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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. Pattaya will continue to expand and will continue to improve it`s facilities.

    Tammi you must always remember that Thailand is a developing country and it takes longer time to improve situations here.....................but isn`t that all part of the charm of the place?......that`s why we don`t go to Blackpool....we go to Pattaya. :D

    There are far worse places in the world to be believe me :o

  2. Well tropo after calling me a worry wart for expression my own feelings about walking alone in Pattaya in the lonely hours of the morning I am pleased to see that you held the same opinion as me all along and that infact you DO NOT Walk on the Beach At Night and also you think it`s getting risky anywhere late at night. :o

    I only disagreed with your comment that walking along the beach ANYWHERE in the world at night is dangerous. I sited my home country as an example of where beach walking can be quite safe and enjoyable at 5 am, and particularly in summer when the sun is rising over the ocean. In the Philippines there are also many beaches where I often walked at night in complete safety.

    I do not consider Jomtien and Pattaya safe beaches late at night. I read of muggings almost daily along these stretches of beach and would not be interested in fighting off a gang, or people with knives and perhaps guns.

    Ducking and Diving..........I suppose that becomes the norm when you are in the ring 5 times a week.

  3. Lets hope TROPO reads this one :o

    He'll probably sneek in later and drop one of his pearls of wisdom on us. :D

    After reading about too many shooting here and realizing how trigger happy the Thai thugs can be, it's getting risky anywhere late at night. I never walk on the beach at night....as Jack said in another insightful reply somewhere else recently, they didn't put any signs up saying I'm allowed to walk there.

    Well tropo after calling me a worry wart for expression my own feelings about walking alone in Pattaya in the lonely hours of the morning I am pleased to see that you held the same opinion as me all along and that infact you DO NOT Walk on the Beach At Night and also you think it`s getting risky anywhere late at night. :D

  4. the "Land Of Smiles" that has to be the joke of the decade.

    I expected more smiles when I first came to Thailand. When I mention this, most members think it's me and my own attitude at fault. It would seem that I'm not the only one noticing it.

    tropo are you saying that you have also noticed that your attitude is at fault and you are not the only one to have noticed it??

  5. There are two sides to every story.

    Lots of my customers throw the merchandise in the air and play catch with it while walking around the store and then leave without buying it.

    The ones that drop it consider it to just an operating cost and would be horrified if I asked them to pay for it. :D

    Are you going to get a knuckle-duster?

    Being a bit old and feeble myself, I prefer to rely on a sawed-off shotgun. :D

    Please post the details on the board where your shop premises are thus ensuring that would be customers are tooled up properly before attempting to handle your goods :o

  6. Building runways over snake swamps was not a good idea unless the area was properly drained beforehand and enough underpinning of the tarmac runway was put in place.

    Then the area should have been provided with a proper outlet for the deluge of rain water falling to be able to run away. If the water is still running under the runways trying to find a way out then they will crack.

    The snakes must be curling up with laughter :o

  7. im sure it was overpriced (what isnt in walking street)but if you break something , surely you should pay. if you broke things in a china shop that you were handling you would expect to pay.

    Actually in the Uk if you go into a shop and you handle merchandise which is on display and is there for you to pick up you are not liable in law to pay for accidental breakages.

    Even if there are signs up saying that you are liable for any breakages the fact that they are on open display for you to handle removes responsibility from the person who broke it.

  8. QUOTE: Lets hope TROPO reads this one!

    I was just thinking the same. The facts are, that Pattaya/Jomtien beach, are out of bounds for a stroll at night. Sad but true. All the statistics in the world won't convince me that I'm paranoid.

    The only safe stroll, would be with a group of ten-plus sober martial artists, with an assortment of weaponry.

    Well said libya......it`s good that people with experience of the happenings about Pattaya`s beaches are able to warn others of the dangers and thus possibly prevent further injuries or even deaths. :o

  9. Source: Pattaya People

    Dongtan Police on 22nd January at fifteen past midnight was informed that a foreign couple was attacked and robbed on Jomtien beach and were waiting for police assistance.

