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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. i cant believe big al is taking stick over the quality of his food , have any of you tried what is passed off as mexican food in the likes of tequila reef or mikes mexican in pattaya. if you slagged them off , id join in with you and quite rightly so . they are about as mexican as bruce lee.

    i eat at big als stall in soi chayippon fairly regularly, and ive never been disappointed , its certainly the closest to authentic mexican food ive tasted anywhere in thailand.

    i normally have nacho grande and a giant taco , i ask for the spicy salsa and sour cream as extras with each dish , delicious. only one thing missing , guacamole , but delicious just the same.

    this guy is delivering from a small stall what several fully equipped restaurants cant.

    keep it up big al , i reckon somebody on this thread has got it in for you mate.

    Totally agree.

    Welcome to real forum Mulphy.


    hi dave , thanks for the welcome.

    as you will know i have been banned from posting on the shhhhhhhh forum , because the boss man thinks ive benefited too much from free advertising .

    snivelling little ######.

    never mind dave , as you know a good run place and good quality always floats to the top , lets see how long schhhhhhhh are open for.

    i dont think it will be counted in years , i hear there is severe money troubles there. but of course i only have it second hand. so we will need to wait and see .

    what a sad loss that would be for pattayas nightlife...........not.

    and to get back on track , big als is the best mexican food anywhere in thailand so far ,and i love my mexican food ,and i am always trying to find quality , if anybody knows of better , i want to eat there , so please tell me.

    welcome to the forum mulphy I am another fan of Big Als food :o

  2. It would be nice if you identified where "Tipp Plaza" is... haven't a clue...

    It`s between Soi 10 and Soi 11 Beach Road Patters.

    If you are walking down Beach Road it`s on the left next to 7/11 just before Mikes Shopping Mall :o

  3. I would like to be able to trust that voting at condo AGM is done correctly with no funny bsuiness. Anybody know how to ensure the integrity of the vote for the new Management Committee?

    Well the safest would be one voting paper for each eligible voter which would be placed in a sealed ballot box and opened in the presence of eligible voters and not just the management committee.

    If they go for the hand vote watch out for the voters who do not have a hand behind their back.

  4. One reason why I don`t like Tuk-Tuks is the safety aspect or should I say the lack of it. You are sat in a cramped space and in a major accident would have little chance of escaping without injury or worse.

    Some of the tuk-tuks are so small.............and seem to be getting even smaller as I observed when I recently visited Phuket and therefore trying to get out of the vehicle after an accident could be very difficult.

    RIP to the deceased.

  5. SOURCE: Pattaya People: February 14th 2007

    Spurned Drunk Attempts to Burn Himself.

    On the 14th of February at 2.30am Miss Chotiga Posod, aged 32, a staff member at 7-Eleven store on Thepprasit Road called Pattaya Police Station saying that her former boyfriend wanted to revive their relationship which she declined. Her refusal made the man crazy and he began pouring Benzene (gasoline) over his body and threatened that he would burn himself.

    Police rushed to the scene to find a very drunk Montree Kotchasenee, aged 39, standing and screaming in front of the cashier counter. His clothes had indeed been soaked with gasoline.

    Miss Chotiga and friends were standing outside the store attempting to calm and stop him.

    Police cleared the people from the area and began to negotiate with him and eventually he calmed down and was booked.

    Police found a bucket full of gasoline in a nearby garbage bin..

    Miss Chotiga told Police that she had lived with Montree for 16 years and having 2 children by him. His drinking habits always caused arguments and fighting. She decided to separate one year ago but during that period Montree attempted to reverse their relationship and even though he promised not to hurt her anymore, she still refused.

    Montree was taken into custody to calm down and later charged with causing a nuisance in public.

    He should count his blessings...........some ex-girlfriends would have thrown him a box of matches :o

  6. Bought a sub from Subway on Sukhumvit near Soi 4 yesterday and the guy in front of me was creating a fuss. The sign on the cash register read, "if you do not receive a receipt we will give you 100 baht immediately". Well he didn't get a receipt and he didn't get 100 baht and his friend pulled him out of the store convincing him not to make a fuss. When it came to my turn I also asked for 100 baht since I hadn't been given a receipt and the reply came back, "computer broken, no receipt". I stood there and demanded a receipt and the girl behind the counter reluctantly convinced the broken computer to produce one - but she clearly wasn't happy about doing so. Methinks all is not well at Subway these days!

