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Everything posted by jimmybcool

  1. She will be kicked to the curb the same as Hillary. Politics is "what have you done lately" and she lost the big one so..
  2. I'm not sure how defining he/she as female is arrived at. OK, not fully male. But certainly not fully female either. There are people who do not fit the standard gender model and he/she is one. Bummer for he/she but should not be allowed to compete as female IMO.
  3. My team is 6-3. But I am in trouble in week 12 with almost all my team on bye week. Be honest I obsess more on football NOW than the election. I voted and care just not a lot I can do to change the outcome so why stress and argue with strangers on the internet over the values of the two sides. 😁
  4. But didn't Waltz use being gay as a negative connotation? And isn't the DEM party the side that supposedly endorses the LGBTQ? Hmm. Seems like suppressed or hidden homophobia.
  5. I'd have to go look but I think it is military surplus nato 7.69/.308 ammo for an FN-FAL. Who knows. heck come take it all $20. Per box. Of 20. But that means ALL of it and there is also a lot of .22 ammo around here somewhere. 😃
  6. Totally off topic but I LOVE the Rodin museum. Didn't even know I liked art much until the family visited a few museums and had to drag me out of there.
  7. If you mean the green wooden crate it is Swiss 223/556. I bought it with my AUG. Flawless. If I decide to "downsize" which is a very real possibility in the near future it will be kept as well as the AUG. And the Garand. And the FN-FAL. With enough ammo to fend off a horde of brain eating zombies. Though I think I'd be a disappointing meal for them. BTW that Wolf stuff shoots. No issues in an AR15. Not terribly accurate but it goes bang every time and no jams yet. I'll get back to you on the $20 a box. Seems fair. 🤣
  8. I can't wait for the review of the show "The View". Has to be killer. 🤣
  9. I'm not gonna try and count. I moved a few years back and the movers had me pile the ammo on a pallet. They moved it with a forklift and almost dropped it putting it on the truck. All I could envision was the sight of 1000s of rounds of ammo rolling down the street. Soccer moms would have had fits. 🤣
  10. Ammunition cache? 110 rounds? 🤣😅😂
  11. I have no clue what is Biden's motivation. What is sad is that because of the extreme bias in much of the current media many people actually hold this view. They believe anyone that doesn't vote and believe in lockstep with them is garbage. Note there are some who believe voting for Kamala means you are also garbage. The political divide is terrible and I blame media for failing in it's role to present the news not what we should think, and to hold ALL politicians accountable for their actions and words.
  12. I suspect much of the discord will reduce when this contentious election season ends. I for one refuse to get riled up by those who apparently WANT conflict here. I just ignore it. I'm still rich and incredibly handsome so what does it matter. 🤣
  13. I did. All I saw was a person destroying what look like ballots while saying <deleted> Trump. Where is the part where the GOP makes an accusation? Which news story has Republicans accusing this person of destroying real ballots. It's intentional internet social media crap like this that has accusations. Not rational real life people or that party. Here is a link where it's obvious Republicans and Democrats both know this is a fake video. https://dailyvoice.com/pa/media/fake-video-of-ballots-being-destroyed-in-pa-goes-viral-fbi/
  14. Some folks here aren't reading the whole story. Like skin grafts and weeks in hospital. And multiple people before her also suffering from injury because MCDs was selling this lava in flimsy cups with lids that didn't stay on in a drive-thru window. I agree on the surface it sounds ridiculous to sue over spilling coffee on oneself. But the devil is always in the details.
  15. Yet the reality is it is NOT the Republicans saying this. It is some unknown entity with a created false video showing destruction of ballots specifically for Trump. Both the Republicans and Democrats have jointly announced this was NOT a real video. But of course some will bite and blame the Republicans.
  16. Yup. We got too many lawyers and too many scumbags. But believe it or not the McDonald lawsuit was legit. https://www.enjuris.com/blog/resources/mcdonalds-hot-coffee-lawsuit/
  17. We'll just take a few. Rapist? Stole documents to sell? Come on. If you really believe all that bilge it speaks volumes about your gullibility. I am no "maga Trump fan" but this is just so stupid. Those opposed to him should stick with reality and oppose him for what he did while in office or policies he has endorsed. This kind of stuff lowers the entire political debate to grade school level.
  18. Aww isn't that cute. Someone assembled all the lies spread by the left and made up a "resume". 🤣
  19. That's the problem we Yanks face. We have to choose between a narcissistic bombastic guy who should really talk less but did an OK job as president when he was in office, or an idiot who has never been elected to dog catcher and can't answer a simple question without cackling and showing how stupid she is. Hard to believe our choices boil down to this.
  20. That is a great skit. Watched it several times. I have a buddy who actually killed a hawk perched in a tree. he felt horrible.
  21. My cardiologist is a woman. I think she enjoys watching me suffer on the treadmill during stress testing. I simply can not get my heart rate high enough. Betting I could not satisfy her in bed either. 🤣
  22. I think it's more a factor we haven't had a good woman candidate yet. The bigger problem is how our system selects candidates. The primaries force candidates favor the extremes resulting in Trump or Kamala types instead of more middle of the road types. I don't see it improving any time soon. Sadly Kamala might actually be elected and the first woman president. She will be there solely for her gender and skin tone selected by the DEM party. She never won a single primary back in 2020 and there wasn't one this time as Biden won it and then handed off to her. But the machine has been so effective in demonizing Trump she could win.
  23. I didn't read most of this thread. Just my vote - I have no problem with a woman president. I do not like the two candidates we have had to date (Hillary and Kamala) but that is more to do with their politics and qualities than gender. If for example Condolezza Rice ran I'd be 100% OK with her as president.
  24. Still shielding her. No tough follow up questions. Come on, a black political group isn't going to put her to the test. Get back to me when she sits down with a real journalist that isn't in the bag for her.
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