    On arrival in front of Jomtien Boat House, the police met the victims, Mr. Riaz Khan, aged 36, an Indian national, and Miss Mitae Terasawa, aged 37, a Japanese national, who are husband and wife.

    They told the police that they reside in South Pattaya and earlier at 9 pm, they came to Jomtien to eat and at the time of the incident they were walking on the beach enjoying the view.

    Three men approached them in a dark spot of the beach and asked Mr. Khan who was smoking, for a light. When he was handing his lighter to them, one of the men grabbed him from behind and the other 2 starting beating him. They then snatched Miss Terasawa’s handbag and fled by running back to the main road.

    The handbag contained a lot of valuables; 1,500 – 1,600 Dollars, 4,000 Baht, 30,000 Yen, a gold necklace and gold ring, a Fuji digital camera, a Sony IPod, a mobile phone, their ATMs and ID.

    The police stated that the men must be from a local gang in that area. This time they have changed their tactics and robbed on the beach instead of the roads since there is less light and the victims won’t be able to recognize them as easily.

    The police are after them and hopefully they will be arrested soon.

    Lets hope TROPO reads this one :o

  10. As the subject of low level drug dealers has been brought up I am pleased to post this information from Pattaya People Newspaper:-


    Since the Police have received a lot of complaints from tourists and residents of Pattaya that Yaba dealers and Addicts seem to crowd around Jomtien beach-especially at the entrance to White House Hotel, they went out to investigate.

    At twent past midnight on the 13th January, the Police spotted a suspicious man walking around the mentioned area. The suspect Sirichai, aged 22, was searched and Police found 10 Yaba tablets packed in a plastic bag in his jeans. He was taken to Dongtan sub-station for questioning and he confessed to dealing Yaba. On that day he was supposed to deliver the amount to a friend in that soi when he was captured by the Police.

    Sirichai stated that he was released from prison a month ago and decided to stop getting involved with drugs. However when he came out, he found that his friends were still addicted and dealing in Yaba and making a lot of money. So his thoughts turned to quitting at the age of 25 instead.

    This is already his FOURTH arrest and he says that he will definitely quit when he is released this time.

    Sirichai was charged with possessing illegal drugs class 1(Yaba) and will be sent to prison for way past his 25th birthday resolution.

  11. A little research usually finds the answers about the risks in an area....and pretty easy to do with the net these days :D

    Research on the Internet reveals opinions of risks in an area, not fact. If people were to follow your suggestions on here, no one would walk on a beach anywhere on the planet at any time of the night. Following the same line of reasoning, you wouldn't fly or drive a car either as people have been known to be killed in these. I'm sure you wouldn't swim on Pattaya beach either due to your opinions on the water quality...some people are just worry warts and you definitely come across as one.

    You have totally misquoted what I said tropo....please read what I said.

    ..and for your information.......I have flown to Thailand 49 times as well as many places elsewhere in the world.........been going to Pattaya for over 25 years...and lived there previously for 5 years........

    I drive a Z4 3.0 litre sports car......

    ...and as far as a worry wart is concerned.....just look at your avatar :o ......that says it all :D

    Yes tropo some of us who have lived can make statements from experience.

    ....and No!....I would not swim in the sea on Pattaya Beach for 2 reasons....the water quality and the idiots on the jet skis. :D

  12. What an absolute load of old cobblers! :o tropo you seem to have things the wrong way round old son.

    Keep on adding and editing. You've got it wrong, but I'm not surprised reading half of your <deleted>.

    You know tropo you should be able to handle criticism...... It`s a sign of maturity you know.

    Then grow up. Telling someone what they wrote is "cobblers" is not critisizm, it's flame.

    If you want to flame me, then stand by for some return flame.

