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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. I do realize there is alot of passion about this subject, but remember we did a poll on this topic, got lots of votes, and most people do indeed want the CHOICE of taxi meters in Pattaya. Of course, the devil is in the details. Would they have Bangkok style meters, would they turn them on, would the taxis also be corrupt and owned by the baht bus mafia company, would they serve the areas where they are needed the most, outside the main baht bus routes?

    Difficult problems, no doubt. But I don't understand the reaction, oh, forget it, God ordained baht buses only in Pattaya.

    Regarding the concern about increased traffic with taxi meters in Pattaya, I do think that is short sighted. Look at New York City. Jam packed with taxis, yes. Now imagine how much MORE jam packed it would be if everyone who uses the taxis everyday had to run a car. You see, in Pattaya, the transport system is so crummy that it forces way more people to own a car or moto than actually want to. Better options, you would see a reduction in the rate of vehicle ownership.

    FYI: The poll results. Over EIGHTY PERCENT want taxi meters in Pattaya. That is no grey area. People want them:


    Rather misquoting that poll aren't you? (strangely to support your idea ......)

    The Poll was simple ... the question was "should metered taxis be allowed in Pattaya?"

    Nowhere was it .. do you want them etc etc etc

    Your miniscule nit acknowledged, ye passionate advocate against choice, Sir!

    I now expect your rebuttal that it was not a miniscule nit. Look, the dark forces of the baht bus mafia totally rule and that clearly isn't going to change anytime soon. Why rub it in? You win. Enjoy.

    Dark Forces :o ..........the FACTS as I have previously listed speak for themselves :D

  2. Ladies and Gents - please list suggestions to favourite spots in Patters that would be ideal for a TV pissup...

    Blues Factory



    hanover inn

    Thanks for the input....our potential venue list is blank at the moment.

    If you have any further details about The Hanover Inn, please post them and the approximate location.

    I'm sure there will be a stream of "volunteers" eager to recon the venue :o

    Anyone else with any insight for this site?

    Moon River pub North Road

    Pig & Whistle Soi 7

    Sportsman Inn soi 13.

  3. SOURCE: Pattaya City News: February 8th 2007

    Female Capsule exporter found dead beside the Chonburi to Bangkok Motorway.

    A disturbing story now from our broadcast colleagues in Chonburi District, 60kms outside of Pattaya. Early on Thursday Morning, passers-by spotted the decomposed body of a female hidden in undergrowth beside the Chonburi-Bangkok motorway.

    Police Lieutenant Colonel Natawoot from Chonburi Police Station arrived at the scene and inspected the naked body of Khun Noosara aged 32. There were three visible injuries which included a gun shot wound under her left rib area, a knife wound to the stomach and her throat had been slashed.

    Police estimated the body had remained undiscovered for at least 3 days. Khun Noosara is an exporter of medicinal capsules which she sells around the world. There have previously been two unsuccessful attempts at her life, thought to be related to her business, which are currently being investigated by Police.

    In both cases, the same suspect is being sought and it is thought that the same person committed this murder.

    Looks as though the boys in brown know who the killer is but were not quick enough to catch him/her in time. Very sad........and much more to this than meets the eye methinks.

  4. SOURCE: Pattaya City News: February 8th 2007

    71 year old Grandmother involved in suspicious apparent suicide.

    At 9am on Thursday Morning, Police Sub-Lieutenant Naroopon from Banglamung Police Station was called to a small house in Nong Pla Lai Sub-District after receiving a report of a 71 Year Old Woman who had apparently hung herself inside her home.

    Police arrived and inspected the body of Khun Riam. It appeared that she had hung herself using a piece of rope thrown over a wooden room partition. Her family discovered the body when they woke up and were all in a state of shock when Police arrived. Khun Benjaporn, the Daughter-in-Law of the deceased explained that Khun Riam was seen arguing with her Son, the night before.

    She was unaware of why the argument was taking place but assumes this was the cause of this apparent suicide. Police have not ruled out foul-play in this case and are awaiting the results of a post mortem examination before they proceed further with the case.

    To reach the age of 71 and die by hanging is a terrible event.....may she rest in peace.

  5. I am amazed that people want to fly with BA these days when there are so many alternative airlines which provide a better and more friendly service.

    The continual threat of strikes must surely put many people off.

    The chairman has probably just seen Ryan Air`s latest set of profit figures and decided to jump on the band waggon. Unfortunately he hasn`t realised that Ryan Air can get away with charging for baggage because their flight prices are so cheap compared to the BA exorbitant fares which we usually see.

    Another self inflicted bullet in the foot for BA.

  6. I used to use the baht buses quite a bit, along with moto-taxis (yeah, a bit of a death-wish I guess). Even now that I have my own moto (little 200cc Phantom), I still use the buses and moto-taxis on occasion.

    I let the g/f make the arrangements (when "chartering" a b/:o and let her pay (with my money of course). Never had a problem with irate drivers, even had drivers help me carry furniture and mattresses up to my apartment.

