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Everything posted by jimmybcool

  1. Well you made the claim how bout a few sources for someone who wasn't paying attention. 😅
  2. Today is the first time I heard any media call her out for non-answers other than Fox news.
  3. If I were advising her I would suggest not debating again. And to continue evading any serious interviews with media. Heck it is working. Sadly the American electorate is so shallow they won't force her feet to the fire to be more available and actually answer questions with a real response. But yeah, if she wants to win the media is shielding her and she should stay her course.
  4. Seems like the left wing college students are the one intimidating Jews in the US. Not sure where you attach this to Trump.
  5. Yeah to clarify I am on a 60 day tourist evisa from the USA. I qualify for a 30 day extension. Got no golf Monday or Tuesday so I'll mosey on over and get it done.
  6. Thanks all. Guess I'll get the extension. I did calculate wrong. by one day. I missed it was leap year and made it two. I think when I calculated since I had an early flight I was planning on arriving at the airport before midnight and alls well but not now and not with last years one day overstay. I don't mind the money it's the hassle of the extension but better that than a potential greater hassle I guess.
  7. Sorry I have been remiss returning to this thread. I was lucky enough to find a used Yamaha AC5R here in Pattaya. In the states I own R Taylor, McPherson, Martin and a Kevin Ryan. No, the Yamaha isn't as good as them but it is really nice once I got new strings on it. If I become poor at some point in life and this was the only guitar I could keep I'd not feel I was playing a substandard instrument. Funniest part was I bought it from a young Thai man who is an ordained Catholic Priest. He made it easy and came to my hotel and let me try it. Even with old strings I knew it was a keeper.
  8. OK, I have miscalculated my visa. I will be departing 2 days after my visa ends. I can get an extension or arrive at the airport two days overstay. It isn't too late to get the extension. What says the board? I don't want to risk problems in getting future visas. Oh, and I had a one day overstay last year. Do they track this stuff if it's minor or? Opinions or experiences welcome.
  9. Thanks I'll check out Guitar Room. Seems barren here for nicer options.
  10. I am looking for a decent acoustic guitar. Seems the highest quality I can find in Pattaya might be a Yamaha with laminate sides and back. I'd like a step up. Is there a store with higher end brands? Also asking this in the Bangkok forum as I might have to make a trip to find what I want. Thanks
  11. Guys are making me worry. In the past I didn't always check bags as I owned a condo and didn't want to check. Bummer is I am carrying some items for friends that live there that I can not carry on the plane. Since someone is bound to want to know what it is several large tubes of Fixodent which he claims he can not get in Thailand. He is a dear friend and it's not a big deal to get it here. Also have some large containers of over the counter pain meds like Tylenol for another pal. Yeah, me and friends are all old gits. Still I can't remember ever waiting an excessive amount there. I do recall once in Don Muang waiting a while. Heck, my home airport here in AZ sucks for baggage delivery. Well I am committed to bringing the stuff and no help for it.
  12. Note the airlines tag business class luggage and expedite it. Last trip was Canadian Air (which has discontinued the flight). Previous were Cathay, EVA, Asiana. Wish I could recall which ones were fast.
  13. Depends on the airline. I have experienced quick baggage there. Usually if I walk fast from the gate, stop and get a new phone sim installed at the kiosk, go thru immigration in a line with 3-4 people it comes out within minutes. I think some airlines expedite biz class customers luggage.
  14. This is very useful. I have a couple friends live there and both told me I could use fasttrack with my biz class boarding pass. I might still give it a go but now I know I can use priority if that fails. Thanks
  15. Thanks for all the replies. Some very entertaining. I didn't realize the fast track lines were open to business class since they no longer hand out the card on the plane. That is all I need. Not yet 70 and still able to walk well enough to pass on a golf cart and head directly to the short line. Which works for those of us used to shorter buses.
  16. Perfect. Just what I was looking for. And the price is acceptable.
  17. Hi all, I arrive in January. I have a Tourist Visa from online application for a 60 days stay. What I am wondering is if there is a way to avoid the lines at immigration (if there are any) and sail thru. I am flying business class with Cathay Pacific. In the old pre-Covid days one would get a card that allowed business class passengers the luxury of shorter immigration lines. Last few years I have not seen this happen. To be honest I have not had issues with long lines but this trip I arrive late morning and it could be busy. I am also getting older and standing in line hurts a bit on my man made knees and hip. I'm willing to pay a little bit to avoid rubbing elbows with the smelly public. Info greatly appreciated.
  18. Until these SS agents are deposed it's an open issue. If both testify under oath that it didn't happen one has to accept that as truth. Hutchinson did testify under oath. But she testified she was TOLD that this happened. Not that she witnessed it. So even if it's not true she didn't perjure herself. Just passed along hearsay.
  19. Don't think I missed anything. Where was the part """weapon excelled at blowing people apart was well documented by the U.S. military itself"""
  20. Why would you feel comfortable owning one but not trusting anyone else with one?
  21. Maybe she thought since she had done this before, playing in Russia, that it was OK. In hindsight stupid but whatever. And I agree. US should not be bullied into releasing a serious criminal in response.
  22. I just read an article with the following: """""Russian news media have repeatedly raised speculation that Griner could be swapped for Russian arms trader Viktor Bout, nicknamed "the Merchant of Death," who is serving a 25-year sentence on conviction of conspiracy to kill U.S. citizens and providing aid to a terrorist organization."""" Seems like perhaps Russia isn't acting in good faith. Grab a celebrity and hold them hostage to get back a true criminal (assuming the trial for Victor Bout was legit which I have no reason to doubt). Not liking this at all. I know even though I am no celebrity (except in my own mind) I won't be visiting Russia. Even if they hadn't invaded Ukraine. I hope the US finds some other way to punish Russia and NO MORE AMERICANS visit Russia even for a day. Stay out.
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