    Flaming who me? Ha Ha merely trying to point out that what you said was a load of old cobblers :D

  13. What an absolute load of old cobblers! :o tropo you seem to have things the wrong way round old son.

    Keep on adding and editing. You've got it wrong, but I'm not surprised reading half of your <deleted>.

    You know tropo you should be able to handle criticism...... It`s a sign of maturity you know.

  14. The working girls of Pattaya seem to target Pakis, Indians and Arabs for these kinds of drug/robbings more so than Farangs.

    Please help me out here. I was under the impression that FARANG = FOREIGNER, and that Pakistan, India and Arab countries were not part of Thailand.

    Farang relates to only certain nationalities that are not of Thai origin.

  15. Drug raids make crime worse and worsen the lives of drug users.

    Drug raids make crime worse?, I think drug raids actually disrupt the cycle of drug related crime, in cases where large groups of dealers and addicts are arrested and put away it can decrease crime significantly in an area, I think you'd find it hard to disagree with that.

    Drug raids worsen the lives of drug users?, well I don't think they're supposed to help them. :D

    Drug users are not the criminals here, they are the victims. Drug raids worsen their lives and intensify their suffering by increasing the street price. I already explained to you that increasing the risk of selling drugs makes them much more expensive and this makes the business as a whole far more lucrative and appealing for drug producers and wholesalers.

    What an absolute load of old cobblers! :o tropo you seem to have things the wrong way round old son.

  16. Only carry as much as you are going to need....it may be 1000baht or more and it could be less. It obviously depends on what you are going to do and where you are going to go.

    If you are going out for a skinful it would be foolish to carry thousands and thousands.

    If you need to buy something for cash only take as much as is necessary in order to do your business.

    Never put a wallet or money in your back pocket. Try to wear clothing such as trousers or shorts which have a pocket at the front which can be fastened. Keep your small change separately such as coins for taxis etc.

    Put your notes in order of denomination value i.e. smaller notes to the outside and larger notes to the bottom of your wad. Then the smaller notes are easily accessible by you without having to rummage through and disturb the larger notes. :o

  17. I have now set up a new poll on the Chiang Mai forum asking the fine people of Chiang Mai whether they are happy or not that they are now offered the free choice of using Bangkok style taxi meters in their city.

    80 percent want taxi meters in Pattaya.

    Thats a pretty impressive majority, folks, don't you agree?

    If Chiang Mai can do it, why can't Pattaya?????


    To the naysayers that have maybe been in Thailand too long ... it ain't rocket science, it ain't brain surgery, its just taxis, cars with meters.

    By taxi

    Chiang Mai has finally introduced Bangkok-style metered taxis. In early 2005 there were only 15 plying the streets (versus 2700 songthaews), but one year later there were over 45, with the number growing monthly. Rates are very reasonable at 30 baht for the first 2 km and 4 baht/km after that. Dial +66 53-279291 for advance bookings, which are particularly useful when going to the airport (100 baht flat fare).

    So so far 41 people have voted for the taxi meter....come on be real...there are thousands of locals as well as foreign residents and thousands of tourists who use the baht busses and are very happy with them.

    Your tiny poll of people from TV will not influence anything with regard to the transport system in Pattaya.

    There are more people to consider then the few who have voted in your poll and that aint rocket science either. :o

  18. Well I certainly have not seen any tourist posters which say it`s OK to walk on the Beach at 5.00a.m...........I would not walk anywhere alone at 5.00a.m unless absolutely necessary whether it be in Thailand or any other country.........common sense again........ :D

    This may come as a surprise to you, but in Australia I've never been concerned about taking a lone 5.00 am strolls. Best time of the day! Sure, shit happens in every country, but where I come from the risk is very low.

    Most tourists who come to Thailand think it is a very safe country. I did too when I first arrived here. They just don't expect to get assaulted while strolling on the beach.

    A little research usually finds the answers about the risks in an area....and pretty easy to do with the net these days :o

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