you pay for it so why should the Thai's be expecxted to give credit to anybody they do not know. I expect the Landlord in question has be screwed over and messed about in the past by some of the stupid Farang how think they own Thailand and its people. Ignorant <deleted>

  5. Easy was my first trip to Buriram. I gave my GF at the time ( Now my wife ) 3000 baht, to cover taxis food ect and what drink and sweets ect we needed to offer the family, I was pissed for the whole time as the beer is so cheap and plenty was supplied. The family will want you happy so do as you please and relax. Your wife will guide you in what you need to do. Others I have met say the same just relax. Watch yer manners Eg - dont step over people sitting on the floor, touch peolples heads, or bone your GF's sisters LOL.

    Have fun, one thing unless your staying a hotel you will be sleeping on the floor unless you want to buy yourself a bed .

    There are some local hotels however that are about 350 baht per night. With AC and tea and coffee.

    Good Luck Dude

  6. Most of us enjoy in some way the goods of the BG's. Why do so many of us complain about them but still go back for more ????

    In my opinion the do a fantastic job, they take pride in what they are able to do usually for the family. So if you dont like you dont have to do it !!!!

    We all take pride in what we do and we like to be good at things that we are able /capable of doing. Shame there is so little in the way of oportunities for Thai people. We do not look down on road sweepers because they are not business men. So why look down on them. ?????

  7. Myself I have never had a problem so far, we eat all types of Thai food. Oh there was one time I did get an upset tummy, I ate those little deep fried crabs in Hua Hin serves me right. I just would like to say yes the hygine standards are low in general in LOS and street vendors are even worse. But and it is a big but here in England the standards are little better. The food is not as fresh, I think the high demand for the street food keeps the poisoning cases low, you know it hasnt got time to go off.

    Ask me and I dont care where I eat thai food, so long as it is in Thailand. Street food is as good as any other hotel I have eaten in.

    You could always miss the Thai food and eat in Mac Donalds

  8. As most of the posters are expats and consequently rent (or own) a house, I don't understand the purpose of this poll/thread.

    I did not know that this site was for people living in Thailand only. Sorry about that old mate maybee you should state that somewhere so all the visitors to the site do not bother to register unless they live in LOS. Or is it just a few of your members ( Adjan jb ) that thinks the Thaivisa site belongs only to them for the use only of them, if so then that is cool also !!!!!. In my opion you should welcome all posts. Please can someone advise me Cheers. :o If this is just your old time members being ignorant I belive they should be put right on the purpose of the site.

  9. Soup Massage

    I have got two days in Bangkok soon, I have heard about soap massage. I am a bit scared I must say. What am I to expect and what are the costs ???? do you get a choice of lady ect.

    Sure some of you out there are able to share some information. Please

    Cheers and happy days to you all.

  10. My wife, Myself and my Daughter ( 2 Years ) are traveling to Chiang Mai in April - May for about two weeks. We wish to be near markets, and local attractions but not to busy. bars are not a problem if they are also scattered about.

    Please can anybody suggest any where they might have visited before, must have a nice large pool. and nice gardens if possible

  11. My wife ( Thai ) and my daughter 2 years old are due to visit Thailand in April for six weeks. Going to stay in our bungalow in Biriram - Is it classed as safe to visit or is it best to put the trip off.

    What do you think ?

    Advice please: I do understand that this at the end of the day is a personal decision to anybody who want to go.

  12. A mate of mine had an experience in which he was drugged, three weeks on he is still not right, he is back in the UK but not right. He does not and has never even taken drugs of any type. He had at the time been in a bar opposite the Seven Eleven just down from Nana Plaza.

    If there is anybody else out there that has had a similar experience please let me konw. :o

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