    Some of these staff must be earning a fortune compared to other Thai people.

    They seem to have created an illegal business within a legitimate business.........I`ll bet they never resign and only leave when they get fired. :o

  7. :o

    as a follow up, i callied the numbers that were given to me but no one spoke english at two numbers and no one answered the third, decide to follow-up on the tourist police and go to the police station on soi 9, they said they don't get involved in disputes concerning fares and that i should call the cooperative, i told that i did that but no one speaks english according to the lady who answered the phone at the cooperative.

    the police man started to laugh realizing the problem i was facing he then said he would send two (yes two) policemen to help with the language issue, the cooperative is near soi 16 in nacklau if anyone needs to file a complaint, when i got there the police were already there, we went in and the police described my problem to three of the eight people working the office, as it turned out three of the people spoke decent english and i was able to communicate with them with no problems, i told the police they could leave as they had more pressing issues.

    the driver in question was called in and it took him 40 minutes to get back to the cooperative, once there, he was sat down in a chair and for the next five minutes each of the cooperative people asked him question after question, the poor guy wasn't really a jerk he actually seemed to be an alright guy but it was his wife who ripped off my buddy and me for 20 baht and i wasn't going to let the big mouth get away from it.

    afer the questioning they went to this board that showed the fines that drivers pay for thing like not having your their picture posted (200 baht) and over charging farangs (200-500), the cooperative told me that since he was new at the job and it was really his wife that created the stir he would only get the 200 baht fine, i said fine everyone at the cooperative shook my hand and the manager told me not to hesitate to notify him should a similar incident happen again.

    when all was done and said i felt sorry for the driver he was a real qiute type guy who had the misfortune to be married to a greedy big mouth women, the complaint system is not good here most tourist would never give up three hour of there vacation to settle a 20 baht dispute but there was a princepal here and having time on my hand i decided to go for it, any way hope this information is helpful to some of you, thanks again jingthing


    Thank you jasper for sharing your experience with us, which has demonstrated that your complaint was handled in a civilised and friendly manner with a satisfactory conclusion.

    The hype that has been caused in this thread by certain members who call the drivers Mafia and scum has truly been aired in your postings with this personal experience and involvement in a real life situation and is good evidence that the word Mafia is a totally incorrect name for this co-operative.

    I must say I do feel a little sorry for the male driver and I`ll bet his wife got a lecture when he returned home.

  8. Reservoirs a must for developers

    Move to solve dry season shortages

    New real estate projects in the resort city of Pattaya will be required to have their own water reservoirs to solve shortages during the dry season, according to Chon Buri governor Pracha Terat. He said provincial authorities would issue an announcement in the next few months requiring developers seeking construction permits to include details of plans for water reservoirs on their sites.

    "The water shortage is a big problem in Pattaya that may retard the full development of Pattaya. This problem is more severe than any government policies that are currently a concern among foreigners because water is a necessity in any community," he said. Mr Pracha urged not only real estate developers but also Pattaya residents to manage their water supplies better, especially storing rain during the six-month rainy season to use in the dry season.

    More from the Bangkok Post here.

    This has to be the "Pass the Buck" piece of the year so far. Is this 2007? I sometimes wonder.

    A perfect example of fobbing off government and local authority responsibility to the private sector with a stupid not thought through idea.

    We were recently told that all the water shortages were a thing of the past and that there would be plenty of water for everybody.

    So what does Mr Pracha suggest? 2 0r maybe 3 metre wide reservoirs between the entrance and the bike sheds of the buildings which could double up as duck ponds in the rainy season?

    Where will this end? Let me tell you............when there is a water shortage in the future due to lack of proper water management by the government they will just blame the developers for their inaction instead of investing in what is an absolute essential service.