    When the public buses started out, they were more or less doomed from the beginning, even without the interference from the Baht Bus mafia. Charging 30 baht for a single trip (no transfers), or 90 baht for an all day ticket ? Only the uninitiated, first time tourists would go for that.

    It would be nice to have a wider service area, but it doesn't appear that there is enough traffic (fare-wise) to justify it. Most of the money is down-town. If there was a huge demand for baht buses in other areas, you can bet they would be there. What driver wants to drive circles around Thepprasit road for 5-10 fares a night, when he might be able to score 40-50 fares along the #2 Road/Beach Road circuit instead ?

    I took the g/f and one of her friends to dinner in Jomtien a short while ago. She negotiated a fare of 120 baht from South Pattaya to Jomtien. On the way back I think we had to wait a grand total of 3 minutes before being able to flag down a return trip (which ended up costing a total of 60 baht I think). Quick, simple, easy, cheap.

    Last week I had to take a metered taxi from the Dubai airport to my hotel. Meter started at 20 Dirhams. The trip itself cost another 12. Just getting into the taxi was almost twice as expensive as the trip itself ! I've mentioned in other threads about metered taxis in places like Canada, where it costs 4-5 dollars the second you close the door, let alone the cost of actually getting to where you are going.

    Whenever I read these baht bus threads, I get the distinct impression that there are a lot of people living in Pattaya on a wing and a prayer. I.E., they are scrapping loose 1 baht coins together to see if they will be able to eat that day. I've heard people crying when the baht has risen (against the UK pound for example) by just a couple baht per pound. Sounded like the world was coming to an end.

    If you are living on that slim of a margin, where paying an extra 5 baht for a ride that may be 3-4 kilometers in length is causing you great concern, then you could be in a world of hurt if the baht ever does surge in value.

    And for those that disagree with the "double standard" policy, look a little closer at your home county. You don't think there are double standards there ? Take Canada for example, where a 1 year university course may cost a Canadian $4,000, for a non-Canadian it could be up to 4 times that much.

    Same thing happens in the States. No doubt it happens in other places as well, though it may not be a visible as it is in Thailand.

    Good post Kerryd..........talking common sense as opposed to the kind of hype we hear from presidential pen pushers who jump on the band waggon and try to Spin and buldoze their way into changing things when the facts are plain to see and completely ignored during a debate.

    1. The baht bus system and their drivers provide a superb service to thousands of people both Thai and foreign tourists and residents.

    2. The service which they provide is very cheap compared to what other proposed services would cost.

    3. The baht bus does cater for people living outside the centre of Pattaya and actually covers quite a large area.

    4.There are countless taxi services available in Pattaya should someone not wish to travel by baht bus or prefer the comfort of an air conditioned car....telephone numbers are available.

    5. By introducing more vehicles i.e. metered taxis to Pattaya`s traffic system then more congestion and air pollution would ensue.

    6. The waiting time for a baht bus is in many cases seconds or at the most a few minutes during many hours of the day and night.

    7. There will always be exceptions to any rule and any transport system, but the facts are plain to see:- the baht bus system WORKS..........the staff who operate them on the whole are just ordinary workers trying to earn a living. There are as previously mentioned other facilities already available should people not wish to use a baht bus.

    Many people go to Pattaya and reside in Pattaya because it is NOT like the USA. :D


  7. From the sign displayed in the shop it seems quite obvious that the owner or manager was aware that some underhanded practice was in operation.

    Well done to the OP for following up on this and not just ignoring the issue as it would seem that some members would have done.

    When you have invested in business you have to depend upon staff to be honest and reliable and I would think that the person who has invested in this operation will be pleased to be able to pinpoint the member of staff who has defrauded the business and send him on his way.

  8. As I said 60-20-20, unless the Thai creative thinking thread involves starting thread like this to get ideas from other parts of the world if this will work or not. I am beginning to see unless some details are given by the Thais in the initial announcement, chances are there is little or no substance other than just the first step that is to say they are going to do something but have not a clue as how to execute it.

    The way to do it would be to form a department which would deal with the record checking and whose personell would liase with similar departments in other countries. They would create a reciprocal arrangement programme and store and pass information. The data protection laws of various countries may have to be adjusted to facilitate this.

    People applying for teaching jobs would not be granted work permits until background checks and qualification checks were complete.

  9. If a crackdown means a thorough background check by the authorities of people wishing to teach children or who are currently teaching children both from the criminal record departments in the Teacher`s own country of birth and the country from which the teacher has come from then this is a good thing in my opinion.

    The onus of checking teaching qualifications should lie with both the authorities and the School who is employing or about to employ the individual

    Children have to be protected from the few who would abuse them and in order to do this all must be checked.

    In the Uk it is now standard practice that any person who is going to teach or in any way be involved with children in a working or advisory role are automatically checked.

  10. SOURCE: Pattaya People: February 7th 2007

    Fire at Second Road Arcade

    On the 6th of February at 4pm an Advertising signboard caught fire at the Central Shopping Arcade opposite Mike Shopping Mall on Pattaya 2nd Road creating a huge traffic jam from the South Pattaya to Central Pattaya intersections.

