Utter rubbish, why would Russia want any of the bankrupt European countries if he did he would have invaded years ago, and if NATO thought Europe was under threat it would have gone to war in 2022, Europe has not built its forces up in 3 years as it knows there is no threat , this war is about natural resources that the west wants, and getting Ukraine into NATO, the lives lost do not matter to the defense industry they have made billions out of Ukraine. billions out of Afghanistan, 2 gulf wars Libya, remember global Jihad that was going to destroy the western world, well lucky a few billion was spent on that, and in the last 40 years, has the average person in the west life style improved
And remember the people of western Ukraine are ethnically Russian and speak Russian, it was Zelenskyy who was banning speaking Russian and banning the Russian orthodox church etc etc, anyone with a basic knowledge of world affairs knows that the Russians have been goaded for years over Ukraine, anyway China is the new threat, billions must be spent or we will all be speaking Chinese. don't forget India, print Billions more or else