  9. Well for what it`s worth my personal opinion is that this thread has become a little silly and people are now looking for plots which do not exist.

    One person has come to the defence of the landlord having leased a property from him before....and another member has tried to weigh up both sides of the argument.

    At the end of the day we could go on forever scrutinising every scrap of information which a person says about himself, but I for one will not be adding further to this topic

  10. In my experience most leases are heavily weighed in favour of the lessor as most seem to have a `belt and bracers`attitude to leases with little or no leeway for the lessee.

    You will also find on occasions strange and unusual clauses which have been built into leases by the lessor usually because they have experienced bad situations caused by lessees in the past.

    At the end of the day the lessor has to protect his property and his income.

    The best way for the lessee to protect himself is to pay as little in deposit as possible after all once the lessor has the money then the lessee can become exposed if there are problems with the property or if it is sold whilst the lessee is still in occupation.

    A landlord wants to be paid the rent and have good tenants who do not cause any undue problems and the tenant wants a trouble free lease period.

    If you are unable to understand the `jargon` of the lease and you still want to lease the property then a reputable lawer who deals with leases will go through it with you.

    If you feel uncomfortable for any reason about taking on a lease then don`t do it

  11. Sorry guys, I am getting ready to close this thread .

    OK ????

    Ah! it looks as though we may never know if the OP got his free sandwich..........or if the male employee has been relegated to water duties only............or if indeed Jeffrey Archer has contemplated this as a basis for a new world busting novel..........or if the sign has been mysteriously removed :o

  12. What that employee did was wrong. I cannot believe the posters who support him and say the OP should mind his own business. However on pointing this thread out to my wife she is in full agreement that it had nothing to do with the OP and he deserved the punch or more! She insists that you should never critisize a Thai person and people who do are going to get hurt!

    This attitude has caused huge arguments between us over the years. She cannot understand that saying one Thai person is bad is not saying that ALL Thai people AND the country is bad.

    There is another side to this problem though. I own a business here and every day I check the item sales. If this had been going on for some time there should be thousands of bottles of water sold. If it has not been sold but billed as sold then where is it all being stored! and where has all the bread rolls gone to? This scam is far too easy to spot by anyone with any sort of business sense. What is much more likely is that it is a Tax scam. The owner is well aware that his sales are much higher than the till reports but he pays tax on the sales put through the till.

    In the bar industry if the tax office feel that this sort of fiddle is going on they descend on your bar and take all your beer purchase receipts and then work out your tax from them, instead of what you say you sell. In this case when the tax office see a Subway Outlet selling nothing but water they will probably do a tax audit on the amount of bread bought! (That's presuming the business is Farang owned. If it was Thai owned they probably would do nothing!! -- Just my opinion there)


    I can see where you are coming from...............but would the owner have put a sign on the counter asking people to telephone a number if they noticed a discrepency between items purchased and the till receipt?

    I also wondered if the wrong receipts were only issued to farang because the likelyhood of them complaining is probably remote.

    If the management were involved why did the male member of staff become so irate when the OP began noting the telephone number down?

    It would also be quite easy for the staff to dispose of the bottled water not used and replace the bread rolls with their own.

  13. Normally, the responsibility for managing staff does not fall on the patrons.

    No but when the member of staff is a thug who attacks the patron then the managing staff need to hear about it :o

    The determination of whether or not an employee of a business is a thug, normally is not the responsibility of the patrons. I have to be an idiot to keep responding to this post. All businesses must be managed.

    If you take the time and trouble to read this thread you will see that the employee in this case tried to hit the patron (customer) thus becoming a thug.....have you got it yet?

    .........and yes when the manager/owner is informed he will be able to manage this part of his business by hopefully sacking this thug. Yes of course all businesses have to be managed ........I know I run two myself.

    ..........and as far as calling yourself an idiot well that`s up to you.

  14. Whats Billy tea?

    Tea made in a billy can by a bushy.

    Very fierce competition between one bushy and another who can make the best tea.

    It`s a bit like some mamby pamby tea in the Uk where the tea bag is dipped into the cup.

    Or a real tea drinker`s strong cuppa such as Yorkshire Tea.

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