    A witness told that the fire started when a power wire scratched the signboard belonging to the Big Horn Steak House located in Soi Diana Inn. The heavy rain at the time caused a short circuit and fire. The wire tore and fell down onto a public phone booth and motorbikes which also caught fire and the leaking gasoline caused even more havoc.

    Pattaya Fire Brigade attempted to rush to the scene but it took so long to get to the fire because of the traffic jam. Eventually they got the blaze under control. Another witness stated that sounds of short circuiting were heard many times but nobody paid any attention and no official department came to resolve this problem until the fire took place.

    .........Rumour has it that The Big Horn were only serving Well Done Steaks for the rest of the day :o

  11. I see that Kerryk mentioned Vietnam. I wrote and published a story about Vietnam called "In Search of Fear" (Google In Search of Fear (The Fear Fix)) for which I won a writer's prize....blah blah blah. Anyway seems that KerryK adjusted his "Search of Fear or FearFix". If you ask around you will find many Vets that actually seek the thrill of danger, failing in business or some other undertaking, subsituting that for the fear they learned over there. Sounds weird but, very true for many that I know or knew. Wonder if he has one of the below. That would explain the story.


    I guess you have a point. There a lot of men living in Pattaya that are or were involved in high risk professions. There is only one Veterans of Foreign Wars chapter in Thailand and it is in Pattaya.

    Before I went to Vietnam I raced sports cars, motorcycles and unlimited hydroplanes.

    Officers tours were 6 months and enlisted soldiers 12 months. I was a sergeant and served two tours. I volunteered for the second tour not because I was brave or foolhardy but because I did not like the stateside army. Too many rules and regulations that did not exist in a war zone. I was in Vietnam from 1968 to 1970. Those years saw the highest casualties of the entire war. My unit had the third highest causality rate in the history of the US Army. By far the two most dangerous things I have done in my life is being shot down in a helicopter and taking a motor sci piloted by a yaba crazed teen driver in a rain storm through grid locked traffic in Bangkok at 60 MPH.

    I was petrified the first two weeks in Vietnam. The next six weeks I calmed down and was just very frightened.

    In the States I lived in a wealthy primarily retirement community. I would watch the old guys search the beach for shells and the town for early bird dinner specials.

    I knew it was not for me.

    After Vietnam I got married and had children and calmed down. I still kept a 750cc motorcycle and did a little amateur sailboat and ski racing but I was no longer interested in high risk things.

    Pattaya is, I must admit, a rush. During the last month an elephant charged a bar that I was in, two motorcycles crashed into the tables of the same bar and there was a fight that sent one guy to the hospital.

    Getting drugged and mugged really scared the heck out me. And I have resolved to try and change some of my behavior and keep myself out of situations where I might easily be killed.

    Things have calmed down at home. I no longer question her about where she is going or what time she is coming home. I assume the worst and leave it at that.

    I have started bring old friends and their wives into the club to watch her dance and she likes that. She was missing our acquaintances in her new surroundings. And she likes showing off what a good dancer she is.

    I also think this somehow gives her status among the other dancers because so many people come to watch her.


  12. jingthing - perhaps a poll should be made again? This time ask if anyone thinks a regular taxi service will be in Pattaya anytime soon. :o

    ........and the 2nd question could be:-......... Will it be more expensive than the baht bus? :D

  13. SOURCE: Pattaya People: February 6th 2007

    Farang Threatened Via Mobile Phone

    On the 5th of February at 6.30pm, Mr. Terence Royston went to Pattaya

    Police station Royston went to Pattaya Police station and filed a complaint that he was disturbed by an unknown person who was constantly phoning and not speaking when he answered.

    This incident took place many times but not only phone calls; there were also lots of frightening death threat text messages sent to Mr. Royston. Is this the work of a prankster or something more sinister?

    Mr. Royston told police that he works as a contractor, both in and out Thailand and on the 7th of February he will provide some Thai labourers to go work in Mongolia.

    Police investigation continues.

    Maybe Kun Royston has read all the threads on TV about the mafia of many nations in Pattaya and he was worried as he not sure he has come to agreement with the right people. :o

    Or he has read the Attacked with a Cleaver thread. :D

    Surely if he had read that thread he would have taken all of his workers to the club to watch his wife belly dancing :D

  14. What a terrible experience for her.

    Again this area around soi 16 Naklua can be very dangerous during the hours of darkness.

    If he was a moto taxi driver then hopefully he soon should be caught...........but he could easily have been an imposter just waiting for his next victim.

    Anyone staying in this area or visiting including soi Wongamat needs to be extremely careful and wary of motor cycle riders.

  15. Foxy, talk about beating a DEAD FOX!

    Of course, the baht bus is here to stay. Why are so you adamant in your support of stopping any other CHOICES? Sounds like it is you with the baht bus fetish.

    Hi jingthing..........alive and kicking :o

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