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Posts posted by Blackandwhite

  1. Well done you all out there working so hard and showing such care and bravery in such a sad time.

    I am here in UK and read all the time how much you are all doing out there it breaks my heart to read some of the things, but what youy guys are alll doing to help is so amazing.

    There is nothing I can do phiysicly to help other than write this short note and I appoligise for not being able to come over to help.

    I have written a short poem hope it helps


    So sad at times is life, hard to move forward so easily knocked back

    There will be a light at the end of the tunnel just a long way off

    It seams the harder we look for it the further away it gets

    The sader we feel the harder it gets

    But there is always a light at the end of the tunnel

    The times we unite as one big person helping and loving caring for each other no

    Mater the situation or how hard it is, no matter what the barriers, as one we rise

    Above it together

    Joined together as a strong force the end of the tunnel will be found,

    Stick together and keep strong

    I am so so sorry for all people involved in this sad disaster and please bevieve me when I say, I think of you all each day in my prayers and admire your care devotion and love to all the people you touch on each day. You are all so brave.

    God bless you all.

  2. Relief for Disaster victims and disadvantaged in rural areas

    Is the above donation description on the Thai Red Website the correct one, does it all stay in Thailand and is it given to the people effect only in the Tsunami.

    Sorry for all the questions but I want my donation to stay in Thailand and also want it to go to the worst hit Provinces.

    Not sure if the disadvantaged in rural areas means due to the Tsunami.


  3. Thank you for the help guys, great help.

    Still not sure if we will fly or train, train I am sure will be nice but it seams a bit mad as we can relax in the day and get the night flight to Buriram and be there in one hour.

    Hard life isnt it. Sure what ever way we get there a few beers will be in order to pass the time !!!!!!

    Thank you agian guy for the information

  4. Hi

    do you have any other discriptions age etc.

    Also any photos of him?

    Good luck finding your friend

    Sorry no photos.

    He would be about 32 years old. He is very slim, very big smile. His hair is dark nearly black and he wears it in a pony tail.

    He did have a girl called Boonsong at the time.


  5. Hello

    I did have a good mate called Jimmy Leach aka know as James Leach. He spent alot of time in Pattaya. He is from Manchester (Rochdale). He had long dark hair. Not been able to contact him for ages.

    Any news on him would be good, last time I spoke to him he was very sad about a lady he had met that we was not getting on with.

    Any help would be good.


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